Getting specific on how much one can post of a copyrighted work


Verified User
Today, Phantasmal warned me not to quote too much of a copywrited article:

That's fine, but as I said in my response to her post, saying to just post "a few paragraphs" is a pretty vague rule. Furthermore, some paragraphs can be quite short, while others can be quite long. I was hoping that there could instead be a word count limit, or at the very least a paragraph amount limit so that one never has to second guess just how much one can post of an article.
Phantasmal just gave me an example of quoted text that would be acceptable- it was 2 paragraphs plus a bit of text at the top, but more importantly, it was a bit less than 200 words. I shall endeavour from this point forward to only quote text that is less than 200 words in a post.
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