God Help Us....


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I actually feel sorry for the cons who feel compelled to defend this noted global warming denier, young Earth creationist, and book banner

Palin made rape victims pay

ONE QUESTION that Sarah Palin should answer during tomorrow's debate is why, during her tenure as mayor of Wasilla, the town started charging rape victims or their insurers for hospital emergency-room rape kits and examinations....(Its because rape kits typically include emergency contraception, i.e. the morning after pill. And Palin considers the morning after pill to be abortion of an "innocent life"! and she didn't want to subsidize murder)

But Palin has never explained why, under her leadership, the town stopped picking up the cost of the swabs, specimen containers, and tests.

A spokeswoman for Palin wrote to USA Today that Palin "does not believe, nor has she ever believed, that rape victims should have to pay for an evidence-gathering test." But that was the practice in Wasilla while she was mayor....

But the policy on rape kits may have had less to do with easing the burden on taxpayers and more to do with Palin's position on abortion. She has said she opposes it even in cases of rape or incest.

Generally, victims of sexual assault have the option of an emergency contraception pill, which some opponents of abortion consider tantamount to abortion itself. Does Palin support the decision two years ago of the US Food and Drug Administration to allow over-the-counter sales of emergency contraception pills?

Whether the fee-for-kits policy reflected Palin's budgetary zeal or her extreme view on abortion, voters deserve to know. As Alaska's governor in 2000, Tony Knowles, put it: "We would never bill the victim of a burglary for finger-printing and photographing the crime scene, or for the cost of gathering other evidence."

But in Wasilla they would, if the crime was rape


"dinosaurs and humans walked the Earth at the same time," - Sarah Palin

Put the kool-aid down and just stop reading KOS & DU for a few days. That swelling should go down after a few hours.

Spreading a myth, still does not make it true, especially one that has been proved false.

Unless you also believe Obambi is a Muslim, do you?
obama gets the welfare, gay, black, marxist, lesbo fem population

Palin gets the pro life population.

Personally I am not a pro life fan, but at least I can understand the premis of not letting a fetus grow and live can be considered poor morals. But without the philosopy she believes in---you gay homo libs would not be here. If there were a test for a fetus becomming a homo liberal (like a down syndrom test)--your parents, who ousted you later in life, would have had you aborted.

Yea---I can se both sides of it--and a need for better technology. You folks are a living breathing walking billboard for abortion!

Hey Webb---I have heard radical muslims say obama is a muslim because he has studied in a mosk for a length of time. They want obama in office as bad as these dupes.
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obama gets the welfare,, gay black, marxist population

Palin gets the pro life population.

Personally I am not a pro life fan, but at least I can understand the premis of not letting a fetus grow and live can be considered poor morals. But without the philosopy she believes in---you gay homo libs would not be here. If there were a test for a fetus becomming a homo liberal (like a down syndrom test)--your parents, who ousted you later in life, would have had you aborted.

Yea---I can se both sides of it--and a need for better technology. You folks are a living breathing walking billboard for abortion!

Please never have children. Anyone who thinks a parent would abort their child for being gay or a liberal should not reproduce.

Or maybe having a gay child would be just what you need. Hmmmm
obama gets the welfare, gay, black, marxist, lesbo fem population

Palin gets the pro life population.

Personally I am not a pro life fan, but at least I can understand the premis of not letting a fetus grow and live can be considered poor morals. But without the philosopy she believes in---you gay homo libs would not be here. If there were a test for a fetus becomming a homo liberal (like a down syndrom test)--your parents, who ousted you later in life, would have had you aborted.

Yea---I can se both sides of it--and a need for better technology. You folks are a living breathing walking billboard for abortion!

Hey Webb---I have heard radical muslims say obama is a muslim because he has studied in a mosk for a length of time. They want obama in office as bad as these dupes.

Good point on "technology".

I've heard several con male posters claim they would be willing to carry the embryo to term, if the technology were made available for a man to carry a fetus.

Someday, we won't need morning after pills, we can ban them, and Dixie and Bravo can carry the embryos of raped women.