Greates Poll Question Ever


"Cypress you motherfucking whore!"
MSNBC Online Poll, August 31:

Do you agree with President Bush when he likens the struggle against Islamic fundamentalism with the fight against Nazis and communists?

- Yes. Bin Laden and others are the Hitlers and Stalins of our times.

- No. This is just dishonest, warmongering designed to scare voters about national security in time for this fall's elections.
Ummmm,this IS MSNBC you know. Home of Keith Oberman. Did you expect a poll that wasn't worded by an anti war protestor,or just an ass clown? :gives:
Ummmm,this IS MSNBC you know. Home of Keith Oberman. Did you expect a poll that wasn't worded by an anti war protestor,or just an ass clown? :gives:

mmmm,this IS MSNBC you know. Home of Keith Oberman.

Blinded by your partisan glasses again?

*Facts on MSNBC:

-Owner: General Electric, one of the world's largest Defense Contractors

-Prime Time Cable Talkshows: Scarborough Country (conservative repubican), Tucker Carlson (Conservative Republican), Don Imus (conservative-leaning independent), Rita Cosby (former UN-bashing Fox News host)

-Former MSNBC shows: Michael Savage (rightwing lunatic), Jerry Nachman (conservative)
mmmm,this IS MSNBC you know. Home of Keith Oberman.

Blinded by your partisan glasses again?

*Facts on MSNBC:

-Owner: General Electric, one of the world's largest Defense Contractors

-Prime Time Cable Talkshows: Scarborough Country (conservative repubican), Tucker Carlson (Conservative Republican), Don Imus (conservative-leaning independent), Rita Cosby (former UN-bashing Fox News host)

-Former MSNBC shows: Michael Savage (rightwing lunatic), Jerry Nachman (conservative)

My gosh,just because I don't like them means I'm horribly partisan. Your not?!!!!!! The channel is awful. I even saw their head on Neil Cavuto a while back,and he admitted they are trying to be more like FOX. They need the ratings. Their everyday reporting has left wing bias. Just because they have some right wing hosts, doesn't mean their writers aren't left wing. All that aside,they just aren't any good.

You sure seem to like them a lot for having so many right wingers on the channel
Okay how would you phrase the question... because that sounds exactly how Bush has presented it to the nation.....

Whats wrong withthe wording, or do you just perfer to call it biased without discussing why?>
My gosh,just because I don't like them means I'm horribly partisan. Your not?!!!!!! The channel is awful. I even saw their head on Neil Cavuto a while back,and he admitted they are trying to be more like FOX. They need the ratings. Their everyday reporting has left wing bias. Just because they have some right wing hosts, doesn't mean their writers aren't left wing. All that aside,they just aren't any good.

You sure seem to like them a lot for having so many right wingers on the channel

Lying isn't very christian of you krissy.

Here, you're trying to claim that you simply don't "like" them. That you didn't hammer MSNBC as partisan "libs".

But, your first post, clearly pegged them (in your mind) as partisan libs:

Ummmm,this IS MSNBC you know. Home of Keith Oberman. Did you expect a poll that wasn't worded by an anti war protestor,or just an ass clown?
OK, I take it back and apologize krisy. that was an unneccessary flame.

The point is, you "think" MSNBC is "liberal", when in fact the actual evidence shows its not. Their network is dominated by rightwing pundits. And they are owned by a giant Defense contractor.
OK, I take it back and apologize krisy. that was an unneccessary flame.

The point is, you "think" MSNBC is "liberal", when in fact the actual evidence shows its not. Their network is dominated by rightwing pundits. And they are owned by a giant Defense contractor.

No apology needed,cypress,but I appreciate it. :)

I guess it would have been better said this way.

I do think they are partisan. But,that isn't the only reason why I don't like them. It is a factor tho. I just think their shows are awful. I like ol Tucker all right,but the show isn't too hot IMO. And Keith Oberman,I think you know what I think of him from another thread. Scarborough is good and I liked Rita Cosby herself,but am not too crazy about her show either.

ANd Chris "hardball" Mathews is a pain in my ass!!! I don't care which side he is on,he annoys me with all his yelling
No apology needed,cypress,but I appreciate it. :)

I guess it would have been better said this way.

