GOP-Casualty of War?


Senior Member
Ironically, one of the casualties of the Iraq war may be those who started the whole thing in the first place. Some see this as retribution-they think that this couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of war-mongers than they get shot up in their own war. Where’s Rove when you really need him…

Poll: Iraq War Could Wound GOP at Polls

(CNN) -- President Bush's unpopularity -- due largely to the war in Iraq -- seems likely to affect GOP candidates in congressional midterm elections in November, according to a CNN poll released Wednesday.

Fifty-five percent of 1,004 Americans said they would be less likely to vote for a candidate who has supported Bush administration policies, according to the poll conducted by Opinion Research Corporation on behalf of CNN. Forty percent said they would be more likely.

Asked a similar question in 1994 regarding President Clinton, 51 percent of Americans said they would be less likely to vote for a candidate who had supported the Democratic administration.

The war in Iraq appears to be a main factor in Republican opposition, poll results show. Fifty-eight percent of poll respondents said they are opposed to the war, compared with 39 percent who approve of it.

The war seems to have gained some popularity; 61 percent of poll respondents last month were opposed to the war.

Sixty-two percent said they believe no one is winning the war; 25 percent said the United States is winning and 12 percent said the insurgents are winning.

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It is their war and they and their fates are linked to it like it or not.
No matter which wussy demoncrats voted for giving Bush the authority.