Greetings Humans


Verified User
Hello all,

Glad to join the forum, and looking forward to debates and discussions.

I was going to post an amusing picture to help cement my place in your hearts, but apparently this is not possible because of my low post count. So I suppose I'll just have to describe it to you: a big yellow dog is frozen in the process of getting hit by a Frisbee - which sounds horrific but the dog's face is priceless and generally makes the whole image well worth the while.

Anyway, regards!
Hello all,

Glad to join the forum, and looking forward to debates and discussions.

I was going to post an amusing picture to help cement my place in your hearts, but apparently this is not possible because of my low post count. So I suppose I'll just have to describe it to you: a big yellow dog is frozen in the process of getting hit by a Frisbee - which sounds horrific but the dog's face is priceless and generally makes the whole image well worth the while.

Anyway, regards!

Welcome aboard!

Nice to know you're a Peli-CAN and not a Peli-CAN'T.

Can I get a rimshot?!?
Thanks. And yes, it's that can-do attitude that has made we pelicans what we are today: mostly in the 'least concern' category.
You should see Zap's constant whining about the Mods. Can-do attitude if there ever was one!

Welcome aboard the crazy train! :clink:

Lookie here.

I try to do the right thing and welcome the new guy and what do I get?

Another petty, UNPROVOKED personal attack from a whiny partisan hack Foureff.

Threedee is still all butthurt that I'm forever highlighting the ridiculous double standard displayed by the Mods of JPP.
I have no idea how the political divide here works, but those are eyebrow-raising quotes in Mr. ZappasGuitar's sig.

Thanks for the welcomes.
Now that I have the required 5 posts needed to post links, allow me to share the pic I alluded to in the original post:

I have no idea how the political divide here works, but those are eyebrow-raising quotes in Mr. ZappasGuitar's sig.

Thanks for the welcomes.

Indeed, they are eyebrow raising, aren't they?

Yes, just a couple of the hate-filed, partisan quotes from our SUPPOSEDLY IMPARTIAL Mods regarding their continued CENSORSHIP of me and my posts.
I have no idea how the political divide here works, but those are eyebrow-raising quotes in Mr. ZappasGuitar's sig.

Thanks for the welcomes.

It has nothing to do with his politics and everything to do with my complete hatred of him.
Why do you completely hate him? And also, hello.

I forget at this point honestly. Probably his cry baby attitude. I think it all started when I started a thread and forgot to include him. Then he started whining and crying, and it just snow balled.

And welcome, hope you enjoy it here.
Why do you completely hate him? And also, hello.

It has to do with his pig-headed refusal to even DISCUSS the idea that there should be some reasonable regulation placed on guns and their owners.

After the New Town massacre, several attempts were made by posters to discuss some ideas for helping to keep children in school safe...every single attempt at civil discourse was IMMEDIATELY shot down as "ridiculous" or "brain dead" and the poster who attempted to have the discussion was roundly ridiculed by angry gun lovers.

Needless to say, I pointed out his narrow-minded attitude and for that I was sentenced to "Indefinite Forced Ignore".
Perhaps we should all unite around a common foe to heal these old wounds... who else hates those damn Tuvaluvians? Always mooching around, swamping other people's markets with their inferior coconut-derived products. :nono: