getting inside your head



Takes all the fun out of a good torture session.

New technology to show dreams on screen

Press TV
Thursday, Dec 11, 2008

A Japanese research team has invented a technology that if completed could display people’s thoughts and dreams on a computer screen.

Researchers at the ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories say they have succeeded in processing and displaying images directly from the human brain that may open the door to unexplored dimensions of the brain and shed light on the function of dreams in the human psyche.

The study is still in its primitive stages and so far the images that the team has managed to pick up from electrical signals of the brain are still very simple. The research team, however, hopes to eventually use the technology to figure out dreams and visualize what people imagine in their minds.

When people look at an object, the eye’s retina recognizes an image that is converted into electrical signals which go into the brain’s visual cortex.

The team, led by chief researcher Yukiyasu Kamitani, succeeded in catching these signals and then reconstructing what people see on screen.

In their experiment, the researchers showed people the six letters in the word “neuron” and then succeeded in reconstructing the letters on a computer screen by measuring their brain activity.

The team said that it first figured out people’s individual brain patterns by showing them some 400 different still images.
It appears that these impressions are made during the stimulus, or initial encoding phase. I don't know if thoughts and dreams, though both can have visual components, actually involve the visual cortex. It's been far too many years since I studied that; possibly my husband has some material on it, though. Most stored memory, including visual memory, involves networks of neurons that are distant from the sites where they are first detected and then encoded.

This looks like just another big splash that will end up going nowhere.
It appears that these impressions are made during the stimulus, or initial encoding phase. I don't know if thoughts and dreams, though both can have visual components, actually involve the visual cortex. It's been far too many years since I studied that; possibly my husband has some material on it, though. Most stored memory, including visual memory, involves networks of neurons that are distant from the sites where they are first detected and then encoded.

This looks like just another big splash that will end up going nowhere.

Good! :)