Getting Rid Of Gavin Newsom


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tis a consummation devoutly to be wished:

The former two-term San Diego mayor launched his campaign to succeed Newsom in early February, promising a "California comeback" centered on common-sense policies. The timing proved opportune: Just two weeks later, Republicans called for a corruption investigation into Newsom over no-bid contracts the Democrat awarded to campaign donors. And with a recall effort against Newsom sweeping the state, Faulconer is eager to capitalize on what is undoubtedly the best chance for a Republican to take the governor's mansion since Arnold Schwarzenegger's recall win nearly two decades ago.

Is Kevin Faulconer California’s Next (Scrawny) Schwarzenegger?
Collin Anderson and Jack Beyrer
February 20, 2021 5:00 AM

but not if Faulconer is a Schwarzenegger clone.

Take a look at The Arnold.

Arnold Schwarzenegger was always a Democrat. Hell, he could not make the cut as a RINO. I spotted him as a phoney in 2003. His time as California’s governor proved me right. Arnold Schwarzenegger famously campaigned on this gem “I am a fiscal conservative and a social liberal.” California conservatives know how badly that turned out.

QUESTION: Did you ever hear a liberal seeking high office claim he was fiscally conservative?

The size of the federal government; i.e. the welfare state, prove that no fiscal conservative and social liberal can live in the same body. No individual can be fiscally conservative and socially liberal at the same time, yet conservatives vote for half-ass individuals who make that claim. Arnold Schwarzenegger got elected with that line of crap, and look at what he did to California.

As an added bonus for Democrats, Governor Schwarzenegger served as a Republican. How media mouths and Beltway quislings loved that one!

Before The Arnold was California’s governor he was a Northeast liberal indebted to Democrat Senator Uncle Teddy. Schwarzenegger used to say he was a conservative in the Kennedy clan. Everybody that believed him was an idiot.

Almost a decade after they met at a celebrity tennis tournament, the television news reporter Maria Shriver marries the movie actor and former bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger on April 26, 1986.

Politically, it seemed an unlikely match: Shriver, then a co-anchor for the CBS Morning News in New York City, was a Democrat and a member of one of the most prominent political families in the country. Her mother, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, was the sister of John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy, while her father, R. Sargent Shriver, had been the Democratic nominee for vice president in 1972. Schwarzenegger, who was born in Austria on July 30, 1947, came to the United States in 1968 and became an American citizen in 1983. Soon after that, he began actively campaigning on behalf of Republican candidates; he would later be named chairman of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports by President George H.W. Bush.

And just like every Democrat The Arnold speaks for the ‘American people’ when the only people they speak for is one or another parasite group.

And talk about chutzpah, The Schwartz accepted an award from California state's Air Resources Board. Scott Pruitt was one of Trump’s better appointments:

Pruitt rejects the scientific consensus on climate change.

But it was ludicrous to suggest removing him knowing the United Nations would install his replacement?

“He does not represent the people,” Schwarzenegger said in a speech after receiving the award. “He only represents the special interests. He should be removed immediately.”

Schwarzenegger: Scott Pruitt should be 'removed immediately' as EPA head
by Katelyn Caralle | Feb 9, 2018, 12:00 PM

I doubt if Governor Schwartz knew that utility rates and gasoline prices were so high in California because environmentalists blocked the construction of new refineries and power plants for decades.

I would still like to ask The Schwartz if he ever knew how many billions of tax dollars environmental parasites pocketed looking for an unnecessary alternative fuel supply?

And I wonder if the kraut knows how much money Communists behind the Environmental Movement cost this country every year —— starting with the infamous United Nations bureaucracy known as the EPA?

Admittedly, The Schwartz is a fiscal conservative like another famous Austrian was a closet humanitarian.

