Good timing: Democrat wants felonies reduced to misdemeanors

Big Money

New member


Two days after he was convicted of eight felonies for perjury and voter fraud, California state Sen. Roderick Wright introduced a bill that would allow some nonviolent felonies to be converted to misdemeanors.

A spokeswoman for Sen. Wright said the bill was "not intended to apply to Wright's own case", but she needed to "consult with experts to determine whether it technically could have applied".

Wright has been stripped of a committee chairmanship, but still sits on the Senate budget, energy and human services committees and can push bills through the process as a senator in good standing.,0,2361493.story#ixzz2s1wbXwDJ
Think she'll be interested?
Hard to say. She claimed to find efforts at voting fraud unspeakable but kept qualifying the protestations. I thought this might be a nice opportunity to see if she's principled or a smoke blower. Im going to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she takes up this standard as her own.
Do you think Sen. Wrights' timing in introducing his bill was coincidental?
The concept is not new so its hard to say but one thing is sure, if it was coincidental he is dumber than a bag of hammers considering the negative light he has chosen to paint himself in. But as they say, if an opponent is determined to hang himself, give him rope.