Good or Evil (but only when WE say so)


New member
"Superstar" :


1) Do you morons think this shit through or 2) just repeat the dumbass talking points you hear bandied about?

I'm going with option two. With bush supporters clear out of reasons for fighting a war in Iraq, "preventing" al qaeda from establishing bases there is the last desparate reason to cling to, to keep their war going.

Which doesn't even make sense. If we we felt we had to occupy countries to root out al qaeda bases, the US Army would invade Pakistan, where there actually ARE al qaeda bases, and deep rooted support for al qaeda in some elements of the population there.
OH, SHUT UP ALREADY, WITH THE PAKISTAN BIT! These Liberals, like the "superstar", here(HA!), seem to ONLY be able to repeat, and repeat, and repeat, ad nauseum, whatever "buzzword of the week" they find on "dailykooks", or "". She even puts in the piece above how "Bush supporters" "repeat the dumbass talking points you hear bandied about" ! What a JOKE! The Leftist/Socialist base of the Democrat Party, like Barack Obama, doen't HAVE much to go on, in the form of History,Morality, or Facts, on their side. So they KEY IN on one word, phrase, etc., of the week, put it out on all the Left-Wing Kook websites, until the DemMedia pick up on it.
But the problem for them is, usually their word, phrase, or "theory" proposed is based on false assumptions, sometimes outright LIES. For example: The "Pakistan" Bit, which I've heard for over a month, now. Only a LIBERAL would see Pakistan as a Black and White issue. They act like we live in a vacuum, where everything only has two sides, good or evil. America backing the present leaders in Pakistan is EVIL. Evil America. Unless we're talking about CUBA, or the former Sovit Union. THEN, it WASN'T just "good or evil". Or Abortion, murdering millions of innocent Unborn Babies, that isn't "good or evil". Liberals who engage in these tactics are either not very bright, or EXTREMELY naiive. And NEITHER of those two things are traits we want as President.
BTW, for some who seemed concerned, how's my sentence structure? Getting better? I wouldn't want to give anyone a ridiculous, irrelevant reason to disregard a post, like my "sentence structure". So I will just say "Thank You" for the constructive criticism.
It's getting better but you could still try to make better use of spaces in between your lines.

It makes people more likely.

To read what you are saying.

If you put some spaces so they don't have.

To squint.