Liberals never miss an opportunity to paint a well-known conservative as a Nazi because of a position an ancestor held in the 1930s. Arnold Schwarzenegger also has a family tie to the Nazis. His father, Gustav Schwarzenegger, was the real deal. He was a Nazi Party member who served in the German army. More importantly, he was a volunteer member of the Sturmabteilung, or SA, the infamous Nazi storm troopers better known as Brown Shirts. Were he still alive, the old Nazi would be proud of his son; not for hopping in bed with Communist China which he did, but for doing what the German military could not do; defeat the U.S. military. I will not hold my breath waiting for U.N.-loving liberals to call Arnold Schwarzenegger a Nazi for betraying the people that took him in.

Using the same logic American liberals use is another connection between Schwarzenegger and Nazis. Schwarzenegger married into the Kennedy family. Kennedy patriarch, Joseph P. Kennedy, made no secret of his admiration for Nazi Germany.

NOTE: For many Americans, a pro-Germany position in the 1930s was more of an anti-Communist political posture rather than it was pro-Nazi. I would have been pro-Germany back then.

Governor Schwarzenegger was a far cry from the politics of the 1930s. As governor he aided Communism rather than fighting against it as did his Nazi father. The only ideology driving The Arnold’s betrayal is the one that calls for surrendering this country’s sovereignty to the United Nations via the Environmental Movement.

This one is classic Democrat Party misdirection:

Even the Terminator couldn’t beat the government unions. In the dumbest move ever made by a politician, in 2005, two years into Arnold Schwarzenegger’s first term, he called an off-year special election to enact a few minuscule reductions in public-sector union perks, such as making it humanly possible to fire bad teachers.

Even in a normal election year, initiatives curbing government employees’ boondoggles are nearly impossible to get past the powerful unions.

But worse — as in Wisconsin — this was an off-year election. Unlike Wisconsin, however, it was Schwarzenegger’s idea to hold a special election on the advice of his political consultant, Mike Murphy, the Bob Shrum of the Republicans.

Who would be likely to vote in an off-year election? We’re going to cut your exorbitant benefits, require you to work, and make it easier to fire you, public employees. Do you have any interest in voting on that?

Anyone with half a brain could see disaster coming from a mile away. Even with the language barrier, Arnold should have seen it coming.

The recall heard round the world
by Ann Coulter

Contemporary conservatism practiced by Establishment Republicans is cobbled together with Socialist policies, while Democrats, Republicans, and everybody in-between claim they are fiscal conservatives and social liberals. That is pure political doublespeak designed to suck in voters across the board. Notice the tax dollars former Governor Schwarzenegger advocated for the top guns in the Parasite Class:

Action superstar and former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger talked politics on Saturday, arguing that the Republican Party is on the decline because of exclusionary policies and the loss of key demographics.

“Well, you know, I told the Republican Party at the Republican convention, it was like 10 years ago, that they're dying at the box office,” the “Terminator” star told CNN's Michael Smerconish. “The reason why I said it was because their policies were such that they were not really including everybody.”

He explained that his party’s refusal to address big issues like health care, education, and the environment has pushed many voters, particularly women, to say “hasta la vista, baby.” Despite his warnings, he lamented the fact that the Republican Party continues to lose many more moderate voters.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Says the GOP Is 'Dying,' Argues for Greater Inclusivity
MAR 24, 2018 | 2:22 PM

Finally, do you know that then-Senator Orrin Hatch proposed an Arnold Amendment?

. . . on July 10, 2003, he proposed “an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to make eligible for the Office of President a person who has been a United States citizen for 20 years” (Senate Joint Resolution 15).

The 'Arnold Amendment'
By Bootie Cosgrove-Mather
October 24, 2003 / 1:21 PM

On top of proposing an amendment bordering on treason, Hatch could not see that The Schwartz was always more liberal than conservative. What the hell did Hatch think a Hollywood actor in Ted Kennedy’s pocket was? —— the second coming of Ronald Reagan because both appeared in movies?

