Greentards are, well... tards

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
Over at CNBC (the Communist branch of MSNBC I suppose) the greentards are saying utterly stupid stuff...

Nowhere for the water to go: Dubai flooding shows the world is failing a big climate change drainage test

Flooding in the United Arab Emirates’ city of Dubai last week illustrates a simple climate change problem the modern world has not fixed: lack of drainage.
New cities built in previously uninhabitable areas block natural water absorption systems, and older cities are not immune to the problem either as more frequent, massive rainfalls occur.
“When we pave, it’s not there anymore,” said one sustainability expert about a big urban development and climate engineering challenge for the future.

Heavy rains and Dubai flooded...


Well, for years on years in Phoenix when it rained heavily...




Only people in Arizona know better than to drive into a puddle of water that's bigger than your vehicle unless you are STUPID!

Or, maybe Las Vegas...



It isn't fucking "climate change" that did that, it's heavy rain in a desert where it doesn't fucking rain most of the time! Only a retard or a delusional believer in the church of Gorebal Warming would think that it did.
The dozy fuckers that run places like Dubai are not interested in simple infrastructure like drains and water runoffs. They care more for gold plated and diamond encrusted Rollers and Beemers.