Giuliani? Would he have a shot?


Staff member

Early primary polls. What are they good for? Not much, some might say -- at least when it comes to predicting presidential nominees.

Nevertheless, there’s Rudy Giuliani, at the very top of a CNN-Opinion Research Corporation poll released on Friday. The former New York mayor, who is said to be contemplating a presidential bid, edged out former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who plans to officially kick off his campaign next week.

Here’s how Giuliani stacked up among the field of other candidates and potential candidates in the May 24-26 survey.

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mitt romney could def make another good run at it. Though he is still haunted by his past of trying to help sick people.
as I recall, he didn't do that well the last time.....I think a pretty good rule of thumb is that anyone who couldn't beat McCain has very little chance of being successful this time around.....
mitt romney did actually very well last time around, but the media were all up mccains ass saying he was winning when he wasn't at one point. That helped mccain in new hampshire which pretty much ended it.
Giuliani ran the absolute worst primary election strategy that humanity has ever witnessed. This is why I'm not too confident in his ability to succeed.