Hatch, who gave Bill Clinton the gift of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, was never the brightest guy in the room even when he was the only person in the room. When Hatch was a kid he showed up with cubes to play in a game of marbles —— then wondered why he always lost.
tis a consummation devoutly to be wished:

The former two-term San Diego mayor launched his campaign to succeed Newsom in early February, promising a "California comeback" centered on common-sense policies. The timing proved opportune: Just two weeks later, Republicans called for a corruption investigation into Newsom over no-bid contracts the Democrat awarded to campaign donors. And with a recall effort against Newsom sweeping the state, Faulconer is eager to capitalize on what is undoubtedly the best chance for a Republican to take the governor's mansion since Arnold Schwarzenegger's recall win nearly two decades ago.

Is Kevin Faulconer California’s Next (Scrawny) Schwarzenegger?
Collin Anderson and Jack Beyrer
February 20, 2021 5:00 AM

but not if Faulconer is a Schwarzenegger clone.

Take a look at The Arnold.

Arnold Schwarzenegger was always a Democrat. Hell, he could not make the cut as a RINO. I spotted him as a phoney in 2003. His time as California’s governor proved me right. Arnold Schwarzenegger famously campaigned on this gem “I am a fiscal conservative and a social liberal.” California conservatives know how badly that turned out.

QUESTION: Did you ever hear a liberal seeking high office claim he was fiscally conservative?

The size of the federal government; i.e. the welfare state, prove that no fiscal conservative and social liberal can live in the same body. No individual can be fiscally conservative and socially liberal at the same time, yet conservatives vote for half-ass individuals who make that claim. Arnold Schwarzenegger got elected with that line of crap, and look at what he did to California.

As an added bonus for Democrats, Governor Schwarzenegger served as a Republican. How media mouths and Beltway quislings loved that one!

Before The Arnold was California’s governor he was a Northeast liberal indebted to Democrat Senator Uncle Teddy. Schwarzenegger used to say he was a conservative in the Kennedy clan. Everybody that believed him was an idiot.

Almost a decade after they met at a celebrity tennis tournament, the television news reporter Maria Shriver marries the movie actor and former bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger on April 26, 1986.

Politically, it seemed an unlikely match: Shriver, then a co-anchor for the CBS Morning News in New York City, was a Democrat and a member of one of the most prominent political families in the country. Her mother, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, was the sister of John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy, while her father, R. Sargent Shriver, had been the Democratic nominee for vice president in 1972. Schwarzenegger, who was born in Austria on July 30, 1947, came to the United States in 1968 and became an American citizen in 1983. Soon after that, he began actively campaigning on behalf of Republican candidates; he would later be named chairman of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports by President George H.W. Bush.

And just like every Democrat The Arnold speaks for the ‘American people’ when the only people they speak for is one or another parasite group.

And talk about chutzpah, The Schwartz accepted an award from California state's Air Resources Board. Scott Pruitt was one of Trump’s better appointments:

Pruitt rejects the scientific consensus on climate change.

But it was ludicrous to suggest removing him knowing the United Nations would install his replacement?

“He does not represent the people,” Schwarzenegger said in a speech after receiving the award. “He only represents the special interests. He should be removed immediately.”

Schwarzenegger: Scott Pruitt should be 'removed immediately' as EPA head
by Katelyn Caralle | Feb 9, 2018, 12:00 PM

I doubt if Governor Schwartz knew that utility rates and gasoline prices were so high in California because environmentalists blocked the construction of new refineries and power plants for decades.

I would still like to ask The Schwartz if he ever knew how many billions of tax dollars environmental parasites pocketed looking for an unnecessary alternative fuel supply?

And I wonder if the kraut knows how much money Communists behind the Environmental Movement cost this country every year —— starting with the infamous United Nations bureaucracy known as the EPA?

Admittedly, The Schwartz is a fiscal conservative like another famous Austrian was a closet humanitarian.

