God bless the Dixie Chicks

I saw a great documentary on the Chicks yesterday. It’s kind of amazing – a significant # of country music fans (close to 30% by a poll) still hold it against them, but no doubt a lot of those are supporting a guy who thought Iraq was a disaster and ‘uuuge mistake.

And it was a good reminder seeing the likes of Hannity calling them “ignorant.” Who is the ignorant one now? Why does anyone even listen to Sean Hannity when it comes to foreign policy now? Do you really get a mulligan on that one?

Great profile in courage. The backlash against them was absolutely enormous. Dissent is very hard sometimes, but so vital. Our leaders have not earned our trust, especially on military matters. You can support the troops & still oppose the policy.
Maybe they think the same way you can support the troops and oppose the policy, that they can hate someone that opposses the policy when it's inconvenient, and support someone that opposses the policy when it IS convenient.

Sort of a "that was then, this is now" cop out?
I saw a great documentary on the Chicks yesterday. It’s kind of amazing – a significant # of country music fans (close to 30% by a poll) still hold it against them, but no doubt a lot of those are supporting a guy who thought Iraq was a disaster and ‘uuuge mistake.

And it was a good reminder seeing the likes of Hannity calling them “ignorant.” Who is the ignorant one now? Why does anyone even listen to Sean Hannity when it comes to foreign policy now? Do you really get a mulligan on that one?

Great profile in courage. The backlash against them was absolutely enormous. Dissent is very hard sometimes, but so vital. Our leaders have not earned our trust, especially on military matters. You can support the troops & still oppose the policy.

Perhaps they should have become rock stars. Benefits include vastly superior music, and not having to appeal to southern retards.
Why does anyone even listen to Sean Hannity when it comes to foreign policy now? Do you really get a mulligan on that one?

How many mulligans does Hillary get after her vote as a Senator for the Iraq war, her arming what turned out to be ISIS in Libya, her refusal to provide adequate security in Benghazi and her felonious private e-mail crime?

Hannity isn't a candidate for the Presidency, Hillary Clinton is and she belongs in jail.
... her refusal to provide adequate security in Benghazi ...

The GOP-led House passed two accounts to pay for embassy security in fiscal 2012 that was $330 million less than the Obama administration had requested. The final bill, passed with bipartisan support after adjustments by the Dem-led Senate, put the amount at $270 million less than the administration requested. You want better security, Robo? Then stop fucking with the funding.