Global warming GOOD for polar bears

Who cares about polar bears? We are superior to them. They are different than us. I think we should be allowed to kill them if we want because that's just nature DERR!
It's brutal. I saw it on one of the cable channels last night, too; they have absolutely nowhere to go.

They think the entire habitat might melt completely over the summer within 5 years time.

Then they will die off and become extinct?
Since Dano's back, a little nostalgic reminiscing to break up the monotony of Bush's financial meltdown:

"Polar bears resort to cannibalism as Arctic ice shrinks"
The correct title should be that cannibalism increased as polar bears have always been observed to have cannibalistic behaviour:

Why not be honest here Lorax? Your main point in posting this was to have some fun with the other lefties joining in with you and getting back to the good ol times of bashing Dano which is always easier than dealing with my points. I believe I did not say global warming was good for polar bears, I said it was good overall. If not then I apologize but I am fairly certain that is what I said.
Some things to bear in mind.

1. Other bears like grizzlies (which polar bears evolved from) and black bears will likely find more warming means less hibernation and less of a dire need to find food in the fall. Their numbers will likely go up.
2. Polar bear population may be declining now, but is far above what it was decades ago, as hunting was always a bigger threat than warming:
"Wildlife biologists believe the population is double the 1960s levels because of reduced hunting pressure."
3. Polar bears are able to live year round in climates as warm and far south as James Bay, so they are able to adapt to warmer weather.

By the way, I owe you an apology, I was too hard on you before because you are a moderate and showed some courage with regards to not taking the general Liberal line on things like universal healthcare. You just need to bring a bit more of an open mind on your pet issues.
Since Dano's back, a little nostalgic reminiscing to break up the monotony of Bush's financial meltdown:

"Polar bears resort to cannibalism as Arctic ice shrinks"

Good times.

But Onceler, if you take a pencil and a ruler, and draw a straight line between the global temperature of two random years picked out of the last decade, you can actually prove global "cooling"!