golden girls election 2008 style

Tell me. What is it with gay people and the fascination with the "Golden Girls"? (Yes, you shouldn't take this seriously I thought I'd make fun of a friend a bit...)
it was a ground breaking show are you serious?? not to mention it's just fucking hilarious. which friend?
it was a ground breaking show are you serious?? not to mention it's just fucking hilarious. which friend?
You. Well and a guy at work who I will maintain an anonymity for as he isn't a member.

Almost every gay guy I know is into this show. It's like Streisand...
No, he's a log-cabin guy.... j/k

Yes, he's voting for Obama.

tell your friend im with him, and with real change in America!!!!

i dunno i just liked the show, it was awesome very pro socially liberal in the 80s and i think part of it was that Estelle had a gay son or something though im not sure about that.

it was sad she died, but i heard her quality of life was non existant.
I'm Adam Weinberg and I approve of the Golden Girls. I do not, however, approve of that YouTube video. Not funny like the show.