I do think they are partisan. But,that isn't the only reason why I don't like them. It is a factor tho. I just think their shows are awful. I like ol Tucker all right,but the show isn't too hot IMO. And Keith Oberman,I think you know what I think of him from another thread. Scarborough is good and I liked Rita Cosby herself,but am not too crazy about her show either.

ANd Chris "hardball" Mathews is a pain in my ass!!! I don't care which side he is on,he annoys me with all his yelling

I think all the cable news networks suck.

Its all punditry, and fake tabloid "news", pratically 24/7.

I hate to say this, since you probably hate them, but the only "real" news out there is BBC international. They do hardcore international news reporting - no Duke rape cases, no britany spears, no missing blonde chicks in Aruba.
And not really opinions on BBC News just the facts.

the local news. " A tragic accident struck a local family today when their daughter was killed in a car crash on our overcrowded freeway, we don't know yet if drugs or alchol was involved" .
BBC would say a 19 yr old girl was killed in an accident on the expressway today.
mmmm,this IS MSNBC you know. Home of Keith Oberman.

Blinded by your partisan glasses again?

*Facts on MSNBC:

-Owner: General Electric, one of the world's largest Defense Contractors

-Prime Time Cable Talkshows: Scarborough Country (conservative repubican), Tucker Carlson (Conservative Republican), Don Imus (conservative-leaning independent), Rita Cosby (former UN-bashing Fox News host)

-Former MSNBC shows: Michael Savage (rightwing lunatic), Jerry Nachman (conservative)

Acutally .. MSNBC has grown on me .. I actually prefer it to all other Cable News Networks ... Scarborough, Tucker and Matthews have the 3 best Cable News Talk Shows around.

By the way .. I thought Tucker Carlson was a Libertarian ... or maybe he is more of a Buckley Conservative .. a Conservative with Libertarian Leanings ...
And not really opinions on BBC News just the facts.

the local news. " A tragic accident struck a local family today when their daughter was killed in a car crash on our overcrowded freeway, we don't know yet if drugs or alchol was involved" .
BBC would say a 19 yr old girl was killed in an accident on the expressway today.

They really put our cable "news" shows to shame.

Real hardcore news. No fluff or tabloid shit.
Acutally .. MSNBC has grown on me .. I actually prefer it to all other Cable News Networks ... Scarborough, Tucker and Matthews have the 3 best Cable News Talk Shows around.

By the way .. I thought Tucker Carlson was a Libertarian ... or maybe he is more of a Buckley Conservative .. a Conservative with Libertarian Leanings ...

I watch scarborough and carlson. They're pretty good. I like both guys.

But, they've gone way too much towards the tabloid news business, recently.
By the way .. I thought Tucker Carlson was a Libertarian ... or maybe he is more of a Buckley Conservative .. a Conservative with Libertarian Leanings ...

Well he is definitely not a social con. He appears regularly on the Bubba the Love Sponge radio show.
I think all the cable news networks suck.

Its all punditry, and fake tabloid "news", pratically 24/7.

I hate to say this, since you probably hate them, but the only "real" news out there is BBC international. They do hardcore international news reporting - no Duke rape cases, no britany spears, no missing blonde chicks in Aruba.

I don't agree on the BBC...horribly biased. I will agree that ALL cable news can get way to tabloidy(not a word,I know). I will give in a little and say that Greta Van Sustern has the potential to be a good serious reporter,but really should be working for Inside Edition or something like that. Chandra Levy,Natalie Holloway....this stuff got to be so repeditive and ridiculous. ALl the networks were completely overboard on these and many other stories. You know,kids and adults go missing everyday,why did the media pick up on these? O.K. Chandra Levy was half poltical scandal,but like Lacie Peterson(RIP),why did they pick up on that one like flies on sh*t?

When I turn on the news,I want to hear about the world. About internal happenings in our country,politics,what's going on in Iraq.
SOme baseball is good too:)
To say I watch the BBC for real news is liken to ...I prefer "Foriegn Movies" or I prefer the game of real "Football" or I prefer "French Wine and Brie" over the crap that comes out of Napa Valley ...

In other words.. I hate all things American ....

I say to this phoney liberal elitism ... kiss it where the sun dont shine ....
And CBS now has Katy Couric as their head news person. anyone care to guess which direction they are heading ?
Lol you are an idiot. Just because you enjoy really good foreign movies doesn't mean you hate all things America.
