Gore Endorsing Obama


Apparently Gore will appear with Obama at an event in Detroit at Joe Louis arena. Here's the article:

FLINT, Mich. – Former Vice President Al Gore will appear in Detroit tonight for his debut campaign appearance with Senator Barack Obama, extending an endorsement and urging all Democrats to rally behind the party’s fall ticket.

“A few hours from now I will step on stage in Detroit, Michigan to announce my support for Senator Barack Obama,” Mr. Gore said in an e-mail sent to his supporters. “From now through Election Day, I intend to do whatever I can to make sure he is elected President of the United States.”

Throughout the long Democratic primary, Mr. Gore talked frequently to Mr. Obama. But tonight’s rally at the Joe Louis Arena in downtown Detroit marks the first time they will appear together on the same stage. The endorsement was announced – on Mr. Gore’s terms – to supporters on his vast e-mail list.

“I’ve never asked members of AlGore.com to contribute to a political campaign before, but this moment and this election are too important to let pass without taking action,” Mr. Gore said. He added, “Over the past 18 months, Barack Obama has united a movement. He knows change does not come from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue or Capitol Hill. It begins when people stand up and take action.”

The decision to stage the appearance in Michigan underscores the importance of the state for Mr. Obama. It was also in Michigan where former Senator John Edwards unveiled his endorsement of Mr. Obama in a surprise setting.

“Over the next four years, we are going to face many difficult challenges — including bringing our troops home from Iraq, fixing our economy, and solving the climate crisis,” Mr. Gore said. “Barack Obama is clearly the candidate best able to solve these problems and bring change to America.”

I think the fact that the announcement of Gore's support and it taking place in Michigan is significant for several reasons. First, Michigan is a key state that Kerry won and that Obama ought to win this election, although it will be fairly close. Second, obviously Michigan is home to the US auto industry which has taken quite a beating recently and Gore's environmental campaign appears to be at odds with auto industry generally. We'll see where it goes from here.

That Gore is endorsing Obama isn't surprising in the least.

lol... ya i know... shocking

is a gore endorsment realy a good thing ??:pke:

Why wouldn't it be a good thing? I know it's hard for Bush-supporters to believe, but people generally like Al Gore. Compared to an endorsement by say, President Bush or Vice President Cheney, an Al Gore endorsement is indeed a very good thing.

And the fact of the endorsement isn't at all shocking, as I originally indicated. Where the endorsement is taking place and why are, I thought, decent topics for discussion. Nevermind though.
It doesn't matter if it is a "good" or a "bad" thing. He already is the nominee, the time to make a difference in your support is past. Gore isn't going to get anybody to vote for Obama that wouldn't already have voted for Obama because he is the D nominee.

It isn't courageous to endorse the nominee from your party, it is expected.
Why wouldn't it be a good thing? I know it's hard for Bush-supporters to believe, but people generally like Al Gore. Compared to an endorsement by say, President Bush or Vice President Cheney, an Al Gore endorsement is indeed a very good thing.

And the fact of the endorsement isn't at all shocking, as I originally indicated. Where the endorsement is taking place and why are, I thought, decent topics for discussion. Nevermind though.

no i didnt like al gore before bush was even a thought in my head... i find that gore twist and minipulates every lil thing he can, and its only gotten worse.
It doesn't matter if it is a "good" or a "bad" thing. He already is the nominee, the time to make a difference in your support is past. Gore isn't going to get anybody to vote for Obama that wouldn't already have voted for Obama because he is the D nominee.

It isn't courageous to endorse the nominee from your party, it is expected.

What the fuck are you talking about? Who are you responding to? Who the hell mentioned anything about courage? And who the hell died and made you omniscient knower of the motivations of all voters?
What the fuck are you talking about? Who are you responding to? Who the hell mentioned anything about courage? And who the hell died and made you omniscient knower of the motivations of all voters?
LOL. Wow.

I simply gave a summary of my own shock and surprise of Gore's endorsement of the candidate from his party.

I can't believe somebody started a thread on this as if he was going to endorse somebody else!

I find this whole day just generally funny.

What an unrealistic view of Gore. Who do you think he'd bring that isn't already voting Democrat?
LOL. Wow.

I simply gave a summary of my own shock and surprise of Gore's endorsement of the candidate from his party.

I can't believe somebody started a thread on this as if he was going to endorse somebody else!

I find this whole day just generally funny.

What an unrealistic view of Gore. Who do you think he'd bring that isn't already voting Democrat?

kinda sounds like some people think of him what alot of people think of jesus
It doesn't matter if it is a "good" or a "bad" thing. He already is the nominee, the time to make a difference in your support is past. Gore isn't going to get anybody to vote for Obama that wouldn't already have voted for Obama because he is the D nominee.

It isn't courageous to endorse the nominee from your party, it is expected.

I think his point was its interesting that they are doing it in Michigan where Gore and the auto industry haven't necessarily seen eye to eye.
Does The Goracle think this will make up for his racist daddy's filibuster of the Civil Rights Act?

I also noticed he waited until Hildebeast "suspended" her bid....
Does The Goracle think this will make up for his racist daddy's filibuster of the Civil Rights Act?

I also noticed he waited until Hildebeast "suspended" her bid....


The Goracle and Obama The Messiah both on the same stage! What are they going to do, attempt to walk on water for their minions.
LMAO...one could only hope...........

Obama the Momma puts Al Baby on his ticket...this next election cycle will become the proverbial Barnum& Baileys circus!:corn::cof1: