Greenspan admits he got it wrong over Bush's tax cuts

This article is from 2005 yet there are still people on here trying to defend the Bush tax cuts, despite Alan Greenspans's renunciation.

Exactly WHERE in that article does he say "I got it wrong about the Bush tax cuts" ?

Here is his quote from the link...

"We were confronted at the time with an almost universal expectation amongst experts that we were dealing with a very large surplus for which there seemed to be no end," he said. "I look back and I would say to you, if confronted with the same evidence we had back then, I would recommend exactly what I recommended then. Turns out we were all wrong".

Hes talking about large surpluses in the budget, not Bush tax cuts...and says he would do the same thing, knowing what he knew then....?
Exactly WHERE in that article does he say "I got it wrong about the Bush tax cuts" ?

Here is his quote from the link...

"We were confronted at the time with an almost universal expectation amongst experts that we were dealing with a very large surplus for which there seemed to be no end," he said. "I look back and I would say to you, if confronted with the same evidence we had back then, I would recommend exactly what I recommended then. Turns out we were all wrong".

Hes talking about large surpluses in the budget, not Bush tax cuts...and says he would do the same thing, knowing what he knew then....?

" he would do the same thing, knowing what he knew then"

That's a variation of a familiar line that was used when talking about Iraq and WMDs.
" he would do the same thing, knowing what he knew then"

That's a variation of a familiar line that was used when talking about Iraq and WMDs.
Well, its pretty damn impossible to talk about what you're going to know 4 years from today, you ass....
You make decisions on what you know and bleieve at the moment.......

Is simple logic that hard for you to understand ?
If you can't answer the questions asked, why make a fool of yourself like you do posting pathetic bullshit ?

One more same for the reading comprehension impaired;

Originally Posted by bravo
Exactly WHERE in that article does he say "I got it wrong about the Bush tax cuts" ?

Here is his quote from the link...

Turns out we were all wrong".

Do you see it this time Bravo? I know you missed it the first few times.
One more same for the reading comprehension impaired;

Originally Posted by bravo
Exactly WHERE in that article does he say "I got it wrong about the Bush tax cuts" ?

Here is his quote from the link...

Turns out we were all wrong".

Do you see it this time Bravo? I know you missed it the first few times.

Try this pinhead....directly from the link...

In 2001 he had mounted the extraordinary argument that budget surpluses were too big and that the US foreign debt would be paid off too quickly. Under vigorous and often aggressive questioning by Hillary Clinton, Dr Greenspan, looking decidedly uncomfortable, said that, with the benefit of hindsight, he had been mistaken in his view about budget surpluses.

Do you see it this time PINHEAD? I know you missed it the first few times,m or maybe you didn't read the article at all.

Or do you think the letters BUDGETSURPLUSES spells "Bush Tax Cuts" ???
Try this pinhead....directly from the link...

In 2001 he had mounted the extraordinary argument that budget surpluses were too big and that the US foreign debt would be paid off too quickly. Under vigorous and often aggressive questioning by Hillary Clinton, Dr Greenspan, looking decidedly uncomfortable, said that, with the benefit of hindsight, he had been mistaken in his view about budget surpluses.

Do you see it this time PINHEAD? I know you missed it the first few times,m or maybe you didn't read the article at all.

Or do you think the letters BUDGETSURPLUSES spells "Bush Tax Cuts" ???

Thanks for pointing out where you are wrong again.

Next time, post then get drunk.
Thanks for pointing out where you are wrong again.

Next time, post then get drunk.

He didn't... he pointed out how you are wrong... exactly how you are wrong. Bush Tax Cuts do not equal Budget Surplus! They both start with the same letter, but are two entirely different things... "turns out we were wrong" applies to Budget Surplus, not the tax cuts. On the tax cuts, he says he would do the same thing again. So basically, this is like everything else the liberals are trying to throw up and make a claim about these days, another outright dishonest LIE.
He didn't... he pointed out how you are wrong... exactly how you are wrong. Bush Tax Cuts do not equal Budget Surplus! They both start with the same letter, but are two entirely different things... "turns out we were wrong" applies to Budget Surplus, not the tax cuts. On the tax cuts, he says he would do the same thing again. So basically, this is like everything else the liberals are trying to throw up and make a claim about these days, another outright dishonest LIE.

Bush tax cuts plus Bush spending destroyed the surplus and created the deficit.
The entire exchange between Senator Clinton and Greenspan was about the effects the tax cuts had on the federal deficit. NOTHING was talked about how the tax cuts affected the overall economy. But, as usual, liberals only see what they want to see, using the description of Greenspan's testimony from an article written by an obviously biased reporter, rather than looking to a transcript of the testimony. After all, a simple transcript of what was ACTUALLY said (by both parties) would leave out those colorfully biased phrases like "looking decidedly uncomfortable".

