

Hello all!

I'm a Bernie supporter, a progressive. We need to keep the regressive cons on their heels. Trump? Seriously? Haven't decided if I can hold my nose and vote for Hillary or not. If not, I may vote for Jill Stein or write in Bernie. I love politics and debating politics. Let's go to it!

Hello all!

I'm a Bernie supporter, a progressive. We need to keep the regressive cons on their heels. Trump? Seriously? Haven't decided if I can hold my nose and vote for Hillary or not. If not, I may vote for Jill Stein or write in Bernie. I love politics and debating politics. Let's go to it!



Announcing you are a progressive might get you in trouble.

Prepare to be attacked by whiny conservatives regardless of your actual position on anything.

Announcing you are a progressive might get you in trouble.

Prepare to be attacked by whiny conservatives regardless of your actual position on anything.

Meet Mr. Civility. He take you to task for using insults, but watch out, he uses them frequently and sees nothing hypocritical about it.

Announcing you are a progressive might get you in trouble.

Prepare to be attacked by whiny conservatives regardless of your actual position on anything.

Thanks, I'm looking forward to the debate. They've been pretty decent to me so far. I've gotten it far worse on other sites. I'm progressive because it's practical and logical. It's easy to defend.

I'm also staunchly pro-gun rights, that helps me get along better with a lot of conservatives. I also just want government because it's the only practical solution to so many of our problems. I admit many progressives sound like they just want government for government's sake. I support and defend the objectives and try to focus on that.

Though there are for sure nuts Republicans who don't want any real debate. I'm already starting to get the hint who a few of those are. But again, so far, I believe the right has been very decent to me overall. I don't expect them to just give up and say I'm right. But they will eventually see that I am!
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Meet Mr. Civility. He take you to task for using insults, but watch out, he uses them frequently and sees nothing hypocritical about it.

And the SeaChicken (above) is one of the most butthurt of the entire JPP "family".

Prove him wrong even once and you can expect to spend the next few WEEKS listening to him whine on and on about how you lied.
And the SeaChicken (above) is one of the most butthurt of the entire JPP "family".

Prove him wrong even once and you can expect to spend the next few WEEKS listening to him whine on and on about how you lied.

I've meet a few like that. Thanks for the tip, I look for trouble. And I'm armed ... LOL. I mean with words, not a threat
Thanks, I'm looking forward to the debate. They've been pretty decent to me so far. I've gotten it far worse on other sites. I'm progressive because it's practical and logical. It's easy to defend.

I'm also staunchly pro-gun rights, that helps me get along better with a lot of conservatives. I also just want government because it's the only practical solution to so many of our problems. I admit many progressives sound like they just want government for government's sake. I support and defend the objectives and try to focus on that.

Though there are for sure nuts Republicans who don't want any real debate. I'm already starting to get the hint who a few of those are. But again, so far, I believe the right has been very decent to me overall. I don't expect them to just give up and say I'm right. But they will eventually see that I am!

Although we have our share of whiners, we also have several conservatives willing to rationally discuss the issues.
Hello Zake.

I was conservative when I was young and now that I'm older I'm more liberal. Conservatives tell me that means I'm heartless and have no brain.

This could explain why I have a minimum wage job at a slaughter house.

Nice to meet you. :)

Uh oh, no, what's the poop on that? I assume they are posters? Do they eat their own buggers or what?

I was warned about you. Though I'm not sure what to make of that since you're the one who warned me
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Uh oh, no, what's the poop on that? I assume they are posters? Do they eat their own buggers or what?

I was warned about you. Though I'm not sure what to make of that since you're the one who warned me

Ok, that second paragraph made me laugh
Uh oh, no, what's the poop on that? I assume they are posters? Do they eat their own buggers or what?

I was warned about you. Though I'm not sure what to make of that since you're the one who warned me
Arent you glad I warned you?

Grind is one of JPPs moderators. He claims to be a Libertarian but he's really a psycopath. When's he's not cheering first graders being executed in mass, doing bong hits or eating volcano tacos, he can be found working at a discount abortion clinic as a sales rep. I heard he's had a lot of success with his "tenth one free" program.

Desh is our resident cat lady. She believes all Republicans are greedy lying cheaters and racist bent on stealing everything that isn't tied down. The conservatives hate her because she has the best weed and cause she made a huge fortune shorting the real estate market in 2008. They think she crazy but she too rich to be crazy. She's eccentric. Not Prince Charles eccentric...but not far off.
Arent you glad I warned you?

Grind is one of JPPs moderators. He claims to be a Libertarian but he's really a psycopath. When's he's not cheering first graders being executed in mass, doing bong hits or eating volcano tacos, he can be found working at a discount abortion clinic as a sales rep. I heard he's had a lot of success with his "tenth one free" program.

Desh is our resident cat lady. She believes all Republicans are greedy lying cheaters and racist bent on stealing everything that isn't tied down. The conservatives hate her because she has the best weed and cause she made a huge fortune shorting the real estate market in 2008. They think she crazy but she too rich to be crazy. She's eccentric. Not Prince Charles eccentric...but not far off.

She is a crazy dog lady who loves to smoke crack and forgets to take her lithium on occasion. She is clearly psychotic.
Arent you glad I warned you?

Grind is one of JPPs moderators. He claims to be a Libertarian but he's really a psycopath. When's he's not cheering first graders being executed in mass, doing bong hits or eating volcano tacos, he can be found working at a discount abortion clinic as a sales rep. I heard he's had a lot of success with his "tenth one free" program.

Desh is our resident cat lady. She believes all Republicans are greedy lying cheaters and racist bent on stealing everything that isn't tied down. The conservatives hate her because she has the best weed and cause she made a huge fortune shorting the real estate market in 2008. They think she crazy but she too rich to be crazy. She's eccentric. Not Prince Charles eccentric...but not far off.

QFT. Now that I'm learining the players, this was a great summary