GOP Kicking Butt at the State Level


Loyal to the end
The 2010 election wasn't just a shellacking on the federal level. America's dislike for Democrats resulted in many state legislatures turning over to Republican majorities. In NC, we've got GOP majorities in both houses for the first time since the Civil War era.

Now we've got a veto-proof Senate and so much momentum in the House that even some Democrats are going along to override our Democrat governor.


A budget written by Republicans that cuts taxes, scales back environmental controls and trims courts and dozens of agencies became law Wednesday, despite [Democrat] Gov. Bev Perdue's arguments it will eliminate tens of thousands of jobs.

The two-year spending plan took effect after the Republican-led Senate agreed Wednesday afternoon to override Perdue's veto in a party-line vote of 31-19. The House mustered a similar majority earlier Wednesday with the help of five Democrats.

The 2010 election wasn't just a shellacking on the federal level. America's dislike for Democrats resulted in many state legislatures turning over to Republican majorities. In NC, we've got GOP majorities in both houses for the first time since the Civil War era.

Now we've got a veto-proof Senate and so much momentum in the House that even some Democrats are going along to override our Democrat governor.
