Great Progress in Democrat Party


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Hey, Y'all! Didja see how The Clinton Syndicate and Barack Obama made PEACE with each other last week? Haha, that didn't last long, did it!!
In the latest round of ads, Barack says Hillary is a liar, that he didn't SAY that the Great Ronald Reagan, the Repub. Takeover in "94, and G.W.Bush's ideas were BETTER than Lib/Dem's, he just said "they had more ideas"! Yeah, sure, Barack, WE know what you meant. You don't have to be afraid, say it LOUD and PROUD!
The Lib/Dem Party is DONE! It's Socialist/Collectivist ideas have been REJECTED by the American People time and time AGAIN! McGovern, Dukakis, Mondale, HillaryCare, Kerry, AlGore, on and on! America doesn't WANT to be like Europe, with 60% taxes on income, high unemployment, Government Control and Regulation on Business everywhere you look!

And Hillary's new ads are worse! She's bashing Barack over the head with the "Republicans had the ideas in the 90's" statement, saying, "Who do you want to vote for? Someone who says "Republicans had the ideas in the 90's" , or ME, who,(along with my Husband)will bring us back to the Glory Days of Bill's first term? She also says, Obama is touting Repub. ideas, but it's those SAME Repub. ideas that got us "into this economic mess we're in."

Well, Hillary, let's just LOOK at what you said.
First: Repub. ideas in the 90's:Do all of you REMEMBER the state of the Economy when Clinton was in office the first 2 years? It was a DISASTER! Then, AFTER the Republican Takeover in "94, and Newt Gingrich's Contract with America, and the SPENDING CUTS AND DEMAND FOR ACCOUNTABILITY, and AFTER the Defeat and Rejection for HillaryCare, a takeover of one seventh of our Nation's Money ,it was THEN the economy started to boom.
Second: The "Economic Mess" we've been in, under Republicans. Let's LOOK at THAT statement.
Ronald Reagan: His tax cut policies, along with a business-freindly environment, and the FEAR he struck into those who would harm us in ANY way, led to the LONGEST and BIGGEST period of Peacetime Growth in America's History. So is it our current President, George W. Bush, that Hillary is bashing? Well, in the last 6 years: 10,000,000 (that's ten MILLION) NEW JOBS have been created, inflation has been kept in check, taxes have been LOWERED on ALL people, and unemployment has hovered around four and a half percent (4.5%), an average that is LOWER than the average of the SIXTIES, SEVENTIES, EIGHTIES, OR NINETIES.

So even though Barack Obama is the MOST Liberal Senator in the U.S.(given a 99.9% rating by the Left-Wing "People for the Liberal American Way"), and I would never vote for him, because of his extreme Leftism(too bad, he's got a lot of charisma, and personal charm), he IS RIGHT about at least ONE thing.
Hillary IS a liar. But that's ridiculously old news, from "I didn't have any insider info when I made $100,000 in 6 days with Cattle Futures, even though I knew NOTHING about Cattle Futures, to "I didn't hide those Rose Law Firm documents" to "I didn't FIRE dozens of innocent, nice people in the Travel Office, just to pay off political patronage", to
"My husband didn't bang all these waitresses, singer/dancers, secretaries, mothers, and the other 14 women, just like he wasn't using the Arkansas State Troopers as a Pimp Service, and THEN, the Presidency of the United States as a BETTER Pimp Service, to get blow jobs from 19 year-old interns."
You see, it was ALL a Vast, Right-Wing Conspiracy." "Really." "It was." "A Right Wing." "Conspiracy." "Really." "Believe me, it was." "No kidding." "Didn't inhale."
Yeah they get along about as good as Bush and McCain did in their primary battle.
Why would this suprise anyone ?
it took almost a year to make 100k.
obama is not as left as clinton on most issues. thats fallacy.
Uh I think you need to check the polls out before you say the American people have rejected socialism. It's called a PRIMARY. Look into it sometime hon.
This is MichaelK no?

I've always pictured him to look like the guy in this picture, standing behind Doyle Brunson:
