Green Beret court-martialled for using weapon... of too small caliber


New member
This guy should be ashamed of himself, for what he did. I hope they give him the sentence he deserves.


Sufficient Calibers

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Retired Army Green Beret Smokey Taylor was court martialed this weekend, and came away feeling good about it. Taylor, at age 80 the oldest member of Chapter XXXIII of the Special Forces Association, was on mock trial by his peers under the charge of "Failing to use a weapon of sufficient caliber" in the shooting of an intruder at his home in Knoxville, Tennesee, in December.

The entire affair, of course, was very much tongue in cheek. Taylor had been awakened in the early morning hours of Dec. 17, 2007, when an intruder broke into his home. He investigated the noises with one of his many weapons in hand. When the intruder threatened him with a knife, Taylor warned him, then brought his .22 caliber pistol to bear and shot him right between the eyes.

"That boy had the hardest head I’ve ever seen," Taylor said after his trial. "The bullet bounced right off." The impact knocked the would be thief down momentarily. He crawled out of the room then got up and ran out the door and down the street. Knoxville police apprehended him a few blocks away and he now awaits trial in the Knox County jail.

The charges against Taylor were considered to be serious. He is a retired Special Forces Weapons Sergeant with extensive combat experience during the wars in Korea and Vietnam. "Charges were brought against him under the premise that he should have saved the county and taxpayers the expense of a trial," said Chapter XXXIII President Bill Long of Asheville. "He could have used a .45 or .38. The .22 just wasn’t big enough to get the job done."

Taylor’s defense attorney, another retired Weapons Sergeant, disagreed. He said Taylor had done the right thing in choosing to arm himself with a .22 caliber handgun. "If he’d used a .45 or something like that the round would have gone right through the perp, the wall, the neighbor’s wall and possibly injured some innocent child asleep in its bed," he said. "I believe the evidence shows that Smokey Taylor exercised excellent judgment in his choice of weapons. He did nothing wrong, and clearly remains to this day an excellent weapons man."

Counsel for the defense then floated a theory as to why the bullet bounced off the perp’s forehead. "He was victimized by old ammunition," he said, "just as he was in Korea and again in Vietnam, when his units were issued ammo left over from World War II."

Taylor said nothing in his own defense, choosing instead to allow his peers to debate the matter. After the trial he said the ammunition was indeed old and added the new information that the perp had soiled his pants as he crawled out of the house. "I would have had an even worse mess to clean up if it had gone through his forehead," Taylor said. "It was good for both of us that it didn’t."

Following testimony from both sides, Taylor was acquitted of the charges and was given a round of applause. Meanwhile, back in Knox County, the word is out: Don’t go messing with Smokey Taylor. He just bought a whole bunch of fresh ammo.
He chose well grasshopper........

caliber 22 is a most effective close range caliber...heck the M-16 uses a .223 round...:D
and history will show that most Mafia hits were 22cal...close range!
caliber 22 is a most effective close range caliber...heck the M-16 uses a .223 round...:D
and history will show that most Mafia hits were 22cal...close range!
No shit! The powder mist have been 1/4 dead or something. Small projectile = high speed = small hole in skull and zinging around inside.
This guy should be ashamed of himself, for what he did. I hope they give him the sentence he deserves.


Sufficient Calibers

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Retired Army Green Beret Smokey Taylor was court martialed this weekend, and came away feeling good about it. Taylor, at age 80 the oldest member of Chapter XXXIII of the Special Forces Association, was on mock trial by his peers under the charge of "Failing to use a weapon of sufficient caliber" in the shooting of an intruder at his home in Knoxville, Tennesee, in December.

The entire affair, of course, was very much tongue in cheek. Taylor had been awakened in the early morning hours of Dec. 17, 2007, when an intruder broke into his home. He investigated the noises with one of his many weapons in hand. When the intruder threatened him with a knife, Taylor warned him, then brought his .22 caliber pistol to bear and shot him right between the eyes.

"That boy had the hardest head I’ve ever seen," Taylor said after his trial. "The bullet bounced right off." The impact knocked the would be thief down momentarily. He crawled out of the room then got up and ran out the door and down the street. Knoxville police apprehended him a few blocks away and he now awaits trial in the Knox County jail.

The charges against Taylor were considered to be serious. He is a retired Special Forces Weapons Sergeant with extensive combat experience during the wars in Korea and Vietnam. "Charges were brought against him under the premise that he should have saved the county and taxpayers the expense of a trial," said Chapter XXXIII President Bill Long of Asheville. "He could have used a .45 or .38. The .22 just wasn’t big enough to get the job done."

