GOP senators warn judge against sentencing Trump to prison


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I hope the judge disregard these Trump GOP ass-wipe senators warning?!! I hope Trump gets some prison time too?!!
An example must be made and that crimes like Trump has consequences?!!

Senate Republicans are warning New York Judge Juan Merchan not to sentence former President Trump to prison or house arrest or take any other action that could disrupt the likely GOP nominee’s ability to campaign ahead of the November election.

It could take months for Trump to appeal his conviction on 34 felony counts related to the falsification of business documents, and legal experts don’t expect the conservative-leaning U.S. Supreme Court to intervene to help him.

That means that Trump’s fate rests largely with Merchan, who could choose punishments ranging from prison and house arrest to probation and community service.

Merchan, who earned favorable reviews from legal experts for his careful handling of the case, will sentence Trump on July 11, four days before the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

Republican senators acknowledge that legal experts say it would be highly unusual for Trump to receive a prison sentence for a class E felony and that he would most likely be allowed to remain free pending his appeal to higher state courts.

But they’re nervous about what may happen, because Merchan wields a lot of discretion over the terms of the sentence and they felt he tilted the trial against Trump’s team.

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said it would be a “further abuse of power” to incarcerate Trump or sentence him to home confinement.

“I’m very troubled by what I see in the way the courts have been weaponized,” he said. “It used to be there were some institutions in America, namely the FBI, the Department of Justice and the courts, which were regarded as out of bounds for overt partisan politics, but unfortunately that’s changed, and not for the better.”

Republican senators warn any sentence that would impact Trump’s mobility or ability to communicate with voters could seriously undermine voters’ confidence in the fairness of the 2024 election.

Legal experts predict Merchan won’t sentence Trump to prison right before the convention, but some GOP lawmakers fear that scenario is possible given what they’ve seen of the prosecution and trial so far.

Sen. Ted Budd (R-N.C.) said it would be “foolish” for the judge to sentence Trump to jail or House arrest.

“But when you see the conviction and the rules that he instructed the jury with, it’s completely unfair, it’s unconstitutional, and I would put nothing past him at this point,” he said of Merchan.

Budd said a tough sentence “would only strengthen the resolve of the Americans to support President Trump.”

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), a member of the Judiciary Committee, had felt certain that Trump would never be convicted by the Manhattan jury and now doesn’t know what to think about the prospect of the likely GOP nominee for president winding up in prison before Election Day.

“With this process, anything is possible,” he said.

Tillis said if the judge restricts Trump’s ability to campaign, he would need to show the sentence does not diverge from those of other defendants convicted of the same or similar crimes.

“Unless they can pretty quickly find examples of where similar cases have resulted in prison time, it just adds more fuel to the fire that it was [District Attorney Alvin] Bragg’s politically motivated decision” to ask for jail time, he said.

Trump was convicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records, a class E felony, and faces up to four years in prison on each charge, though most legal experts say the judge could not sentence him to more than 20 years in prison.

Trump’s legal team would push hard to defer any sentence until he completes his appeals, which likely would drag on past Election Day.

Budd said a tough sentence “would only strengthen the resolve of the Americans to support President Trump.”
The GOP people trot this bullshit out so often, you have to wonder why they are trying so hard to get the judge to only give Trump a light sentence.

Do they actually think people buy into that nonsense?

If they thought for one second a tough sentence would help Trump get elected...they would shut the hell up.

They will not shut up.

You can take that to the bank.
The GOP people trot this bullshit out so often, you have to wonder why they are trying so hard to get the judge to only give Trump a light sentence.

Do they actually think people buy into that nonsense?

If they thought for one second a tough sentence would help Trump get elected...they would shut the hell up.

They will not shut up.

You can take that to the bank.
Trump is already taking it to the bank! You idiots are STILL trying to deny the consequences of your sham 'conviction'.