GOP and women's rights in America.

Originally Posted by Rune
Plenty of deaf ears for this news to fall on here.

Silly to characterize GOP opposition to government funding of abortion as a "war on women"

What's "silly" is the GOP perpetuating the LIE of "government funding" of abortion! I defy any new conservative, Tea Party or Libertarian member/pundit to provide the EXACT proof where your tax dollars are being used by the Federal gov't to "fund abortion".

Meanwhile, READ the contents of the link, and then try and deny the "war on women".....the conservative/right wingnut attempts to control women sans their Constitutional rights (i.e., recent Arizona law).
What's "silly" is the GOP perpetuating the LIE of "government funding" of abortion! I defy any new conservative, Tea Party or Libertarian member/pundit to provide the EXACT proof where your tax dollars are being used by the Federal gov't to "fund abortion".

Meanwhile, READ the contents of the link, and then try and deny the "war on women".....the conservative/right wingnut attempts to control women sans their Constitutional rights (i.e., recent Arizona law).

???? I didnt say anything about "Federal" funding and quite clearly said "opposition to government funding". And the first example that comes to mind would be the first example in "the contents of the link", specifically the "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act"
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
What's "silly" is the GOP perpetuating the LIE of "government funding" of abortion! I defy any new conservative, Tea Party or Libertarian member/pundit to provide the EXACT proof where your tax dollars are being used by the Federal gov't to "fund abortion".

Meanwhile, READ the contents of the link, and then try and deny the "war on women".....the conservative/right wingnut attempts to control women sans their Constitutional rights (i.e., recent Arizona law).

???? I didnt say anything about "Federal" funding and quite clearly said "opposition to government funding". And the first example that comes to mind would be the first example in "the contents of the link", specifically the "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act"

And your point? Because the "war on women" is taking place via efforts to use the gov't to invade women's ability to choose their medical procedures and how the control their own bodies.

Case in point:

I mean, Jeezus! What's next, Arizona legislating vaginal surveillance cameras?
Are the Republicans/conservatives conducting a legislative "war on women"? You Bet'cha!

Republican "War On Women" Is Not A Left-Wing Invention

Republican "War On Women" Is A Left-Wing MYTH

but with the aid of msm they will be able to convince a portion of the marrow-minded idiots..

that are gullible to believe any bullshit that nurtures their preconceived bigotry.....
And your point? Because the "war on women" is taking place via efforts to use the gov't to invade women's ability to choose their medical procedures and how the control their own bodies.

Case in point:

I mean, Jeezus! What's next, Arizona legislating vaginal surveillance cameras?

Silly to characterize governments failure to fund abortions as an invasion of women's ability to choose abortions.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And your point? Because the "war on women" is taking place via efforts to use the gov't to invade women's ability to choose their medical procedures and how the control their own bodies.

Case in point:

I mean, Jeezus! What's next, Arizona legislating vaginal surveillance cameras?

Silly to characterize governments failure to fund abortions as an invasion of women's ability to choose abortions.

What's silly is your either intended or unintended mischaracterization of the situation. Let's quickly break it down:

The "pro-life" advocates screamed bloody murder about any of their tax dollars funding abortions on any level. So as it stands, your federal gov't goes to great lengths NOT to do so.

Not satisfied, the pro-life folk are now using local gov't to enforce their personal ideology and beliefs on others regarding an individual woman's right to private determination of treatment between herself and her doctor ... example being Arizona's recent actions in this venue.

As reality shows, the gov't didn't fail to do it's's fanatical religious/right wing idealogues who are using local gov't to circumnavigate the rules and regulations. In effect, they are declaring a war on women's rights as deemed by our gov't.

For you to repeat your assertion just flies in the face of reality.
Pinheads will continue to lie about anything and everything in order to score a political point....

ALL RIGHTS, womens well as mens rights, are given to us by the Constitution.....NOT Democrats and NOT Republicans.....

and only fool and idiots imagine otherwise.
Pinheads will continue to lie about anything and everything in order to score a political point....

ALL RIGHTS, womens well as mens rights, are given to us by the Constitution.....NOT Democrats and NOT Republicans.....

and only fool and idiots imagine otherwise.

Once again, our intellectually impotent neocon barfly wails a MOOT POINT that no one has disputed on this thread. "Bravo" indeed! :palm:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Are the Republicans/conservatives conducting a legislative "war on women"? You Bet'cha!

Republican "War On Women" Is Not A Left-Wing Invention
well if the leftwingnut media matters proclaims it to be true, it must be.

Translation: The neocon/teabagger SuperFreak cannot logically or factually disprove the CONTENT of the Media Matters link, so he blows smoke.
Only a moron would claim the GOP even has the power to take away anyone's Constitutional Rights......

And our insipidly stubborn and intellectually impotent barfly Bravo misses the entire conversation with his inane accusation. For those interested in what Bravo is so terrified in dealing with, check out the information in the links that his like minded compadre also had trouble with.
Translation: The neocon/teabagger SuperFreak cannot logically or factually disprove the CONTENT of the Media Matters link, so he blows smoke.

Nobody bothers to disprove a far left wing propaganda cite.....whats the point...

We all know if its on Media Matters, it is by definition, left wing bullshit....and doesn't require rebuttal....