
New member
I like an educated republican to chime in here, and explain to me why the conservative movement in cyberspace is dominated by racist, scientifically illiterate, xenophobic, and/or anti-muslim posters like Webbway, Meme, Indisputable, Bravo, Dixie, Jollie, Toby, WRL, Little Acorn, Battleborne, Diloduck, Tinfoil, etc, etc.

Basically, why are most liberal posters generally pretty smart, educated, and fairly lucid - and why are most con posters are raving morons, warmongers, racists, under educated, or xenophobes?
All I can say is, HA! What kind of Crack do you SMOKE, cypress? Do you really think anyone but YOU, and 1 or 2 other Keith Olbermann groupies, buy this Crap Stew you're shoveling?
Socialist/Collectivist Sheep, like you,who couldn't Think their way out of a Paper Bag, unless Olbermann or another Leftist Media-Type TOLD them what to think?

The question IS, why are most liberal posters generally Brainwashed, Indoctrinated, always Blaming America First, and Filled with HATE? [/B](like Obama, for instance) and why are most con posters attacked for Beliveing in God, Being Moral, Wanting to Preserve the Nation's Greatness, educated beyond the Understanding of most Liberals, and Wanting to Promote Americans who believe in WORKING FOR WHAT THEY GET IN LIFE, as Opposed to Liberal Thought, which says, "Let the Leaders of Industry Risk THEIR Millions, Develop and Invent Products and Services to make Everyone's Life BETTER, and THEN have Big Daddy Government come along, STEAL AS MUCH MONEY FROM SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE AS THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH, and then GIVE ALL THOSE STOLEN DOLLARS TO WELFARE CHEATS, DEMOCRAT FREINDS(like Obama's Millionare Advisor, who Cheated the Taxpayers out of a 4% Housing Loan, for one of his Mansions)

In Short, WHY are Democrats such Hypocrites, always Crying in front of TV Cameras about "The Poooooooor", Like Ted Kennedy and Jay Rockerfeller, while they Ride by in their Limosines, or their SUV's, burning hundreds of gallons of gas, lighting their Cigars with $100 bills, never once having a Homeless Person over for Dinner, or going to a Soup Kitchen, and helping out?

Why do Liberal Democrat Hypocrites cry in front of TV Cameras about Racism and Sexism, when they have Rapist/Murderer Ted Kennedy, and K.K.K. Noose-Thrower Sen. Robert ("Lynch "Em" K.K.K.) Byrd, Both DEMOCRATS, as their RESPECTED WISE ELDERS? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

Can you answer THOSE questions, "cypress" ? Are you CAPABLE of answering, about Democrat's Hypocracy, about Kennedy, Byrd, Rep. Jefferson, caught with $90,000 in his FREEZER, and the Hundreds of OTHER examples, of Liberal Hypocracy?
All I can say is, HA! What kind of Crack do you SMOKE, cypress? Do you really think anyone but YOU, and 1 or 2 other Keith Olbermann groupies, buy this Crap Stew you're shoveling?
Socialist/Collectivist Sheep, like you,who couldn't Think their way out of a Paper Bag, unless Olbermann or another Leftist Media-Type TOLD them what to think?.....

apparently not as good as the crack you're smoking.
Put up a poll, as to which group is smarter and more lucid:

1) Battleborne/Jollie/Little Acorn/Meme/Bravo/Toby/WRL/Dixie/Toby/Dilloduck


2) Onceler/BAC/Darla/LadyT/Dungheap/Desh/USC/Cypress/Midcan/

My guess is that the combined IQ of the first group doesn't break triple digits.
Put up a poll, as to which group is smarter and more lucid:

1) Battleborne/Jollie/Little Acorn/Meme/Bravo/Toby/WRL/Dixie/Toby/Dilloduck


2) Onceler/BAC/Darla/LadyT/Dungheap/Desh/USC/Cypress/Midcan/

My guess is that the combined IQ of the first group doesn't break triple digits.

LMAO @ "more lucid"
What is YOUR IQ, cypress? Mine is 142. And WHO are you going to POLL? Other Liberals? Bwaaaaaahahahahahaha, you're MORE STUPID than I gave you CREDIT for, haha!

And you never answered my QUESTION, much like MOST Liberals, when they are faced with tough questions. What do you THINK, about AssHat's Vehement, Rabid, Anti-Semitism, and more importantly, what do you THINK, about Barack and Michelle Obama's Vehement, Rabid, Anti-White Statements and Sentiments, and their Vehement, Rabid, Anti-Americanism, and their DISDAIN for the Capitalist System, unless it's putting money in THEIR pockets? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm? I didn't catch your answer, on that one?
Sorry, I shoul've asked, "What is YOUR IQ, cypress, and "LadyT", aka Tianabutre, who hasn't seemed that bright in 3 years? Except maybe a talent for sarcasm, but THAT is only cute for a little while, eventually, it gets old, and tiring.
If your IQ is 142, how is it that you cannot understand that posting in random CAPS is annoying?
I'm not even going to read this. All I had to do was glance at the title. Then I asked myself, now, what are the chances of someone who is not currently jollie being the one who got it backwards?