Gov. Rick Scott: Florida won't comply with health care law


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Gov. Rick Scott: Florida won't comply with health care law
By Gary Fineout, The Associated Press
1:26 p.m. EST, June 30, 2012

Florida — Florida Gov. Rick Scott now says Florida will do nothing to comply with President Barack Obama's health care overhaul and will not expand its Medicaid program. The announcement is a marked changed after the governor recently said he would follow the law if it were upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.

"Florida is not going to implement Obamacare. We are not going to expand Medicaid and we're not going to implement exchanges," Scott's spokesman Lane Wright told The Associated Press on Saturday. Wright stressed that the governor would work to make sure the law is repealed.

Scott told Fox News the Medicaid expansion would cost Florida taxpayers $1.9 billion a year, but it's unclear how he arrived at that figure.

Scott said the state will not expand the Medicaid program in order to lower the number of uninsured residents, nor will Florida set up a state-run health exchange, a marketplace where people who need insurance policies could shop for them.

"We care about having a health care safety net for the vulnerable Floridians, but this is an expansion that just doesn't make any sense," he told Fox host Greta Van Susteren on Friday.
FloriDUH Scott strikes again, i have no clue what is happening, i got to getr insurance now 0because of AFHC law, but i can't get the Medicade?
Guess I'm gonna have to pay for a AARP crappy policy.
The worst result; i can't really afford a policy, but I'm forced to buy one???

Signed; Utterly Confused
I don't know how to say this nicely. As a resident of Floriduh I can only attest to the fact that Rick Scott is a douche. Applying for UC in this state has become impossible thanks to the barriers out there. Gawd, you have to take a 45 question test. I took it for a friend the other day and even with my brilliant mind it was hard as hell! Then, when you get it you get far less than people in other states. Not to mention the drug tests, etc. Natch, the feds are investigating.... This fuckwad has no idea how to follow laws.

Then there's his attempts to privatize Medicaid. What a clusterfuck! This is an old blog post I did on it. It's gotten worse since...

But don't think for one minute he's refusing all the money!

While Gov. Rick Scott has made news by rejecting several grants funded by the federal healthcare reform act, a study by an independent nonprofit group finds that Florida organizations have quietly received $119.6 million in reform act funds over the last two years.

Using federal data, the National Conference of State Legislatures has compiled a report that shows Florida state agencies, universities, hospitals, public clinics — even faith-based private groups such as Tallahassee-based Live the Life Ministries — received funds from the Affordable Care Act in 2010 and 2011 for everything from clinic expansion to abstinence lectures.

This has happened while Florida has been a leading state in a lawsuit alleging that the Obama administration act is unconstitutional. What’s more, NCSL reports Florida is one of three states planning to ask voters next fall to consider a constitutional amendment to declare illegal key provisions of the reform act — a stance that could lead to a state-federal court battle if the amendment were to win approval.

Scott, former leader of the HCA hospital chain, has been highly vocal in opposing the reform act, passed by Congress in 2010 with its most important provisions scheduled to start in 2014.

Are you medically needy in Florida? You are screwed!

Let's look more closely at just one of these measures: proposed changes to the Medically Needy program. The program covers individuals with catastrophic medical expenses but have incomes above the Medicaid eligibility limit. The Medically Needy include, for example, organ transplant patients, under-employed parents with health problems, and people with disabilities with incomes above the SSI payment level.

Currently, Medically Needy patients qualify for Medicaid only during months in which they meet what is called the "share of cost" requirement. Recipients meet share of cost when they owe medical bills that reduce their net income for that month to less than 20% of the poverty level.

Under the State's proposal, Medically Needy recipients would be placed in a form of managed care and required to pay monthly premiums in exchange for continuous coverage. Sounds reasonable. Even helpful, right? But read the State's application very carefully:

The Agency seeks to simplify the enrollment and eligibility determination process and to implement an income-based premium not to exceed the recipient's share of cost. The objective [is] to provide for more continuous coverage and improved access and coordination.

Continued eligibility and coverage of the Medically Needy population are important objectives...and [this] would provide access to a greater eligibility period for Medicaid.

In all cases, the proposal would apply no more restrictive eligibility policy; and in most cases criteria would be less restrictive, since the proposed premium will be no more than the share of cost.

