Great liberal accomplishments

Hmmm let me think of some great liberal accomplishments.

The Declaration of Independence. The Bill of Rights. The US Constitution. Brown vs Board of Education. The Emancipation Proclamation. The Sherman Antitrust act. Social Security. The voting rights act. The Civil rights act. Universal Soverignty. Labor Unions. The Homestead Act. etc, etc.

Now lets think of some great conservative accomplishments. Slavery. Regresive taxation. Creation Science, Monopoly Capitalism. Child Labor. Jim Crow. etc, etc.
Progressive thought has ALWAYS won in the end, and generally made our society a much better place. Equal rights, Civil rights, environmental protections, safety nets that have protected American families, workplace protections, worker's rights, reduction of fraud, consumer rights & protections, educational programs like Head Start, college loan programs, et al.

Conservatism "stands for" lower taxes & the death penalty, and our taxes are still high. You do the math & tell me which philosophy has improved America more.
Hmmm let me think of some great liberal accomplishments.

The Declaration of Independence. The Bill of Rights. The US Constitution. Brown vs Board of Education. The Emancipation Proclamation. The Sherman Antitrust act. Social Security. The voting rights act. The Civil rights act. Universal Soverignty. Labor Unions. The Homestead Act. etc, etc.

Now lets think of some great conservative accomplishments. Slavery. Regresive taxation. Creation Science, Monopoly Capitalism. Child Labor. Jim Crow. etc, etc.

You realize that the first American liberals, the populists who moved America from a republic to a Jacksonian Democracy, were the proponents of all you call conservative except monopoly capitalism, and the opponents of the non-economic/New Deal (anti-trust, social security) aspects of what you call liberal, don't you? But then, you're the guy who thought the GOP was a liberal party until the populist takeover (making it technically more liberal than less) of the 1992-2001 period...
I'm a great liberal accomplishment. My parents are very hard core - in the extra moonbatty realm.
Truly, they must like the healthcare system up there then...

My ex just had a cyst removed from below his eye. He's happy with it. No wait, no problems. If it was his hip, I'd probably be helping him wipe his ass for the next several months. :mad:
My ex just had a cyst removed from below his eye. He's happy with it. No wait, no problems. If it was his hip, I'd probably be helping him wipe his ass for the next several months. :mad:
Why would you help your ex wipe his behind? I'd make him hire help...

Hmmm let me think of some great liberal accomplishments.

The Declaration of Independence. The Bill of Rights. The US Constitution. Brown vs Board of Education. The Emancipation Proclamation. The Sherman Antitrust act. Social Security. The voting rights act. The Civil rights act. Universal Soverignty. Labor Unions. The Homestead Act. etc, etc.

Now lets think of some great conservative accomplishments. Slavery. Regresive taxation. Creation Science, Monopoly Capitalism. Child Labor. Jim Crow. etc, etc.

The Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the US Constitution.

There is no way that any Liberal would ever sign these documents today. To Liberals, the Constitution is a living, breathing document. It expands and contracts with time. Sometimes, it must cast off things that are no longer useful. This the Liberal view of the US Constitution. If they wrote it today, it would not look anything like the original.

Liberalism, with its close association to Socialist ideals and tendencies, did not exist as it does today when these three documents were written, so please do not try to take credit for these documents.

Brown v. Board of Education

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954), was a landmark decision of the United States Supreme Court, which overturned earlier rulings going back to Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896, by declaring that state laws that established separate public schools for black and white students denied black children equal educational opportunities. Handed down on May 17, 1954, the Warran Court's unanimous (9-0) decision stated that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." As a result, de jure racial segregation was ruled a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. This victory paved the way for integration and the civil rights movement.

Earl Warran (March 19, 1891 - July 9, 1974) was a California district attorney of Alameda County, the 20th Attorney General of California, the 30th Governor of California, and the 14th Chief Justice of the United States (1953-69). As Chief Justice, his term of office was marked by numerous rulings affecting, among other things, the legal status of racial segregation, civil rights, separation of church and state, and police arrest procedure in the United States. In the years that followed, the Court became recognized as a high point in the use of the judicial power in the effort to effect social progress in the U.S. and he became widely regarded as one of the most influential Supreme Court justices in the history of the United States and perhaps the single most important in the 20th century (and certainly its most controversial).

He also was a Republican Party Vice Presidential nominee in 1948.

