Good Job On Two Recent Videos MP Pierre Poilievre ~ Trust Fund Trudeau ~ Parental Rig

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Good Job On Two Recent Videos MP Pierre Poilievre ~ Trust Fund Trudeau ~ Parental Rights

How nice that Trudeau hides his cash in a trust fund before he raises taxes to evade doing to himself what he does to Canadians while also criticizing Pierre Poilievre for suggesting Canadians might want to invest in crypto to safe guard their wealth. All of this carbon scam over a climate hoax because again not one person on this planet has proven that 3% of the Earth's surface area occupied by humans raises the Earth's atmospheric temperature 0.000001 degree. Yet we have the WEF with their sick little agenda to take away our jobs, what we eat, having vehicles that are reliable, having suitable homes, using our own and exporting natural gas and oil which would help Canada become prosperous again all over a hoax, a scam, a scandal which is so Trudeau as the WEF sock puppet he gas proven to be along with Freeland who works for the WEF which is a red flag conflict of interest while working as a Canadian official.

The other one I just watched was on parental rights but it seems to have vanished but I see there are others. But well done Pierre because parents deserve the right to look out for and have every say when it comes to their minor children under the age of 18. The LGBT needs to be criminalized for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of Canadians. There is no reason Canadians should have to put up with let alone fund suck sick behaviour of a group of compulsive and obsessive liars and deceivers who don't want to accept themselves for what they are and seem to think that it is their human right to rob everyone else of the right to be what we are while also thinking anyone else should be forced to go along with their extremely offensive lies and deceptions so this sick mockery has to end. The LGB organization can stay but issues still need to be cleared up with simple recognition of fact. Time to abolish such things as the 2017 amendment to Bill C-16. If anything is hateful it is such things as trying to force citizens to have to lie for a group of compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers which is abusing the general population with such things as the 2017 amendment to Bill -16 where even doctors, teachers and scientists were forced to either leave their job to maintain their professionalism or turn their backs on their profession to keep their jobs when everything became a sick mockery.







Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
This was the only text photo that the Federal MP's and Senators of Canada got that I didn't include here because you can only post 5 in one post on Just Plain Politics. So I hurried to get that post on the board before I rushed out for dinner so here it is before I continue to get it through to the MPP's, MLA's etc across Canada, about a thousand House Of Lords members and MP's of the UK, 700 - 800 EU members, 200 UN an WHO members and 70 - 80 Nordic Council members so enjoy ...

Good to see Canadians (and others around the world) waking up, just view the comments on youtube videos such as the comments proceeding the vid in the OP. Just sad that thanks to so called liberal policy back around 2010 that people such as myself started getting banned from social sites for exposing liberal lies and deceptions of which liberal policy is to slander anyone expising liberal lies and deceptions as a hater to have people banned because all they primarily know how to do is lie and deceive otherwise the general population would have awakened to their woke and other bullshit long ago.
Oh and funny that the WEF sock puppets on this forum always try to bump mostly their crap in front of masterpieces like the OP on this thread to try and hide the best from the general public.