The extent of the disingenuousness and disregard buried in these statements almost defies description. For starters, State officials know that they must claim that these changes would not restrict eligibility, because otherwise the changes immediately violate federal law. To pitch what the Legislature demanded then, they had to tell a flat-out lie.

Suppose, for example, that a patient has monthly income of $1,000. Under current rules, if she is appropriately billed $800 for eligible medical care, she meets her share of cost without forcing her family to subsist on a third-world income. By contrast, under this "no more restrictive" proposal, the patient must not only directly pay the entire $800 to be eligible, they must pay that amount every month. This will improve access and continuity?!?

Let's talk some more about the privatization plan. Who will be the first people fucked by it? The old folks!
The first Florida Medicaid patients required to join managed-care plans under the just-approved overhaul won't be the strong and healthy. The first wave will be made up of frail elders and the disabled.

Until now, Florida's plans to transfer Medicaid patients into managed care have focused on children and families, not the sick and frail elderly who need constant care. The assumption was that health maintenance organizations' complicated rules would trip up weak, confused elders.

But that thinking has changed. In the Medicaid overhaul that the Legislature passed and Gov. Rick Scott is expected to sign, the elderly and disabled would be the first group required to enroll in managed care.

If federal health officials approve the plan, in July 2012 the state will officially begin lining up HMOs and provider-service networks to take on the population beginning in October 2013.

Other Medicaid patients — mostly healthy children and pregnant women — won't have to enter a managed care organization until 2014, although they can enroll sooner if they want.

Medicaid experts say it's unusual to make frail elders go first. Consultant Brady Alexander of Tallahassee said he'll have to read the bills to be certain, but said he'd bet it's because the state desperately needs to curtail spending.

Old people are where the money goes in Medicaid. In Florida, where 30 percent of Medicaid patients are elderly or disabled, they accounted for almost 70 percent of spending in 2007, according to the web site State Health Facts.

A spokeswoman for House Speaker Dean Cannon offered two reasons for giving the elderly priority. First, said Katherine Betta, the potential for improved care in that population is great, by helping them stay independent and out of nursing homes as long as possible.

A state team will determine each patient's level of need. Level 1 Medicaid long-term-care patients must be in a nursing home. Level 2's have significant physical or mental impairment, but can still live in the community. Level 3's will be mildly impaired, physically or mentally.

The monthly premiums that the plans receive for the Level 2's would be greater than for the Level 3's. For the Level 1s — the nursing home patients — the state will require plans to pass on the full payment without taking part of it off the top.

There's a lot more from my blog and forum I could share. But I have to go puke.
what is scott talking about? the medicaid part was struck down.

Good gawd. I'd expect that from Dicksee. The decision merely states that the government cannot punish the states for opting out of the medicaid expansion.
I don't know how to say this nicely. As a resident of Floriduh I can only attest to the fact that Rick Scott is a douche. Applying for UC in this state has become impossible thanks to the barriers out there. Gawd, you have to take a 45 question test. I took it for a friend the other day and even with my brilliant mind it was hard as hell! Then, when you get it you get far less than people in other states. Not to mention the drug tests, etc. Natch, the feds are investigating.... This fuckwad has no idea how to follow laws.

Then there's his attempts to privatize Medicaid. What a clusterfuck! This is an old blog post I did on it. It's gotten worse since...

But don't think for one minute he's refusing all the money!

Are you medically needy in Florida? You are screwed!

Let's talk some more about the privatization plan. Who will be the first people fucked by it? The old folks!

There's a lot more from my blog and forum I could share. But I have to go puke.

"Applying for UC in this state has become impossible thanks to the barriers out there. Gawd, you have to take a 45 question test. I took it for a friend the other day and even with my brilliant mind it was hard as hell!"

You just crack me up!

"Applying for UC in this state has become impossible thanks to the barriers out there. Gawd, you have to take a 45 question test. I took it for a friend the other day and even with my brilliant mind it was hard as hell!"

You just crack me up!

For just a split second I had this horrifying fear I was turning into a Republican. Then I farted...
I don't know how to say this nicely. As a resident of Floriduh I can only attest to the fact that Rick Scott is a douche.There's a lot more from my blog and forum I could share. But I have to go puke.

