Google and Googlesearch


Atheist Missionary
When you guys are asleep in your beds I am often the only one signed in.

I've noticed mysterious entities signed in, google and google search...

Anyone know what this is?
google, msn, and other search engines come to this site and cache what we have said so that when a google seach is done, we will be "in there"....

It often makes me wonder if google and other search engines have not been hired by the government or the NSA specifically to gather information on us, or to spy.
google, msn, and other search engines come to this site and cache what we have said so that when a google seach is done, we will be "in there"....

It often makes me wonder if google and other search engines have not been hired by the government or the NSA specifically to gather information on us, or to spy.

regardless of the intent of the search engines they age good for that Care.
Of course the govt goes much farther than that by scanning emails and such with Carnivore or whatever they renamed it.
They are the indexing robots that Google sends out to index our site and put it in searches...