Grind is even more annoying than usual

sounds like I am doing my job. I am the OG. I cannot be messed with. I run in JPP's veins. I am the untrollable, the truth bringer, the fact slammer. The dismisser of crybabies, and the friend to the cynics.
Okay, but that still doesn't explain how Dems are going to whip-up their lazy leftists into an organized, non couch-sitting/meth-smoking force of participating voters.
The Women's March are having Huddles. The one in my area announced two weeks ago has 200 who have RSVP'd. The Resistenance is responsible for the inundation of the phone lines and Indivisible is responsible for the groups showing up at Congress people's office to question their legislators. The UCLA has received record number of donations to fight Trump in court.

Hide and watch, this movement is not going away. I will report back as to what decisions for actions in Texas are being made.

I know Cruz defeat is on a lot of agendas.