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Facing a firing line of questions from Washington lawmakers, Alan Greenspan, the former Federal Reserve chairman once considered the infallible maestro of the financial system, admitted on Thursday that he “made a mistake” in trusting that free markets could regulate themselves without government oversight.

A fervent proponent of deregulation during his 18-year tenure at the Fed’s helm, Mr. Greenspan has faced mounting criticism this year for having refused to consider cracking down on credit derivatives, an unchecked market whose excesses partly led to the current financial crisis.

Although he defended the use of derivatives in general, Mr. Greenspan, who left his post in 2006, told members of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform that he was “partially” wrong in not having tried to regulate the market for credit-default swaps.

But in a tense exchange with Representative Henry A. Waxman, the California Democrat who is chairman of the committee, Mr. Greenspan conceded a more serious flaw in his own philosophy that unfettered free markets sit at the root of a superior economy.

“I made a mistake in presuming that the self-interests of organizations, specifically banks and others, were such as that they were best capable of protecting their own shareholders and their equity in the firms,” Mr. Greenspan said.

Referring to his free-market ideology, Mr. Greenspan added: “I have found a flaw. I don’t know how significant or permanent it is. But I have been very distressed by that fact.”

Mr. Waxman pressed the former Fed chair to clarify his words. “In other words, you found that your view of the world, your ideology, was not right, it was not working,” Mr. Waxman said.

“Absolutely, precisely,” Mr. Greenspan replied.
“You know, that’s precisely the reason I was shocked, because I have been going for 40 years or more with very considerable evidence that it was working exceptionally well.”

The oversight committee held a four-hour hearing on Thursday to determine what gaps in the regulatory structure abetted the crisis that has roiled the world’s financial markets.

Mr. Greenspan appeared alongside Christopher Cox, the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and John W. Snow, who served as secretary of the Treasury early in the Bush administration.

In his prepared remarks, Mr. Greenspan said he was in “a state of shocked disbelief” about the breakdown in the ability of banks to regulate themselves. He also warned about the economic consequences of the crisis, saying that he “cannot see how we will avoid a significant rise in layoffs and unemployment.” Consumer spending will decline, too, he said, adding that a stabilization of home prices would be necessary to bring the crisis to its end.

Saying that his thinking “has evolved” in the last year, Mr. Greenspan also defended his record. “In 2005, I raised concerns that the protracted period of underpricing of risk, if history was any guide, would have dire consequences,” he said. “This crisis, however, has turned out to be much broader than anything I could have imagined.”

Several committee members asked who would ultimately be punished for a crisis that has ravaged their constituents’ savings accounts and could eventually lead to an enormous loss of jobs.

Representative Bill Sali, Republican of Idaho, wondered what Mr. Cox would say to “Idaho’s mom and pop investors who have lost so much of their hard-earned savings, their retirement funds, while some of the corporate C.E.O.’s have received, you know, golden parachutes and those kinds of things.” He added, “Is somebody going to go to jail?

Mr. Cox replied, “There’s no question that somewhere in this terrible mess many laws were broken.” But he quickly backed off a hard-line approach. “You know, cleaning up the mess through law enforcement after the fact — while important, is not ideal,” he said. “The best thing that we can do, of course, as many of you are focused on — indeed, this hearing is focused on this — is to infer lessons from what happened and prevent anything like this and this astonishing harm from happening again.”

In his prepared remarks, Mr. Greenspan said he saw “no choice” but to impose legal quality requirements for certain types of securities, and added that other regulatory changes would have to be made.

But he still gestured toward his faith in free markets, however shaky it may have become. “It is important to remember, however, that whatever regulatory changes are made, they will pale in comparison to the change already evident in today’s markets,” he said. Those markets for an indefinite future will be far more restrained than would any currently contemplated new regulatory regime.

At one point, Mr. Greenspan appeared to question the efficacy of increased oversight over the financial system, noting, “I think that it’s interesting to observe that we find failures of regulation all the time.”

“If we are right 60 percent of the time in forecasting, we’re doing exceptionally well,” Mr. Greenspan said. “That means we are wrong 40 percent of the time. We at the Federal Reserve had a much better record forecasting than the private sector, but we were wrong quite a good deal of the time.”

The responses from the panel were met with little sympathy from Representative John A. Yarmuth, a Democrat from Kentucky, who likened the three witnesses to Bill Buckner, the former first baseman for the Red Sox whose notorious error cost his team the 1986 World Series.

“All of you let the ball go through your legs,” Mr. Yarmuth said, using Mr. Buckner’s mistake as a metaphor. “And you didn’t want to let the ball go through your legs, you didn’t try to let the ball go through your legs, but it got through.”
Realization comes too late. A republican flaw.
Remember when Bush was the greatest thing since sliced bread ? Up till about 2-3 years ago ?
They still don't admit it.

I'd like them to take note of the fact that Greenspan didn't mention anything about the CRI.
Greenspan is full of shit. He caused the bust. It's the same thing he said after another of his bubbles (the bubble) went bust.

He long ago abandoned his free-market views. Otherwise, he would realize that what he wrote about the 1929 crash applies...

The excess credit which the Fed pumped into the economy spilled over into the stock market--triggering a fantastic speculative boom.
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SEC chairman Cox and ex treasurer Snow also testified and said it was deregulation that caused this problem.

They all were asked if the freddy and fanny caused this and all said NO!
I don't give a fuck what those tards said either. The FED is the main culprit. Greenspan is covering his ass, again, just as he did after the bust.
He held interest rates at negative numbers adjusted for inflation over an extended period. That's always going to kick off a boom bust cycle.
Greenspan is full of shit. He caused the bust. It's the same thing he said after another of his bubbles (the bubble) went bust.

He long ago abandoned his free-market views. Otherwise, he would realize that what he wrote about the 1929 crash applies...

Yes, the fed of the twenties kept interest rates too low when they needed to raise them. But they also refused to lower them when the crash happened, which severely lengthened the crash.
He held interest rates at negative numbers adjusted for inflation over an extended period. That's always going to kick off a boom bust cycle.

I have no doubt Greenspan knew exactly what the result would be of the deregulation and the rate cuts.

He is full oif shit when he says he was "surprised" at the results.

He was part of the scam perpetrated on the US people.
Yes, the fed of the twenties kept interest rates too low when they needed to raise them. But they also refused to lower them when the crash happened, which severely lengthened the crash.

The correction was lengthened and made worse by government interference.
The unfettered free market is the best system when people act perfectly. As long as people are acting perfectly, you don't need regulation. Of course, people don't act perfectly.

Greenspan and the rest were right. The Fanie bullshit is brought up as a distraction by right wingers who are trying to pass the blame off on the wrong people. This was clearly the result of a lack of proper regulation.
It really is sad that they would take us in the wrong direction and keep uis from solving this just for the failed ideaology and the republican brand.

I wish they really were country first.
The unfettered free market is the best system when people act perfectly. As long as people are acting perfectly, you don't need regulation. Of course, people don't act perfectly.

Greenspan and the rest were right. The Fanie bullshit is brought up as a distraction by right wingers who are trying to pass the blame off on the wrong people. This was clearly the result of a lack of proper regulation.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were not primary causes. It was the Fed.

If it were a lack of regulation then why didn't it happen sooner? There never existed any regulation to stop this.

During the boom would be regulators encouraged the bad lending practices, so more oversight would not have likely stopped this either.