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Tune into Hannity's show for a few minutes in the late afternoon; he's privy to the exit polls, and will be in complete desperation mode. He'll be losing it.

I saw him the other night, and he was completely imploding. He couldn't understand why Ayers didn't mean more to people, and remained convinced that people would think about him as they entered the voting booth.
LOL. Okay, I will. I really hate Hannity, but there would be no better time to watch him. Maybe he will keel over on air.
No time to glut....there's work to be done. Best thing you can do for Mr. Hannity there is to not listen to his program at all. Don't give him the honor or the ratings!! I'm going to give him as much consideration as Republicans have given us.
Tune into Hannity's show for a few minutes in the late afternoon; he's privy to the exit polls, and will be in complete desperation mode. He'll be losing it.

I saw him the other night, and he was completely imploding. He couldn't understand why Ayers didn't mean more to people, and remained convinced that people would think about him as they entered the voting booth.

Tune into Hannity's show for a few minutes in the late afternoon; he's privy to the exit polls, and will be in complete desperation mode. He'll be losing it.

I saw him the other night, and he was completely imploding. He couldn't understand why Ayers didn't mean more to people, and remained convinced that people would think about him as they entered the voting booth.

Personally I wonder too why people aren't more concerned about Ayers/Wright/Khalid connections. But they aren't. Perhaps they will blame the MSM down the road, perhaps it never meant zip?
Personally I wonder too why people aren't more concerned about Ayers/Wright/Khalid connections. But they aren't. Perhaps they will blame the MSM down the road, perhaps it never meant zip?
Is Obama gonna sell us all down the road because of those three? Is he going to send the country down the toilet because of it? Where ANY of you that are concerned about these three concerned about the failures that were GWB's life before politics? Worried about the fact he thought it cool to drive drunk, act like a drunken fool all the time? Because if all the stuff you do in the past is somehow proof of how well you will be president then you should have been worried about it because this president has been an abject failure. Jimmy Carter will send Shrub Christmas Cards until one or the other of them die.
Personally I wonder too why people aren't more concerned about Ayers/Wright/Khalid connections. But they aren't. Perhaps they will blame the MSM down the road, perhaps it never meant zip?

The correct answer, as always, is "it never meant zip."

What Obama does about energy, education, foreign policy & taxes means something. His association with Ayers? Definitely zip.
The only one that is remotely valid is Khalid, and even that is quite a stretch.

The Ayers one is absurdity. The Wright one is due to overscrutiny. I guarantee you that if McCain had regularly attended a church (which he hasn't) for 20 years, you would find something offensive in his pastor's rhetoric as well.

It is in the nature of preachers to say ridiculously absurd things and be a general hindrance on politicians.
Personally I wonder too why people aren't more concerned about Ayers/Wright/Khalid connections. But they aren't. Perhaps they will blame the MSM down the road, perhaps it never meant zip?

Here's something that I believe is more important to wonder about. First take a look at this story, which you should know about, because the basics of it have already been reported, though I doubt on FOX news. However, there's new info here; McCain thought "highly" of these grants.

Former International Republican Institute President: McCain Supported Grants to Khalidi’s Group
By Ken Silverstein

One of the lowest moments of this entire campaign has been the McCain campaign’s repulsive smear job of Rashid Khalidi. The best remark about the whole episode came from Khalidi himself, who when asked for comment by the Washington Post, replied, “I will stick to my policy of letting this idiot wind blow over.”

As I’m sure most readers know by now, Khalidi is the Palestinian American scholar and director of Columbia University’s Middle East Institute who Senator McCain recently compared to a “neo-Nazi.” McCain’s camp has also claimed that Khalidi was a spokesman for former PLO leader Yasir Arafat, though there is no evidence this is true. As my colleague Scott Horton noted:

The McCain–Khalidi connections are more substantial than the phony Obama–Khalidi connections…The Republican party’s congressionally funded international-networking organization, the International Republican Institute–long and ably chaired by John McCain and headed by McCain’s close friend, the capable Lorne Craner–has taken an interest in West Bank matters. IRI funded an ambitious project, called the Palestine Center, that Khalidi helped to support. Khalidi served on the Center’s board of directors. The goal of that project, shared by Khalidi and McCain, was the promotion of civic consciousness and engagement and the development of democratic values in the West Bank.

