Good Article on Trumpism

I like it because it is well-written, and utilizes themes in political philosophy that I am fond of, as well as a style that reminds me of something I might have cranked-out in college. Also, it's nice to see a substantive argument for Trumpism, rather than the crap I read here everyday...'re STUCK, with him, and.....can only HOPE for "the best".


March 1, 2016 - "Republican officeholders and media personalities are putting up a brave front and saying they wouldn't back The Donald even if he were the Republican nominee (a lot of Republicans who are not officeholders are doing the same). Some are even going as far as to imply they might just help elect Hillary Clinton president in such a scenario. Others are predicting disaster in November.

It's worth examining, then, how we got here. Donald Trump didn't fall out of the sky and capture the imagination of Republican voters in a New York minute. That Donald Trump, the man who was in the forefront challenging the citizenship - the very birth - of the first black President of the United States, would be the top Republican seeking their party's nomination is a more likely scenario in the current Republican party than one might imagine.

The day President Obama was inaugurated, Republicans had a secret meeting where they decided that they were going to oppose everything President Obama supported.

They decided that as the economy was in the midst of a disaster, they would not help the President put it back on track. They decided that as the President began to push for health care reform - which included many ideas Republicans proposed in the 1990s - to protect consumers and expand coverage, they would make the case for insurance companies. They decided that instead of helping the President reform the financial system, they would stand up for the banks. They decided that instead of helping save the jobs of more than a million people in the auto industry, they would much rather let Detroit go bankrupt. They decided that they would rather vote against their own bills than vote with the President.

Stopping Donald Trump - even if the party's leadership is ultimately successful in doing so - will not fix the very rotten core of the GOP that those very leaders have nurtured for what they thought would be electoral gains. The Republican Party's leadership has nurtured their own cancer; Trump is merely the cancer's loudest outgrowth.

And so if the GOP wishes to return to what used to be the party of Lincoln - or heck even the party of anything other than angry white people - they must treat that cancer at the root. They must cut out not just the Donald Trump growth but the Tea Party growth. They must apologize to the American people for intensifying their base with bigoted policies and rhetoric and they must, once again, begin to compromise.

I doubt they would be able to do so without ensuring 16 years of continuous Democratic reign in the White House."

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Canadian Healthcare Is A Disaster
Canada has had socialized medicine for 20 years, and the same pattern of deteriorating facilities, overburdened doctors, and long hospital waiting lists is clear. A quarter of a million Canadians (out of a population of only 26 million) are now on waiting lists for surgery. The average waiting period for elective surgery is four years. Women wait up to five months for Pap smears and eight months for mammograms. Since 1987, the entire country spent less money on hospital improvements than the city of Washington, D.C., which has a population of only 618,000. As a result, sophisticated diagnostic equipment is scarce in Canada and growing scarcer. There are more MRIs (magnetic resonance imagers) in Washington State, which has a population of 4.6 million, than in all of Canada, which has a population of 26 million.