Gov. Schwarzenegger Vetoes Illegals


Torpedoed their hopes & dreams. :thup:

Vetoed SB60 and SB 1301, both from Senator Gilbert Cedillo.

Which would have allowed illegals to get drivers license and granted illegals access to financial aid administered by the UC system, the CSU system and the state's community colleges, including grant, scholarship, work-study and loan programs.

Great, right-wing populism is awesome. It's like a collection of all the worst parts of human nature, all in one place, on display for everyone to see.
Torpedoed their hopes & dreams. :thup:

Vetoed SB60 and SB 1301, both from Senator Gilbert Cedillo.

Which would have allowed illegals to get drivers license and granted illegals access to financial aid administered by the UC system, the CSU system and the state's community colleges, including grant, scholarship, work-study and loan programs.


Hey--25 billion in debt as a state has to weigh pretty heavy on the big mans shoulders.

I have seen recreation ads lately, with AS in the (snow sking and such), trying to get people that have money to move into the state. Looks like Arnold can ski pretty good!

Look above---waterbroke thinks CA is right wing as it has been a blue state forever----LMAO enough to poop!!!
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Hey--25 billion in debt as a state has to weigh pretty heavy on the big mans shoulders.

I have seen recreation ads lately, with AS in the (snow sking and such), trying to get people that have money to move into the state. Looks like Arnold can ski pretty good!

Look above---waterbroke thinks CA is right wing as it has been a blue state forever----LMAO enough to poop!!!

The Democrats are a center-right party. We don't have a moderate or left wing party in America.
The Democrats are a center-right party. We don't have a moderate or left wing party in America.

ohhhhhh weeee---you are talking about the hard communist left like Putin--and how our left demacrats compare? At the top levels of the Dem party---they compare. so does obama.

you are such a little cute commie boy. go fuck up some other country and other peoples lives commie boy. You fuck up ours--and you answer to angry consertatives. Americans won't take your crap. Never did--never will.
you are such a little cute commie boy. go fuck up some other country and other peoples lives commie boy. You fuck up ours--and you answer to angry consertatives. Americans won't take your crap. Never did--never will.

I disagree. One day, the good part of human nature will come back to America, the right wing populists will be kicked out office and in dissarray, and the left will come back into power with full force.
Nationalism is not a left-wing ideology, Majority.

That is not what I asked you. In your mind (because it does vary through out the world sometimes), what is the difference between the left and the right political ideologies?

Since communisum falls under left wing extreem---are you sure a communist nation is not left wing?

There is extreem right wing also, like Nazism, but that is not what a consertative in this nation is. A consertative in a bit older china is a communist. A consertative in this country conserves individual liberities and individual rights. That is why you drank the kool-aid. You don't know where you come from.
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