Google Commemorative Logo For Rachel Corrie

Personally, I think Rachel Corrie was terribly misguided. But she was also a human being made in the image of God no different from you and I. To make fun of her death is disgusting and offensive, and does approximately nothing to advance our cause.

Now you see why reasonable people are abandoning the Republican party in droves. The Webways and Bravos and Dixies have become the face of the party led by Der Schweinefettesel himself.

See what I mean about right wingers? How freedom and liberty are just words to them. Look at the ridicule they place on a poor unfortunate girl because she had an unpopular opinion and some neandrathal ran her over with a bull dozer for practicing freedom. They really have become a party of sick fuckers haven't they?
Personally, I think Rachel Corrie was terribly misguided. But she was also a human being made in the image of God no different from you and I. To make fun of her death is disgusting and offensive, and does approximately nothing to advance our cause.

I don't even think she was misguided. I think it was refreshing to hear someone speak against the American/Israeli lobby and protest the Israeli crimes against the Palestinian peoples (Yes, I know, the Palestinian have blood on their hands too). The American government defends even the most reprehensible acts by the Israeli's even when it's not in the US best interest to do so. I think she was a very courageous young woman who used poor judgement and paid the ultimate price for it.

You are right, Weebway's attack is sick twisted and disgusting. What are you, as a member of his party, going to do about sick twisted fucks like him?

We've had this discussion before. I left the Republican party because I could not Tolerate the Weebways, Bravos, Ice Dancers and Dixies that now dominate Republician party politics. You've stayed in the party to affect change for the better. How can the Republican party mover forward when you have sick fucks like this who take great pleasure in the death of a pretty young lady who's only crime was using poor judgement and practicing liberty?
You've stayed in the party to affect change for the better. How can the Republican party mover forward when you have sick fucks like this who take great pleasure in the death of a pretty young lady who's only crime was using poor judgement and practicing liberty?

They are a small minority. I've never encountered anyone at County or State meetings who are like that. Were you an active Republican or only in name? Besides, there are kooks in the Democratic Party as well, a fact which you seem to overlook. :)
They are a small minority. I've never encountered anyone at County or State meetings who are like that. Were you an active Republican or only in name? Besides, there are kooks in the Democratic Party as well, a fact which you seem to overlook. :)

I was an active Republican up until the early 90's when travel for work made it difficult for me to be active. I was a member of the young Republicans in college and back then was when the struggle for the hearts and minds of the party began. I lived in a rural region that only gave a crap about one issue, abortion. I was a main street republican opposed to higher taxation to support the social welfare state, stupid foreign entaglements like Vietnam (and now Iraq) and a deficit hawk.

You are right in that I've never heard anyone in office speak like these fanatics do but they cater to them for their votes and it has grotesquely impeded Republicans ability to govern affectively as they have become answerable to this constituency or why else would the kiss Der Schweinefettesel's (Limbaugh) big pasty white ass? They just have to distance themselves for idiots like Weebway and ID and Bravo. I know all to well that these folks are not a small percentage of Republicans. Maybe a small percentage who hold office, but they are the dominant force, as a voting constituency, within the party.