Consider here, too, the recollections of R. Bruce McColm, who was the president of the International Republican Institute (IRI) — appointed to his post with strong support from John McCain — when it first granted money to Khalidi’s group. In an email today, McColm told me:

Rashid Khalidi was well known for his criticism of Yasir Arafat. He never was a spokesman for the PLO and was a professor at the Institute for Palestine Studies and a professor at American University in Beirut. He was the founder of the Center for Palestine Research and Studies. I was President of IRI during 1993 through 1995. The Clinton Administration wanted the various NED-related institutes to begin working on the West Bank. All our proposals had to be approved at board meetings with John McCain in attendance and in agreement. John did think highly of these grants. IRI didn’t really want to work on the West Bank in any activities of political development. Two pro-Israel board members—Dr. Jeane Kirkpatrick and then-Senator Connie Mack of Florida—were skeptical of such an enterprise. IRI decided to fund the Center for Palestine Research and Studies because of its academic bent and the fact that it would conduct attitude surveys—polls on socioeconomic attitudes on the West Bank. Press accounts have the first grant being given in 1993—I remember slightly later than that. Whether Khalidi actually did the research I do not know but we were aware of his reputation and his “moderate” stance to the issues. McCain moved the approval of the first grant with the acceptance of Dr. Kirkpatrick and Senator Mack. Over time, the Center conducted over 30 polls for the IRI. My understanding was that grants extended far beyond my tenure to l998. It was always my understanding that Khalidi was directly involved in the research. We were impressed by the initial polls and analysis. So obviously IRI continued to believe in their work after I left. Ironically, it was Khalidi’s academic background and his known coolness to the PLO that attracted our interest. How strange to see the McCain campaign use Khalidi as a “type of terrorist” with whom Obama hangs around.
Now, what we have, is a Presidential candiate with much stronger "ties" and "associations" to a particular person, and arguing over whether that person is admirable or not, is irrelevant. It looks to me as if he probably is, and that McCain was not wrong to approve these grants. But it doesn't matter. What matters is that John McCain, first off, is such a crawling scum, that he is attacking Obama for "associations" with a man that he full well knows he has much stronger ties to, and who he actually funded! Why is he doing this? Because he is counting on rubes to run aroudn with their hair on fire.

And they do.

So here is what I wonder. I wonder why these rubes, why the right, finds themselves so frightened by Obama's "ties" to someone whom John McCain personally funded with a great deal of money. Which doesn't bother them.

What possible difference can there be here, hmmm?

And this is where your unconscious racism comes in. I advice examining it. It's good for the soul.
Personally I wonder too why people aren't more concerned about Ayers/Wright/Khalid connections. But they aren't. Perhaps they will blame the MSM down the road, perhaps it never meant zip?

Blame the msm? Lol you crybabies always want to blame something stupid. Especially your #1 scapegoat the "msm".

I heard about wright, Ayers, and Khalid, a billion fucking times and it wasn't from watching fox news or listening to some idiot at a radio station. It was from CNN and MSNBC.
Tune into Hannity's show for a few minutes in the late afternoon; he's privy to the exit polls, and will be in complete desperation mode. He'll be losing it.

I saw him the other night, and he was completely imploding. He couldn't understand why Ayers didn't mean more to people, and remained convinced that people would think about him as they entered the voting booth.


Ya know, right before I baracked the vote, I thought about the Ayers thing. I mean besides the war, McCain's hawkish leanings, the economy, and my dwindling 401k plan, I was totally thinking about Ayers. I almost pulled the lever for McCain......and then I put the crack pipe down.
Personally I wonder too why people aren't more concerned about Ayers/Wright/Khalid connections. But they aren't. Perhaps they will blame the MSM down the road, perhaps it never meant zip?

Oh shut the fuck the up. The fauxrage is nauseating.
I listen for about 5 minutes of humor.
Obama has a chance to be one of the best if not best presidents.
The bar has been lowered to his ankles, he just needs to jump over.
1. Pass 5843
2. Follow through with the alt energy promise
3. Take Iraq spending and put it in infrastucture and college tuitions
Personally I wonder too why people aren't more concerned about Ayers/Wright/Khalid connections. But they aren't. Perhaps they will blame the MSM down the road, perhaps it never meant zip?

Considering the complete mess the Bush administration has made of things, those associations don't carry much weight.

If Bush had run a straight deal and done what he promised, they might. If Bush had shrunk the government, managed the crisises in housing, the war, and reformed the tax system, those associations might have carried some weight.

McCain is losing because of his party.