groaner in chief

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
the award for groaner in chief goes to the dude

he no longer posts, just groans at everyone he disagrees with - for everything they post!
You must have failed English like The Dude. That's the equielant of saying Don Quixote quioucks. Seriously, its like you decided to swallow 3 sets of testicles and then tried to pronounce a word.

How do you know so much about swallowing testicles?
Seriously funny!

I think Haiku said it first...

But Rana - sluggish bowel is no laughing matter. It's completely within reason that fiberless-diet-induced constipation would bring about The Dude's excessive groaning of late.

Being literally full of shit is painful.

So none of us should be laughing about this.

At all.
It is sort of given that any thread started about Groans/Rep will be downvoted. Irony is intoxicating, and DQ should realize that Billy and I meant nothing from our downvotes except the marvelous art of parody. I hope you all (excepting Legion, who can piss off, as always) have a wonderful evening.

Groans matter? Exactly how do they effect anything?

I have never understood getting bent out of shape about groans. This is a political debate site. By its very nature you will have people who disagree.

I say what I believe or feel. Groan away.
Groans matter? Exactly how do they effect anything? I have never understood getting bent out of shape about groans. This is a political debate site. By its very nature you will have people who disagree. I say what I believe or feel. Groan away.

Stoner Groaner is retired now, so what else does he have to do all day?
my own personal tally shows Legion in #1 with over half of my groans, Anorexia in #2 position and TopSpin in #3.......the rest of you combined have groaned me about twenty times......