Glenn Beck and the Nazis


New member
I have often wondered how so many people in 1930's Germany were convinced of the merits espoused in the Nazi ideology. But, it wasn't a mass movement. Adolf Hitler was never elected Chancellor of Germany. During the Great Depression, which hit Germany harder than any than any other nation, Hitler was able to rally a small band of zealots and maneuver himself into power, Nearly two-thirds of Germany were opposed to Hitler.

I see the same group of zealots being recreated in my own country today. But...Glenn Beck is not the one fighting against them, he's the one creating them! What Beck does is nothing new. It closely resembles what Hitler and Joseph Goebbels did in Germany and the POLITBURO and Pravda did in the Soviet Union."

It is divisive, deceitful and dangerous. Beck is creating division and a seething hatred and fear among one group of Americans towards another group of fellow Americans.

Who was Adolf Hitler and what did he espouse?

According to Hitler, Marxism is a Jewish strategy to subjugate Germany and the World.

It's the SAME message Glenn Beck is espousing. Beck believed Jews (Soros) and Marxists (Tides Foundation), as well as the other operatives are actively planning to control the world under a single world government.

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

Volume One - A Reckoning
Chapter IV: Munich

"In the years 1913 and 1914 I expressed my opinion for the first time in various circles, some of which are now members of the National Socialist Movement, that the problem of how the future of the German nation can be secured is the problem of how Marxism can be exterminated."

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

Volume One - A Reckoning
Chapter XI: Nation and Race

He (the Jew) approaches the worker, simulates pity with his fate, or even indignation at his lot of misery and poverty, thus gaining his confidence. He takes pains to study all the various real or imaginary hardships of his life-and to arouse his longing for a change in such an existence. With infinite shrewdness he fans the need for social justice, somehow slumbering in every Aryan man, into hatred against those who have been better favored by fortune, and thus gives the struggle for the elimination of social evils a very definite philosophical stamp. He establishes the Marxist doctrine.

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

Volume Two - The National Socialist Movement
Chapter XIII: German Alliance Policy after the War

"For this purpose French armies would first have to invade and overcome the territory of the German REICH until a state of international chaos would set in, and then the country would have to succumb to Bolshevik storm troops in the service of Jewish international finance.

Hence it is that at the present time the Jew is the great agitator for the complete destruction of Germany. Whenever we read of attacks against Germany taking place in any part of the world the Jew is always the instigator. In peace-time, as well as during the War, the Jewish-Marxist stock-exchange Press systematically stirred up hatred against Germany, until one State after another abandoned its neutrality and placed itself at the service of the world coalition, even against the real interests of its own people.

The Jewish way of reasoning thus becomes quite clear. The Bolshevization of Germany, that is to say, the extermination of the patriotic and national German intellectuals, thus making it possible to force German Labour to bear the yoke of international Jewish finance--that is only the overture to the movement for expanding Jewish power on a wider scale and finally subjugating the world to its rule."

J.J. Goldberg, a columnist and former editor in chief of The Forward, America’s leading Jewish newspaper described the show (Beck's) as “as close as I’ve heard on mainstream television to fascism.”
It amazes me how many fools love Glen Beck.

Our country is in a very sad place thanks to the neocons
It amazes me how many fools love Glen Beck.

Our country is in a very sad place thanks to the neocons

Thats odd, since for most of the last 110 years, the country has been steadily going to the left....a fact which most lefties usually brag about....

Desh, I doubt if you could even grasp what Beck talks about ever day....its usually far above your level of understanding.
Beck is a bat shit crazy media whore who sells gold to his mind crippled viewers and has a personal history that makes the mind boggle.

Hes insane and you walk in locked step with his rantings.
Beck's 'classroom' has enabled nazis to infiltrate our govt. The AZ govt is now run by neo-nazis.

Russel Pearce, Arizona State Senate President

One thing (Pearce's) toupee will not hide is Pearce's bigotry towards Mexicans, and his unsavory connections to outright neo-fascists, such as Mesa's J.T. Ready, who recently took part in a neo-Nazi demonstration in downtown Omaha, Nebraska. After the demo, members of the swastika-wearing National Socialist Movement and fellow travelers retired to a local farm where they lit giant swastikas afire, listened to hate-core music, slam-danced, and barbecued a Mexican and an Israeli flag. Ready also keeps a page on the NSM's, a racist MySpace, "for Whites, by Whites." And he's attended the local neo-Nazi National Vanguard's Winterfest event. Reportedly in his Scottish kilt. Ooh-la-la.

Ready's a supporter of Pearce, and at a June anti-immigration rally at the State Capitol, the prejudiced pair spent almost all of their time with each other. They even appeared smiling and arm-in-arm in photos. In any other state, such damning pics would signal the end of a politician's career. Here in AZ, they're shrugged at by those in the nativist movement. That's because so many nativists see nothing wrong with neo-Nazis or their beliefs, beliefs which dovetail with their own.

But in 2006, when Pearce was caught forwarding an anti-Semitic e-mail to his supporters -- an e-mail from the neo-Nazi National Alliance, even Republicans bagged on him. None other than ultra-right Congressman J.D. Hayworth withdrew his support for Pearce's reelection to the State House..."

Nothing worse than mormon nazis.
Beck doesnt even know what hes doing, I think he just emotionally crippled and is being played like the tool he his.

