Grind my patience is wearing thin


I have not heard acceptance of terms from the aforementioned liberals. In fact, Howey is continuing hostilities.

Thusly, I must be compelled to put my signature back in its rightful place. I will not disarm unilaterally.
I have not heard acceptance of terms from the aforementioned liberals. In fact, Howey is continuing hostilities.

Thusly, I must be compelled to put my signature back in its rightful place. I will not disarm unilaterally.

I am truly sad you feel so bad about being wronged.

Please relax. Anger is bad for the heart.
I am truly sad you feel so bad about being wronged.

Please relax. Anger is bad for the heart.

I don't feel wronged at all. I am not the one who went whining and crying to the mods about what is said about me. Grind offered up a solution to the hostilities. I gave him my terms. You have refused to accept. No skin off my balls puddin pop. My signature doesn't bother me. Yours don't bother me. As I told you on another thread, I am flattered that you devote so much to thinking about me. It is eerily odd, but you are of no consequence to me.
someone just put a bullet in my head please

Maybe you already have this experience, we have never discussed it, and you may, but managing people in an office is just like this. Only worse. Imagine if you will yurt and ILA standing outside your office while you try really hard to pretend you don't see them and then they start making movements in order to get your attention, and then you have to say "come in" even though you want to say "why don't you eff off you needy attention whore mf'er"? and then you have to nod your head as they tell you the latest story about their co-worker(s), or manager, or whatever the eff is bothering their pea brains that day.

It's why I drink.
Maybe you already have this experience, we have never discussed it, and you may, but managing people in an office is just like this. Only worse. Imagine if you will yurt and ILA standing outside your office while you try really hard to pretend you don't see them and then they start making movements in order to get your attention, and then you have to say "come in" even though you want to say "why don't you eff off you needy attention whore mf'er"? and then you have to nod your head as they tell you the latest story about their co-worker(s), or manager, or whatever the eff is bothering their pea brains that day.

It's why I drink.

Yeah "children" in the workplace.
Much nicer to work with "adults".
Maybe you already have this experience, we have never discussed it, and you may, but managing people in an office is just like this. Only worse. Imagine if you will yurt and ILA standing outside your office while you try really hard to pretend you don't see them and then they start making movements in order to get your attention, and then you have to say "come in" even though you want to say "why don't you eff off you needy attention whore mf'er"? and then you have to nod your head as they tell you the latest story about their co-worker(s), or manager, or whatever the eff is bothering their pea brains that day.

It's why I drink.

They quite often remind me of children I use to deal with on a daily basis.
Maybe you already have this experience, we have never discussed it, and you may, but managing people in an office is just like this. Only worse. Imagine if you will yurt and ILA standing outside your office while you try really hard to pretend you don't see them and then they start making movements in order to get your attention, and then you have to say "come in" even though you want to say "why don't you eff off you needy attention whore mf'er"? and then you have to nod your head as they tell you the latest story about their co-worker(s), or manager, or whatever the eff is bothering their pea brains that day.

It's why I drink.

Ironic post will always be ironic (Damo)
