GOP revitalized by Obamacare disasters, says NYT

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The health care law’s seemingly endless problems are giving congressional Republicans a much-needed boost of energy, helping them to move past the government-shutdown debacle and focus on a theme for next year’s elections.

Republicans are back on offense, and more quickly than many had expected, after seeing their approval ratings plunge during last month’s partial shutdown and worrisome talk of a possible U.S. debt default.

They pillory administration officials at Capitol Hill hearings.

They cite the millions of people getting dropped by insurers despite President Barack Obama’s promise that it wouldn’t happen.

They harp on the program’s flawed enrollment process.

Now they’re relishing Obama’s apology to those who are losing health insurance plans he had repeatedly said they could keep.

“If the president is truly sorry for breaking his promises to the American people, he’ll do more than just issue a halfhearted apology on TV,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said in a statement.

Republicans once pinned their health care criticisms largely on computer glitches in the application and enrollment process.

Today, they’re accusing Obama and congressional Democrats of much worse, including deceit and incompetence.

Conservative groups are pouring money into ad campaigns reminding voters that many Democrats had promised Americans they could keep their current insurance policies if they wanted.

In particular, Republicans hope these efforts will help them with women, who tend to vote Democratic and often make health care decisions for their families and in-laws.

In the 2014 elections, “this is going to be a big issue, and it’s not going away,” said Daniel Scarpinato of the National Republican Congressional Committee. “Democrats who voted for Obamacare,” he said, “are pretty desperately running around with their hair on fire, trying to distance themselves, which they’re not going to be able to do.”

The White House says canceled policies can be replaced with better coverage, sometimes at lower prices.

What the administration doesn’t emphasize is that better coverage often costs more, and those looking for new policies may not qualify for the tax subsidies available under the new law.
Now if Republicans can just weed out the war mongering neo-cons and the over-the-top Christian Taliban from the party, they might actually win another election, huh?
Now if Republicans can just weed out the war mongering neo-cons and the over-the-top Christian Taliban from the party, they might actually win another election, huh?
Excuse me, but without Social Conservatives such as myself, the GOP cannot go anywhere as we make up the single largest voting block of the party!!
Excuse me, but without Social Conservatives such as myself, the GOP cannot go anywhere as we make up the single largest voting block of the party!!

Excuse me, but where do we find “social conservatism” in the very “liberal” Bill Of Rights?

The reason y’all fucking neo-con, war loving Christian Taliban bastards are the majority in the Republican Party is because you’ve chosen to pay homage to your militaristic authoritarian neo-Roman Empire ideology and or your authoritarian Christian Taliban philosophy or both rather than commit any loyalty to the Constitution of these United States. Thankfully, the vast majority of Americans aren’t social busybodies and war mongers like you and that’s why they keep removing your sorry asses from political offices.

The sad part is they, (the voters), only have one other viable and possible choice because y’all have conspired with the neo-communist bastard Democrats to lock up ballot access, the national media and thereby the national debate and Wall Street and all other special interest money.

It’s perfectly justifiable that y’all social authoritarian bastards “cannot go anywhere,” the pity is, by your own political greed and anti-constitutionalism you are allowing the fucking neo-communist bastard Democrats to go everywhere.
Excuse me, but JPP history buff ThreedleDeedle says America was founded by greedy thieves and pirates:

Piracy is as old as America. The Founders used to pirate illegal Madeira wine from Spain (Washington was big into this market), as well as just about any other import that the Brits didn't want them purchasing from rival powers. Part of the reason why the Revolution occurred was that American juries were nullifying indictments against colonials relating to acts of piracy (which they didn't view as wrong in the first place). This resulted in the British establishing admiralty courts for cases involving piracy, which was viewed as a violation of the colonists English constitutional rights, and pissed them off. Later on, just about every case pertaining to the Coercive/Intolerable Acts was to be tried in these admiralty courts, which basically sealed the deal on the First Continental Congress being formed. The rest is history.
I love it when supposedly well-meaning liberals advise Republicans to turn into Democrats...

That of course would correctly be a True” liberal of the ”classical” determination.

By the way, Republicans in the majority are already twin sisters of the fucking Democrats. They create new federal socialist programs, they want to fix Obama-Care even though there’s no constitutional authority for the federal government to establish and operate socialist programs. They promote the American World Police Force and undeclared unconstitutional fucking wars and nation building just like Democrats. They micro manage and socially engineer American’s social intercourse with legislation, laws and taxation just like Democrats. They’re both Wall Street and Special Interest Cronies. They both love and perpetuate the Military Industrial Complex, foreign political and economic meddling and isolationist sanctions. They both eat shit and bark at the moon and they just have different faces so we can tell em apart.
Excuse me, but JPP history buff ThreedleDeedle says America was founded by greedy thieves and pirates:

Then I reckon that would explain why Republicans, just like Democrats, have no respect for that Constitution established by those thieves and pirates, huh?