There are assholes in this world who love having the American people misinformed.
Beck is a bat shit crazy media whore who sells gold to his mind crippled viewers and has a personal history that makes the mind boggle.

Hes insane and you walk in locked step with his rantings.

Beck's 'classroom' has enabled nazis to infiltrate our govt. The AZ govt is now run by neo-nazis.

Russel Pearce, Arizona State Senate President

One thing (Pearce's) toupee will not hide is Pearce's bigotry towards Mexicans, and his unsavory connections to outright neo-fascists, such as Mesa's J.T. Ready, who recently took part in a neo-Nazi demonstration in downtown Omaha, Nebraska. After the demo, members of the swastika-wearing National Socialist Movement and fellow travelers retired to a local farm where they lit giant swastikas afire, listened to hate-core music, slam-danced, and barbecued a Mexican and an Israeli flag. Ready also keeps a page on the NSM's, a racist MySpace, "for Whites, by Whites." And he's attended the local neo-Nazi National Vanguard's Winterfest event. Reportedly in his Scottish kilt. Ooh-la-la.

Ready's a supporter of Pearce, and at a June anti-immigration rally at the State Capitol, the prejudiced pair spent almost all of their time with each other. They even appeared smiling and arm-in-arm in photos. In any other state, such damning pics would signal the end of a politician's career. Here in AZ, they're shrugged at by those in the nativist movement. That's because so many nativists see nothing wrong with neo-Nazis or their beliefs, beliefs which dovetail with their own.

But in 2006, when Pearce was caught forwarding an anti-Semitic e-mail to his supporters -- an e-mail from the neo-Nazi National Alliance, even Republicans bagged on him. None other than ultra-right Congressman J.D. Hayworth withdrew his support for Pearce's reelection to the State House..."

Nothing worse than mormon nazis.

Talk about bat shit crazy !....These two posts certainly are examples of spades.....
You two make a great couple....examples of under developed brain cells...\
:stup2: You should each carry one of these signs when you meet :stup2:


3. "When I see a 9/11 victim family on television, or whatever, I'm just like, 'Oh shut up' I'm so sick of them because they're always complaining." –"The Glenn Beck Program," Sept. 9, 2005 (Source)

"You know, we all have our inner demons. I, for one – I can't speak for you, but I'm on the verge of moral collapse at any time. It can happen by the end of the show." –"The Glenn Beck Program," Nov. 6, 2006
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Talk about bat shit crazy !....These two posts certainly are examples of spades.....
You two make a great couple....examples of under developed brain cells...\
:stup2: You should each carry one of these signs when you meet :stup2:


Very well thought out reply with plenty of facts to support your ideas. Great comeback! I can see that believing corporate sponsored Beck propaganda has improved your cognitive prowess. Just what is expected from wingnut beck lemmings. Does that ring in your nose get sore when Beck pulls your rope?
I'm sure the best way to restore trust in the government and restore the level of discourse in America is to shut down discourse in America, like it's the media's fault that we have this gigantic debt.



I have a little bug inside of me, too, and it wants to stop control-hungry progressives from running our lives and pushing us into a giant global system of government.

It's not a conspiracy, and they are not doing it in secret rooms or anything.

They are out in the open.

They are out in the open.

Let's go to George Soros.

I told you last week about George Soros. George Soros' daddy was a globalist as well. He believed in something called Esperanto.

Esperanto is a made up language.

It was designed for a one world government.

It started in the 1890s, 1880s, and he was fluent in it.

I mean, he wrote a book in Esperanto for one world government.

Later, George Soros started his Open Society Institute.

The main goal of the Open Society Institute was really that of his father's, to create a world free of nationalities, one world government.
Come on Beck, you drunk again?

Everyone knows you work for Murdock and the Koch brothers and you will do or say anything they want you to say. No matter how far from reality it is. You are a puppet with their hands up your ass.
You stand for the corporate take over of our govt. You represent outsourcing and you backed the conservative ideology that got us into this mess. You are a snakeoil salesman nothing more. You are a propagandist and know in your small stone of a heart that what you are doing will, in your small way, help with the downfall of America and enrich your backers and yourself.

Your tears are fake, don't bore us with your fake professional wrestling emotions and twisted corporate version of history.
Now, here is the latest Soros tremor.

There was a private meeting Tuesday.

Soros reportedly told wealthy donors, now, this is a secret meeting, all kinds of security and everybody else.

These are just the elites there. This is not a big, huge, you know, not 1,000 people there and this was leaked.

The annual Democracy Alliance gathering, according to The Huffington Post, leaked out, so Soros, he said, quote, "I used to, I'm used to fighting losing battles but I don't like to lose without fighting."

He added, "We have just lost this election. We need to draw a line. If this president can't do what we need, it is time to start looking somewhere else."

Now, why would you say that?

Because you are the administration. This is the guy who is not fighting.

The left wants to you believe that, somehow or another, this is proof that Obama and Soros are not connected. But that is ridiculous because this is where everything comes from, this and Tides, and Tides comes from this guy, too.

He works, the most important, the best year of his life, his words, not mine, was in, what was it, 1944 or 1945, during the war.

He was wearing a mask. He was pretending to be something that he's not.

It was a game to him.