The Homestead Act

The Homestead Act was a United States Federal law that gave an applicant freehold title to 160 acres (one quarter section or about 65 hectares) of undeveloped land outside of the original 13 colonies. The new law required three steps: file an application, improve the land, and file for deed of title. Anyone, including freed slaves, who had never taken up arms against the U.S. Government could file an application and improvements to a local land office. The Act was signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln (Rep) on May 20, 1862. Eventually 1.6 million homesteads were granted and 270,000,000 acres were privatized between 1862 and 1986, a total of 10% of all lands in the United States. And who stopped freed slaves from acquiring this land. Andrew Johnson (Dem), Vice-President under Abraham Lincoln, and the 17th President of the United States.

Agitation for free land started in 1844, when several bills began to be introduced unsuccessfully until 1862. After the South seceded and their delegations left Congress in 1861, the path was clear of obstacles i.e. Democrats, and the act was passed.

The Sherman Anti-Trust Act

The Sherman Act was signed by President Benjamin Harrison, an Indiana Republican, in 1890 and was named after its author, Senator John Sherman, an Ohio Republican, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, the Secretary of Treasury under President Rutherford Hayes, and Secretary of State under President William McKinley. After passing in the Senate on April 8, 1890 by a vote of 51-1, the legislation passed unanimously (242-0) in the House of Representatives on June 20, 1890.

How is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act a Liberal accomplishment?

The Civil Rights Act

Civil Rights Act - That was passed by Republicans in Congress. Even Senator Al Gore Sr. voted against that act.

Capitalism brought about the industrial revolution and incredible growth in this country.

The Voting Rights Act

The Act also provided for Department of Justice oversight to registration, and the Department's approval for any change in voting law in districts that had used a "device" to limit voting and in which less than 50% of the population was registered to vote in 1964. It was signed in 1975. A 25-year extension was signed by President George W. Bush on July 27, 2006.

The Voting Rights Act is often considered a landmark in civil rights legislation. The vast majority of those who voted against it were members of the Democratic Party.


I am not sure how Slavery was a Conservative accomplishment. It was Lincoln (Rep) that freed the slaves. He also was responsible for the Emancipation Proclamation, so the fantasy that it was a Liberal idea is a fallacy. Jim Crow Law is what segregation implemented by Southern Democrats was based.

Social Security

Speaking about Social Security, here are some interesting facts.

President Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, introduced the Social Security (FICA) Program. He promised:

1. That participation in the Program would be completely voluntary.

2. That the participants would only have to pay 1% of the first $1,400 of their annual incomes into the Program.

3. That the money the participants elected to put into the Program would be deductible from their income for tax purposes each year.

4. That the money the participants put into the independent "Trust Fund" rather than into the General operating fund, and therefore, would only be used to fund the Social Security Retirement Program, and no other Government program.

5. That the annuity payments to the retirees would never be taxed as income.

Since many hard-working Americans have paid into FICA for years and are now receiving a Social Security check every month, they find that they are taxed on 85% of the money paid to the Federal government to "put away" for out future. With that in mind, you may be interested in the following facts about the Social Security program:

Q: Which Political Party took Social Security from the independent "Trust Fund" and put it into the General fund so that Congress could spend it?

A: It was President Lyndon Johnson and the Democratically controlled House and Senate.

Q: Which Political Party eliminated the income tax deduction for Social Security (FICA) withholding?

A: The Democratic Party.

Q: Which Political Party started taxing Social Security annuities?

A: The Democratic Party, with Vice President Al Gore casting the deciding vote as President of the Senate.

Q: Which Political Party decided to start giving annuity payments to immigrants?

A: The Democratic Party under the leadership of President Jimmy Carter! Immigrants moved into this country, and at age 65, began to receive Social Security payments! The Democratic Party gave these payments to these people, even though they never paid a dime into it!

Then, after doing all this lying and thieving and violating of the original contract (FICA), the Democrats turn around and tell you that the Republicans want to take your Social Security away!... The worst part about it is un-informed citizens believe it!

There you have it, the facts that Liberals do not want you to know. If enough people read this, maybe a seed of awareness will be planted and maybe changes will evolve.

Exactly how are these Liberal accomplishments? Is there anything for which Liberals will not take credit? :pke:
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Liberals in the 19th Century could claim credit for free market capitalism and free trade. But today they do not support either one (i.e. the debates over NAFTA and CAFTA and protectionism). So can we really even call either of them liberal accomplishments?
Yep we support those bums in congress with some of the best benefits in the world. only have to be born in the USA to be president right? So if one's political ambitions didn't stretch that far, just to a nice little sinecure.....:D
The Hall of Shame

So-called liberals started most of America's wars, raise taxes, expand government, and encroach on the freedoms guaranteed us in the Constitution.

They take credit for everything but failure...
So-called liberals started most of America's wars, raise taxes, expand government, and encroach on the freedoms guaranteed us in the Constitution.

They take credit for everything but failure...

That is what they are best known for... good intentions and the failures that follow.