Good morning

German Guy

New member
Good morning!

Just joined a few minutes ago, when I was looking for another political debate site. Looking forward to nice debates! :)

Good morning!

Just joined a few minutes ago, when I was looking for another political debate site. Looking forward to nice debates! :)


Nice debates? I hope that works out for you. Around here the popular thing seems to be throwing tantrums, calling names and generally avoiding an actual topic in favor of personal battles.

But its a nice place in spite of all that.
Guten Tag!

So you have trouble telling the ages of those you intend to make remarks about.
Do all Asian homosexuals have this problem.

As to the posting of pictures; have you forgotten that you posted pictures of you and your husband (in the black skull cap).
So you have trouble telling the ages of those you intend to make remarks about.
Do all Asian homosexuals have this problem.

As to the posting of pictures; have you forgotten that you posted pictures of you and your husband (in the black skull cap).

What the fuck are you blabbering about? Are you off the meds?
What the fuck are you blabbering about? Are you off the meds?

Not sure what part you're unable to understand; because I'm not sure your level of stupidity.
Could you please give more details.

Personally I think this is just you being unable to get over the fact that you fucked up. :D
What the fuck are you blabbering about? Are you off the meds?

He's being a pissy little crybaby because he's mad you are back...

Expect every post from him to mention 007's posting of his family photo...he will use it to try and get you to say something to get yourself banned.