Going Sideways


This is some great stuff. Sam Stein was at the Democratic rules meeting yesterday, or whatever it was called, and here are some of the things some of the women there told him:

"[Obama] is a cult. His campaign is an anti-woman cult."
"I will actively campaign against him."

"You know who is backing him is George Soros. It'll be George Soros, not Obama, who is running the country."

"South Dakota is totally rigged for Obama because of Tom Daschle. Obama's going to win South Dakota because he's buying it and rigging it."

"[Obama] is a socialist! You know what the Nazi Party was before it was the Nazi Party? It was the Socialist Party."

It was not all that different from the mood outside, where signs read, "At least slaves were counted as 3/5ths a Citizen," and some pamphlets detailed Obama's supposed dealings in drugs and gay sex. The latter being handed out by Larry Sinclair, the youtube opportunist who has claimed to have had an affair with the Senator.

"Would you rather have a president who had an affair [Bill Clinton] or one who was a murderer [Obama]?" Eve Fairbanks, a reporter with The New Republic, was asked by one protester.

Back in Harry's, passions did not ebb. Amidst the chatter came raucous cheers for any Clinton surrogate whose face popped up on the television screen. They were countered by derisive boos when CNN cut to a clip of DNC Chairman Howard Dean. It didn't matter what he said. You couldn't hear it over the crowd's hissing.

I approached a group of Clinton supporters sitting at the bar to pinpoint, exactly, the foundation of their emotions. Almost unanimously they agreed that if Florida and Michigan weren't seated in their entirety, they would never vote for Obama.

As women, were they comfortable with a candidate like John McCain who could potentially overturn Roe v. Wade?

"Oh don't pull that argument," said Valerie Duhaime of Florida. "Obama did not support a filibuster of [Supreme Court Justice Samuel] Alito and he was for [Chief Justice] John Roberts before he was against him."

Within the pub's confines, Obama was not the only persona non grata. The media, too, occupied a dark place in the crowd's heart. The group at the bar went through a litany of websites that they no longer read -- including the Huffington Post. "I only watch the BBC," said Duhaime. "We are outsourcing the fourth estate."

Shortly after revealing my publication, I was turned away. No worries, my lunch, a Reuben sandwich, had arrived. I pulled up my chair to the table and sat down to eat. Minutes later a chant began around me.

"HuffPost sucks! HuffPost sucks!" and later, "Fox News, fair and balanced! Fox News, fair and balanced!"

OMG, that lady in the video is insane!

Hahhaha. I wonder if she is a Republican, Rush Limbaugh fan? Can you imagine if you were one of her children and you turn on the tv and there's mom freaking out? And you call up your sister, and you're like "wtf, did you sign mom out of the home this weekend?
If she woulda yelled "it's a conspiracy" and "it's not fair" a couple times I woulda known for sure it was Desh. :)
Hahhaha. I wonder if she is a Republican, Rush Limbaugh fan? Can you imagine if you were one of her children and you turn on the tv and there's mom freaking out? And you call up your sister, and you're like "wtf, did you sign mom out of the home this weekend?

Just curious, but how the hell do get a Rush Limbaugh link out of this?
Just curious, but how the hell do get a Rush Limbaugh link out of this?

It's not hard to do. Limbaugh was begging his listeners to vote for Hillary in the open primary states in order to create "chaos" in the democratic party.

She's probably real, but I would guess some of those protesters were republicans. She seems too pitiful to be anything other than real.
Yeah Darla I felt the same way when I watched it this morning. She is real Im sure but she got there with some republican help no doubt. They are chanting things like Fox is fair and balenced? That is when you know they have been lapping up right wing propaganda.

I really think they should have bleeped her name out. I hope no one bothers her.
Yeah Darla I felt the same way when I watched it this morning. She is real Im sure but she got there with some republican help no doubt. They are chanting things like Fox is fair and balenced? That is when you know they have been lapping up right wing propaganda.

I really think they should have bleeped her name out. I hope no one bothers her.

I was thinking that too - they should have bleeped her name out.

Unless...has anyone seen Superfreak?

You know, that could have been a wig.