Taylor’s defense attorney, another retired Weapons Sergeant, disagreed. He said Taylor had done the right thing in choosing to arm himself with a .22 caliber handgun. "If he’d used a .45 or something like that the round would have gone right through the perp, the wall, the neighbor’s wall and possibly injured some innocent child asleep in its bed," he said. "I believe the evidence shows that Smokey Taylor exercised excellent judgment in his choice of weapons. He did nothing wrong, and clearly remains to this day an excellent weapons man."

Counsel for the defense then floated a theory as to why the bullet bounced off the perp’s forehead. "He was victimized by old ammunition," he said, "just as he was in Korea and again in Vietnam, when his units were issued ammo left over from World War II."

Taylor said nothing in his own defense, choosing instead to allow his peers to debate the matter. After the trial he said the ammunition was indeed old and added the new information that the perp had soiled his pants as he crawled out of the house. "I would have had an even worse mess to clean up if it had gone through his forehead," Taylor said. "It was good for both of us that it didn’t."

Following testimony from both sides, Taylor was acquitted of the charges and was given a round of applause. Meanwhile, back in Knox County, the word is out: Don’t go messing with Smokey Taylor. He just bought a whole bunch of fresh ammo.

It's funny when black people die.
No I thought it was racist and sick. But you're liberal so get a pass.

You thought it was great.

Just tell me, SM... whenever you were imagining the seen in your head, what was the race of the person in question? It suddenly slips your mind? That's fine.

It's just like the "Welfare queen"... of course, we all know Reagan had a white person in mind, talking about the person picking up welfare checks, driving Cadillacs.
You thought it was great.

Just tell me, SM... whenever you were imagining the seen in your head, what was the race of the person in question? It suddenly slips your mind? That's fine.

It's just like the "Welfare queen"... of course, we all know Reagan had a white person in mind, talking about the person picking up welfare checks, driving Cadillacs.

Until I saw your post #11 I had imagined both guys were white. I don't recall the article mentioning race.
Man, there are no jokes I like better, on Earth, than marine going around killing blacks or atheist jokes. Those things just crack me up.

A college professor, an avowed Atheist, was teaching his class.

He shocked several of his students when he flatly stated that there is no God, the expression "One Nation Under God", was unconstitutional, and further, he was going to prove there is no God.

Addressing the ceiling he shouted: "God, if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you 15 minutes!"

The lecture room fell silent.

You could have heard a pin fall.

Ten minutes went by.

Again he taunted God, saying, "Here I am, God. I'm still waiting."

His countdown got down to the last couple of minutes when a Marine just released from active duty and newly registered in the class walked up to the professor, hit him full force in the face, and sent him tail over teacup from his lofty platform.

The professor was out cold!

At first the students were shocked and babbled in confusion.

The young Marine took a seat in the front row and sat silent.

The class fell silent...waiting.

Eventually, the professor came to, shaken.

He looked at the young Marine in the front row.

When he regained his senses and could speak he yelled, "What's the matter with you? Why did you do that?"

"God was busy. He sent me."

A reality TV manager was interviewing one person from from each of the armed forces for a spot on the new TV show.

A soldier came in first and the manager handed him a berretta, and said, "Go into the other room there and shoot whoever it is in there." The soldier goes in and came back out and said, "I can’t do it." He didn’t get the spot.

Next a sailor came in and the manager said the same thing to him. The sailor went into the room, came out and said, "I can’t do that." He didn’t get the spot.

Then an Air Force pilot came in and was handed the same berretta and was told to do the same thing. Before he even went in he turned the manager down.

Finally a Marine came in and stood in front of the manager at parade rest. The manager handed him the berretta and told him to kill whomever it was in the other room. The Marine walked in and from behind the door came a loud BANG!! Then what sounded like braking wood and then screaming. The Marine walked out, covered in blood. The manager yelled, "What the hell happened." The Marine replied, "Some dumbass put blanks in the gut so I had to brake off a table leg and beat her to death, sir."

I just re-read it and got the same impression. In fact it does not say so any assumption is unfounded. I suppose I could have assumed that a guy saying "That boy had the hardest head I’ve ever seen," and then assumed that was a racial idiom, but I didn’t jump to that conclusion. In fact, my grandfather used to call me boy, and I call my son "the Boy", and all three of us are white. It looks like Watermark, liberal Democrat, is a racist. But then again, most Democrats are.
I just re-read it and got the same impression. In fact it does not say so any assumption is unfounded. I suppose I could have assumed that a guy saying "That boy had the hardest head I’ve ever seen," and then assumed that was a racial idiom, but I didn’t jump to that conclusion. In fact, my grandfather used to call me boy, and I call my son "the Boy", and all three of us are white. It looks like Watermark, liberal Democrat, is a racist. But then again, most Democrats are.

Of course. It's a good time to channel asshat, it is.