Googlemaps are Now Available...


Staff member
It is on the dropdown links in the Navbar. Under Google Map ME...

Go and give us a little pin for your bad self...
You won't be able to set multiple settings, but you will be able to edit your own settings. There is also a My Location link above your post count that will take us to your spot on the map if you have set one.
You have to zoom in and place your marker on the map... Click the Your Entry link. It provides some directions there as well. You can then place your marker.
I have joined your select band of geophiles. Unfortunately, due the curse that is plate tectonics, we are hiding to the East, some say right, of your 'big map' and are invisible to all but the willing mouse clicker.
I have joined your select band of geophiles. Unfortunately, due the curse that is plate tectonics, we are hiding to the East, some say right, of your 'big map' and are invisible to all but the willing mouse clicker.
And to those who use the "My Location" link to the right of your avatar in your posts...
Ah, yes, i see now.

With these new technological advances or, as i prefer to call it, witchcraft, you are spoiling us.
We passed by the lovely Carlisle on our way to Glasgow and Edinburgh while on our honeymoon. We ended our northern trek at Loch Ness before we returned back to London... Both times we passed by your lovely town with nary a stop. Is there anything awesome there for tourist types to glom onto?
We passed by the lovely Carlisle on our way to Glasgow and Edinburgh while on our honeymoon. We ended our northern trek at Loch Ness before we returned back to London... Both times we passed by your lovely town with nary a stop. Is there anything awesome there for tourist types to glom onto?

In a

Actually, there's the Castle (where Mary Queen of Scots was kept prisoner for a while before her head went missing from her body) and the obligatory museum. Hadrian's wall isn't too far away either. The most important thing is the football ground though (the centre circle of the pitch should be where the little marker is on the map, but Google seems to have missed the stadium off entirely) my spiritual home, if you will.

My real abode is down to the South, in the Eden valley, specifically Penrith, just outside the Lake District national park.
Wow, Googlemaps uses a ton of bandwidth. Good thing we barely touch and aren't even close to using the amount that I have to use... However I think it is relatively static on the usage and we will soon bypass that on user usage.
