Grayson, Long face off in testy downtown Orlando debate


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But things got testy right away, with Long calling Grayson a "character assassin" and Grayson branding Long as "a towering hypocrite" and "a liar, too."

In his opening statement, Long attacked Grayson for having referred to a female Federal Reserve adviser and former Enron lobbyist as a "K Street whore." Long called the 2009 comment sexist and demeaning.

Grayson apologized at the time, but he defended the remark Monday. Lobbyists are commonly referred to that way, he said, "because they congregate on K Street [in Washington, D.C.], and they're whores."

When Grayson interrupted him at one point, Long responded with: "You can shut up."Later, an audience member called out that he couldn't hear Long. "You're better off," Grayson quipped.

When Grayson said he'd never been told to shut up during a debate before, he got a faux-sympathetic "awwww" from Long backers in the audience.

When Long mentioned that he likes Democrats and independents, Grayson jumped in with: "How about me, Todd?"

The candidates — both Orlando attorneys — expressed dismay about the negative tone, saying they'd never been in a similarly hostile debate. But they blamed each other for the confrontational exchange.

Grayson cited accomplishments during his 2009-11 term in Congress, such as passing legislation to address the foreclosure crisis, bringing in federal funding for local schools and supporting a measure with Republican Rep. Ron Paul of Texas to audit the Federal Reserve.

The issue before voters, he said, is "who's going to deliver for the district."

Long reiterated his call to abolish much of the federal tax code in favor of the "Fair Tax," a 23 percent national sales tax on goods and services, saying it would revitalize small business and help bring back manufacturing.

He also promoted the option of allowing younger workers to invest some Social Security contributions in private accounts, which he called a necessary measure to save the program from bankruptcy. Grayson defended the fiscal stability of Social Security, saying Long would raise the retirement age to 70 or 72 and "freeze Medicare."

Long responded that he didn't want to do any of those things but that all options should be on the table to keep the programs solvent.

Moderator Mike Synan of WOFL-Channel 35 asked the candidates to name one thing they respected about each other.

"I respect that he knows how to lose," Grayson said of Long, who previously ran in GOP primaries in 2008 and 2010.
He's against everything that I believe and cherish in this nation," Long responded.

Grayson, 54, defeated Ric Keller in 2008 but lost to Dan Webster in 2010. He developed a national profile, becoming a favorite of liberals and a lightning rod for criticism among conservatives for a series of incendiary comments. Among them, he characterized Republican health-care policy as "if you get sick, die quickly."

With redistricting after the 2010 Census, Grayson decided to run for the newly drawn District 9, which encompasses all of Osceola County, eastern Orange County and bits of Polk County. Long, 48, also previously ran for the former District 8 that Grayson represented.

Grayson has a huge financial advantage in the current race. According to the most recent available reports from the Federal Elections Commission, he has raised more than $2.75 million, compared with less than $35,000 for Long.

I respect that he knows how to lose," Grayson said of Long, who previously ran in GOP primaries in 2008 and 2010.