Of course, the reporter who wrote the referenced article gets most of his figures wrong, as well as other things. First, he claims we went from a "projected surplus of $US5.6 trillion by 2011, the budget deficit is now expected to be $US4 trillion by that date..." indicating a change of over $9 TRILLION dollars. Remind us, how much were taxes cut over 10 years? $9 TRILLION dollars, so the democrats can blame the Bush tax cuts? Or was it actually $1.7 Trillion dollars over the 10 years? Try looking it up yourself: So, all you "gotta blame Bush for Obama's incompetence" twits out there, where did the other $7 trillion dollars go? The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan certainly have not cost us $7 trillion (though some will probably make that claim). In fact ALL of the spending by Bush combined did not suddenly add $7 trillion to the deficit overr his 8 years in office. So, just maybe, the $5.6 trillion SURPLUS claimed by the outgoing administration was not real? Hmmm, something to think about.... (Not that liberals want to THINK about things, they just parrot anything their political masters tell them to.)

Then, in the same sentence, the reporter displays his utter ignorance of the entire topic with the phrase "if the tax cuts become permanent." HELLO? He's writing about the supposed effects of the tax cuts from 2001 to 2011, and the cuts were not supposed to sunset until 2011. So how could the permanence of the tax cuts make ANY difference, when the sunset of the cuts would not happen in the time span being discussed? At MOST there would have been a 21 day overlap, between the end of the Bush cuts, and the beginning of the 2011 Congress, which is the cutoff for the budget projections.

And, of course, the reporter focuses on Greenspan's statement "we all got it wrong" and, with ZERO evidence from the actual testimony given (other than that specific phrase) links the statement to Greenspan's support of the tax cuts. This is a perfect example of lying by (mis)use of factual information.

Bottom line: the article referenced is so chokingly full of errors, lies, innuendo, and blatant bias it is useless as a valid point to back any claims one way or the other.

OTOH, the transcript of the actual testimony clearly shows Greenspan AND Clinton are BOTH focused on the effects the tax cuts had on the DEFICIT. NOWHERE did they discuss the overall effect, or wisdom, of the tax cuts. Greenspan explains he made his decisions based on faulty data. And who should we look to for the mistakes made in THAT area? For all Senator Clinton's blustering ("Not all of us," snapped Senator Clinton. LOL She knows full well where the figures came from)

Greenspan was correct in that he was given incorrect data. And that data came from (wait for it) the OUTGOING CLINTON administration! Both democrats (ESPECIALLY democrats) and republicans of congress, as well as President Clinton were all about the projected "budget surpluses". The democrats, even today, go on and on and on and on about how Bush wasted these projected surpluses. (Hint: the surpluses were PROJECTED, and, in fact, never really existed. It was all accounting smoke-and-mirrors. The national debt went up every single year Clinton was president, proving the REAL budget did not follow projections.) If anything the new, dire projections being discussed in Greenspan's testimony were simply more realistic than the borrow-from-SS-to-pay-our-bills budget of the Clinton administration.
Exactly WHERE in that article does he say "I got it wrong about the Bush tax cuts" ?

Here is his quote from the link...

"We were confronted at the time with an almost universal expectation amongst experts that we were dealing with a very large surplus for which there seemed to be no end," he said. "I look back and I would say to you, if confronted with the same evidence we had back then, I would recommend exactly what I recommended then. Turns out we were all wrong".

Hes talking about large surpluses in the budget, not Bush tax cuts...and says he would do the same thing, knowing what he knew then....?

It is a typical "if I knew then what I know now" attempt at salvaging some dignity from his failure to see the consequences of his actions. The whole world is now paying for his hubris.
It is a typical "if I knew then what I know now" attempt at salvaging some dignity from his failure to see the consequences of his actions. The whole world is now paying for his hubris.
Except he didn't say, "if I knew then what I know now" anywhere in that link.....what he said was "turns out we got it wrong"......thats not the same thing at all...and it has nothing to do with the todays economy.
And once again, the reference supporting the position that Greenspan admitted the tax cuts were the wrong thing to do comes from.... AN OPINION PIECE.

Anyone else care to post actual FACTS? UE fell dramatically after the 2003 tax cuts and stayed at "full employment" levels for over 4 years. Economic growth rose after the tax cuts. Those were the designed and desired effects. Anyone can look up the relevant data (as opposed to depending on opinion blogs which happen to agree with your preconceptions). A really good place to look is the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics.

Unfortunately, in addition to unnecessarily invading Iraq, the federal government ALSO went into a spending spree to make drunken sailors on shore leave look like a bunch of Scrooges. These factors not only increased the deficit by unprecedented levels (at the time, though Obama has since spent them into obsolescence), but also had a negative effect on economic growth, thus minimizing the effects of the tax cuts. Had spending policies remained equivalent to 1996-2000, and had we limited our efforts in the ME to taking out those who supported our attackers, the tax cuts would have likely had a greater positive effect on the economy, just as they did in the 80s.

But, in the end, it's all tripe anyway. The current economic situation, brought about by the housing and banking crisis, has NOTHING to do with the tax cuts. The democrats are simply trying to use sleight-of-hand to take peoples attention off the fact that they have not accomplished one damned thing since they gained power. And while truly pitiful that they should stoop to such an outlandish level of outright dishonesty, what is even MORE pitiful is the mindless drones who are licking their piss of the floor and begging for more.
Good Suck said:
The current economic situation, brought about by the housing and banking crisis,.

LOL. This crisis is due to the stupidity of globalization stupidity. While it's true that the housing bubble was designed to cover the underlying faults n our economy, the real problem is the lopsided trade deficit created by globalization zealots and their internationalist stupidity.