Glenn Beck -- Behind The Blue Curtain -- FOX News


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[ame=""]YouTube - Glenn Beck -- Behind The Blue Curtain -- FOX News[/ame]
the redistribution of wealth is unamerican? how do you explain income taxes, inheritance taxes.....maybe those are unamerican, what say you?

great video meme....but a bit overthetop....
You equate taxes with 'redistribution of wealth'...???

Taxes are how government sustains itself, and builds infrastructure for the nations needs...

but if that government collects those taxes for the purpose of giving cash away to individuals, that could be seen as what you suggest...
we aren't at the tipping point yet, but we are approaching it
So THIS is what all the hubbub is about? Some stooge doing a 3rd rate Joe McCarthy impersonation? Puh-leeze!

A collection of out-of-context quotes and clips followed by a rambling jingoistic mouthings long on supposition, conjecture and out right lies. Yep, old Beck just gives the neocon parrots what they want....HIS distorted view of what's going on in American politics.

But unlike Beck, the neocon leadership don't need some gasbag to pablum feed their agenda...hell, they were all too proud to put it out there for all to see

And then they got into power and implemented their beliefs...the results we are currently living with.

But hey, old Glen doesn't deal with that reality...he prefers his threatening world of "what if's" and "it's should happen".

Oh, and somebody needs to clue in this buffoon.....he said socialism doesn't how does he explain the UK, various European, Nordic and South American countries...who've been around much longer than the USA and have all incorprated socialism into their respective gov't in order to survive. Also, the fool probably forgot that the financial mess we are in was inherited by the people and values he supported, not Obama.

Anyone who gives credence to this confirmed liar and neocon buffoon should see me about a good price for the Brooklyn Bridge.
the redistribution of wealth is unamerican? how do you explain income taxes, inheritance taxes.....maybe those are unamerican, what say you?

great video meme....but a bit overthetop....

Yes, redistribution of wealth is unamerican. In fact, it is socialist, communist, and Marxist. Taxes are a means by which the general public pays for the functions of government. Two completely different things.

The video isn't over the top, if anything it is not loud and shrill enough! We should ALL be screaming with our hair on fire from the rooftop over what is being done to our country.
You equate taxes with 'redistribution of wealth'...???

Taxes are how government sustains itself, and builds infrastructure for the nations needs...

but if that government collects those taxes for the purpose of giving cash away to individuals, that could be seen as what you suggest...
we aren't at the tipping point yet, but we are approaching it

There already exists a number of redistributive programs. Though I agree that most tax collection is used to run government (which continues to grow) and protect our country and maintain infrastructure...already too much is used to redistribute wealth via well intentione but economically unsustainable social welfare programs. From farm subsidies and welfare to social security and about the debacle we call public education? Every one of these programs is adminstratively top heavy, operate poorly and waste tremendously!