Liberals never miss an opportunity to paint a well-known conservative as a Nazi because of a position an ancestor held in the 1930s. Arnold Schwarzenegger also has a family tie to the Nazis. His father, Gustav Schwarzenegger, was the real deal. He was a Nazi Party member who served in the German army. More importantly, he was a volunteer member of the Sturmabteilung, or SA, the infamous Nazi storm troopers better known as Brown Shirts. Were he still alive, the old Nazi would be proud of his son; not for hopping in bed with Communist China which he did, but for doing what the German military could not do; defeat the U.S. military. I will not hold my breath waiting for U.N.-loving liberals to call Arnold Schwarzenegger a Nazi for betraying the people that took him in.

Using the same logic American liberals use is another connection between Schwarzenegger and Nazis. Schwarzenegger married into the Kennedy family. Kennedy patriarch, Joseph P. Kennedy, made no secret of his admiration for Nazi Germany.

NOTE: For many Americans, a pro-Germany position in the 1930s was more of an anti-Communist political posture rather than it was pro-Nazi. I would have been pro-Germany back then.

Governor Schwarzenegger was a far cry from the politics of the 1930s. As governor he aided Communism rather than fighting against it as did his Nazi father. The only ideology driving The Arnold’s betrayal is the one that calls for surrendering this country’s sovereignty to the United Nations via the Environmental Movement.

This one is classic Democrat Party misdirection:

Even the Terminator couldn’t beat the government unions. In the dumbest move ever made by a politician, in 2005, two years into Arnold Schwarzenegger’s first term, he called an off-year special election to enact a few minuscule reductions in public-sector union perks, such as making it humanly possible to fire bad teachers.

Even in a normal election year, initiatives curbing government employees’ boondoggles are nearly impossible to get past the powerful unions.

But worse — as in Wisconsin — this was an off-year election. Unlike Wisconsin, however, it was Schwarzenegger’s idea to hold a special election on the advice of his political consultant, Mike Murphy, the Bob Shrum of the Republicans.

Who would be likely to vote in an off-year election? We’re going to cut your exorbitant benefits, require you to work, and make it easier to fire you, public employees. Do you have any interest in voting on that?

Anyone with half a brain could see disaster coming from a mile away. Even with the language barrier, Arnold should have seen it coming.

The recall heard round the world
by Ann Coulter

Contemporary conservatism practiced by Establishment Republicans is cobbled together with Socialist policies, while Democrats, Republicans, and everybody in-between claim they are fiscal conservatives and social liberals. That is pure political doublespeak designed to suck in voters across the board. Notice the tax dollars former Governor Schwarzenegger advocated for the top guns in the Parasite Class:

Action superstar and former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger talked politics on Saturday, arguing that the Republican Party is on the decline because of exclusionary policies and the loss of key demographics.

“Well, you know, I told the Republican Party at the Republican convention, it was like 10 years ago, that they're dying at the box office,” the “Terminator” star told CNN's Michael Smerconish. “The reason why I said it was because their policies were such that they were not really including everybody.”

He explained that his party’s refusal to address big issues like health care, education, and the environment has pushed many voters, particularly women, to say “hasta la vista, baby.” Despite his warnings, he lamented the fact that the Republican Party continues to lose many more moderate voters.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Says the GOP Is 'Dying,' Argues for Greater Inclusivity
MAR 24, 2018 | 2:22 PM

Finally, do you know that then-Senator Orrin Hatch proposed an Arnold Amendment?

. . . on July 10, 2003, he proposed “an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to make eligible for the Office of President a person who has been a United States citizen for 20 years” (Senate Joint Resolution 15).

The 'Arnold Amendment'
By Bootie Cosgrove-Mather
October 24, 2003 / 1:21 PM

On top of proposing an amendment bordering on treason, Hatch could not see that The Schwartz was always more liberal than conservative. What the hell did Hatch think a Hollywood actor in Ted Kennedy’s pocket was? —— the second coming of Ronald Reagan because both appeared in movies?

Hatch, who gave Bill Clinton the gift of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, was never the brightest guy in the room even when he was the only person in the room. When Hatch was a kid he showed up with cubes to play in a game of marbles —— then wondered why he always lost.

With any luck they will also get rid of that wrinkled up old shit bag aunt of his or whatever the fuck she is to him.