LOL. I'll have to check your blog, insurance and UC are 2 things I know little of, since i've never had either unemployment, or HC.

The Chrome Dome (Scott) is a miserable piece of work, but i like it here, my home state of Maryland was just too expensive for me to stay.

Think i'm gonna check out your blog,,and "learn up" on these things -especially insurance. I doubt Scott will be looking out for the ppl's welfare (good)
Good gawd. I'd expect that from Dicksee. The decision merely states that the government cannot punish the states for opting out of the medicaid expansion.

again...explain what you're talking about, given it was struck down.

or is it your claim that part was not struck down?
Gov. Rick Scott: Florida won't comply with health care law

Scott said the state will not expand the Medicaid program in order to lower the number of uninsured residents, nor will Florida set up a state-run health exchange, a marketplace where people who need insurance policies could shop for them.

"We care about having a health care safety net for the vulnerable Floridians, but this is an expansion that just doesn't make any sense," he told Fox host Greta Van Susteren on Friday.

of course it doesn't make sense.. He wants to privatize our medicaid and let recipients use their medicaid at Solantic clinics.. and it just so happens, totally unrelated of course, that he owned Solantic up until he ran for office... then he gave it to his wife,the 'homemaker'..

it's the same thing with his 'drug testing for welfare' law he passed, it just so happened, but totally unrelated, that Solantic services were ya know, drug testing.. but hey, his 'wife' is just a savvy smart housewife who knows the ins and outs of a medical corporation..

here's what pisses me off the most.... They're not even pretending to say it's rain when they're pissing on your leg anymore.. and we're letting them get away it over and over again.

as for his previous assertion that he would 'follow the law' with Obamacare and implement it? that was just bunk since he, and the rest of the right, were organismic in their belief they had SCOTUS in the bag, and why wouldn't they Justice Thomas' own wife is the pioneer lobbyist when it comes to trying to defeat Obamacare..(again, no conflict there at all)..her entire 'non-profit' was created to beat "Obama's radical left agenda'.. which ironically, and totally unrelated to any decision Justice Thomas would have made, her Liberty Central and Liberty Consulting collected unlimited and secret donations from the Citizen United ruling..not too mention the latter company actually boasted about her “experience and connections” to help clients with “governmental affairs efforts"

again, they're not even telling us it's rain anymore while they piss all down our backs..

and we welcome it like manna from Heaven..

again...explain what you're talking about, given it was struck down.

or is it your claim that part was not struck down?

the ACA's plan to get about 30 million more people HC called for states to change up their medicaid system and offer it to more people, among other things of course..

the ACA would have allowed states that didn't expand their medicaid, to be penalized by not getting federal funds.. kinda like drunk-driving laws were implemented everywhere because if you didn't, you didn't get federal money for roads..

the Sup's said "You can't punish a state that doesn't expand it's medicaid'.. it didn't say 'you can't expand medicaid'... see the difference?
Solantic was co-founded in 2001 by Rick Scott and Karen Bowling, a former television anchor whom Scott met after Columbia bought what is now Memorial Hospital (in Jacksonville, Florida) in 1995.[SUP]

[/SUP]The corporation attracts patients who do not have insurance, cannot get appointments with their primary care physicians, or do not have primary care physicians.

Solantic is an alternative to the emergency room care that these types of patients often seek, or for not seeing a doctor at all.

In 2006, Scott said that his plans for Solantic were to establish a national brand of medical clinics.
again...explain what you're talking about, given it was struck down.

or is it your claim that part was not struck down?

I'll say this real slow...

Medicaid expansion was not struck down. The ability to restrict current Medicaid funds if a state refuses to expand was denied.

Please read the decision. Like the $1 tablet Aspirin you'll be able to get from the hospital in 2014 as opposed to the $100 tablet of Aspirin today, it'll prevent stupid.
I'll say this real slow...Medicaid expansion was not struck down. The ability to restrict current Medicaid funds if a state refuses to expand was denied. Please read the decision. Like the $1 tablet Aspirin you'll be able to get from the hospital in 2014 as opposed to the $100 tablet of Aspirin today, it'll prevent stupid.

It won't prevent rightwing stupid, will it?
It's posturing. Republican governors don't have to be in full compliance with the ACA till 2014. They're just waiting till after the 2012 election. If Obama wins, they'll comply.