Going to See Obama Speak Today

There were a few candidates in my town before the MI primaries. I missed them. Next time I will bring bigger fruit. :)
so how was Obama-mania?

I enjoyed it immensely. He joked about his relationship with Cheney. I was on my feet clapping through most of his speech, as was the rest of the 11,000 strong crowd.

I came away reassured about what I had initially assumed: that Obama would be the Democratic candidate most in line with my views. He reiterated the need to withdraw from Iraq, restore habeas corpus, and close Guantanamo.

Things I disagreed with: He hinted at overturning the Bush tax cuts, and instituting a universal healthcare program.

However if the choice is 4 more years of war or universal healthcare, I'll choose the latter immediately.
However if the choice is 4 more years of war or universal healthcare, I'll choose the latter immediately.

Gravedugg this post to argue.

I'm going to cite danoldism, which I happen to agree with in this instance. Universal healthcare, when implemented, will likely never go away. War's will all eventually end.

Does that mean I am suggesting that implementing a nationwide program to aid the sick and poor is worse than 4 more years of death?
