Gingrich, unelectable....


U. S. NAVY Veteran
Newt Gingrich, a fiscal conservative? Not when it comes to Tiffany’s.

In 2005 and 2006, the former House speaker turned presidential candidate carried as much as $500,000 in debt to the premier jewelry company

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Ever wonder how low into the gutter the Democrats can descend?
Well, they've uncovered the dirt on Newt....his presidential aspirations are over....
Gringrich bought jewelry.....who would dare vote for him now.....:palm:

The left is made up of scum.
Newt Gingrich, a fiscal conservative? Not when it comes to Tiffany’s.

In 2005 and 2006, the former House speaker turned presidential candidate carried as much as $500,000 in debt to the premier jewelry company

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Ever wonder how low into the gutter the Democrats can descend?
Well, they've uncovered the dirt on Newt....his presidential aspirations are over....
Gringrich bought jewelry.....who would dare vote for him now.....:palm:

The left is made up of scum.

What the hell does "the left" have to do with this? Politico isn't a lefty shill.
Makes you wonder why, 6 years after the fact, Gingrich's bill at a jewelry store would be "news"......Maybe Christiefan will tell us....
I think he f'd himself hard. He and Trump both started punching wildly and hit themselves with a knockout punch.
I'd be more into buying "enchanted rocks" (my politically correct, non-antisemitic term for them) for random hotties if I had millions in my bank account and portfolio. Of course, I'd get laid a lot more often, as well...
Did Christiefan post the OP, Blabo?

Or did you?
I already told you why I thought a 6 year old bill (that is nobodys business) is now "news"...., can't you fuckin' read, Feces ?

It just might be the beginning of the " sure to come" smear campaign....
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Why on earth would he buy so much jewelery? And on credit?
ha....Did you pay cash for your last Rolex ? Do you usually carry around 6,8 10 thousand in your wallet ?

I get reward points/ miles on my credit card.....charge everything.
I think they put drugs in the conservatives drinks at Meet The DePressed so they'll say stupid crap. First Ken Buck, now Newt...
I think he f'd himself hard. He and Trump both started punching wildly and hit themselves with a knockout punch.
Who knows. If Newt can bring the Republican party back towards the center of American politics they might stand a chance against Obama. Right now the presumptive front runner for the GOP nomination, Romney, is doing everything right but getting votes. If some GOP lead doesn't succeed at bringing them back towards the center then the Tea Party activist and other nutso's will sabotage any chance the GOP has of defeating Obama.

For a Democrat it's funny as hell to watch. It's like the Republicans are working their asses off to ensure Obama is re-elected. If someone like Newt or Romney can survive the Republican nomination then it may be a horse race in a general election. If they nominate someone like a tea party activist wacko, their sunk!
Who knows. If Newt can bring the Republican party back towards the center of American politics they might stand a chance against Obama. Right now the presumptive front runner for the GOP nomination, Romney, is doing everything right but getting votes. If some GOP lead doesn't succeed at bringing them back towards the center then the Tea Party activist and other nutso's will sabotage any chance the GOP has of defeating Obama.

For a Democrat it's funny as hell to watch. It's like the Republicans are working their asses off to ensure Obama is re-elected. If someone like Newt or Romney can survive the Republican nomination then it may be a horse race in a general election. If they nominate someone like a tea party activist wacko, their sunk!

No one gets fired up over a moderate, especially on the right. Can you tell me the last true moderate republican president? I would have to say, it would probably be Ike... that was a LONG time ago! Now the GOP has often nominated a moderate, they just couldn't beat the Democrat. I think you are analyzing politics based on your own perceptions, and maybe the sentiments you hear in your area, and you are not really considering much else. And I think you have a warped misconception of the TEA Party, like most Liberals. When you think of TEA Party voters, you think of gun-toting redneck types who are not well educated, and drive pickups... but that's not the TEA Party at all. We are talking about a wide array of different political views, from libertarian to social conservative, and everything in between. These people may indeed have a mixed bag of opinions when it comes to individual issues, but they share one thing in common... reducing the size and scope of government.

A centrist moderate will not win the general election against Obama, and I don't think a centrist moderate can get nominated with TEA Party support. As much as you and the left want to marginalize the TEA Party, as much as you wish you could wake up to find it was all just a bad dream, I think you are going to have to accept their political power as a group, and they will influence this election. Will they nominate Michelle Bachmann? I don't know that I would go that far, but they will ultimately decide who does get nominated, and it will be someone who is committed to smaller limited government. That's just not a centrist, Mott.
Moderates only have a tough time because the people are stupid emotive tards. I was just watching All the King's Men last night. Seriously, who gets excited over a politico such as Stark/Long standing on stage and screaming and yelling at them? I personally get turned off and worried when a politician exerts too much energy and emotion. Humanity needs to grow the fuck up. Leave getting turned on by screaming and shouting for the bedroom...
Nobody gives much of a shit about this, except you, Blabo.

The Grinch is a serial adulterer with zero chance of being president. Jewelry doesn't even enter the discussion, except by you.
Nobody gives a shit....??
Well fecebreath, it was the lead story on Chris Matthews and the O'Donnell shows last night.....thats how much 'nobody gives a shit', pinhead.
and you can bet your ass Ed Schultz and Maddows will be talking about too.....

As for his sex life? Now that IS something I don't give a shit about.....but that too will be a big topic for the pinheads in the coming weeks....
at least until he loses the nomination....
Nobody gives a shit....??
Well fecebreath, it was the lead story on Chris Matthews and the O'Donnell shows last night.....thats how much 'nobody gives a shit', pinhead.
and you can bet your ass Ed Schultz and Maddows will be talking about too.....

As for his sex life? Now that IS something I don't give a shit about.....but that too will be a big topic for the pinheads in the coming weeks....
at least until he loses the nomination....

In the Pinhead Central Command Headquarters, there is a big giant wheel... like Wheel of Fortune... Each morning, a liberal pinhead is selected to spin the wheel, and on the wheel, are names of prominent people from the right... whichever name is spun, is who they spend their day going after and attempting to destroy politically. This is the best method they could come up with, until the right has settled on a candidate to run against Obama... once that happens, they will no longer spin the wheel, all their focus will be on that one person.

I have this from a very reliable mole inside the organization.
Lefty pinheads use the same tactic each and every time........when they are on the losing side of a debate......change the subject