Gun Companies not selling To Government Agencies In Areas That Restrict Gun Rights


on indefiniate mod break
Suck on that fascist government. Guns make us less safe? Then you can't have them either.

A growing number of firearm and firearm-related companies have stated they will no longer sell items to states, counties, cities and municipalities that restrict their citizens' rights to own them.
According to The Police Loophole, 34 companies have joined in publicly stating that governments who seek to restrict 2[SUP]nd [/SUP]Amendment rights will themselves be restricted from purchasing the items they seek to limit or ban.
There are some pretty big names on there too. If we could get someone like Glock to join the mix, it'd be a mighty blow to fascists.
I love the statement from York Arms:
Based on the recent legislation in New York, we are prohibited from selling rifles and receivers to residents of New York. We have chosen to extend that prohibition to all governmental agencies associated with or located within New York.
As a result, we have halted sales of rifles, short-barreled rifles, short-barreled shotguns, machine guns, and silencers to New York governmental agencies.
For “civilian” customers residing in New York: At your choice, we will:

  • Complete your order and ship to a dealer of your choice outside of NY.
  • Refund your payment in full.
  • Hold your items here for up to 6 months, at no charge – if you are in the process of leaving NY and taking residence in another state.
  • For LE/Govt customers in New York: Your orders have been cancelled.
The govt can shut the companys down by cancelling liscences, etc.

The govt used to make it's own weapons, perhaps they should start that again.
The govt can shut the companys down by cancelling liscences, etc.

The govt used to make it's own weapons, perhaps they should start that again.

under what grounds? pretty sure you can't cancel a government issued license because someone wont sell to you. You takers think you just control the universe.
So remember when I said it'd be awesome if a big name joined the fun?

Beretta, the nearly 500-year-old family-owned company that made one of James Bond’s firearms, has already invested more than $1 million in the [civilian version of a machine gun designed for special operations forces] and has planned to expand its plant further in Prince George’s County to ramp up production.
But under an assault-weapons ban that advanced late last week in the Maryland General Assembly, experts say the gun would be illegal in the state where it is produced.
Now Beretta is weighing whether the rifle line, and perhaps the company itself, should stay in a place increasingly hostile toward its products. Its iconic 9mm pistol — carried by every U.S. soldier and scores of police departments — would also be banned with its high capacity, 13-bullet magazine

Beretta. That's THE oldest name in guns. That's also the one who supplies ALL the pistols to the entire U.S. military and a metric fuck ton of other agencies.
An AWESOME statement from Magpul, one fo the biggest and best 2A companies ever:

March 1st, 2013

Back in 1990, when I was deployed in Desert Shield and Desert Storm as a Marine grunt, some companies prioritized me items for my M16 for shipping that I purchased with my own funds. After getting out and forming Magpul in 1999, I established the same priority policy for Military and Law Enforcement, due to the requirements of their profession.

The same policy has been in place for 13 years now and has never been an issue until a few days ago. I do not support the idea that individual police officers should be punished for the actions of their elected officials. That said, I understand the concerns that some have with Law Enforcement officers getting special treatment while at the same time denouncing second amendment rights to another citizen in the same state.

With the fight in Colorado right now we do not have time to implement a new program, so I have suspended all LE sales to ban states until we can implement a system wherein any Law Enforcement Officer buying for duty use will have to promise to uphold their oath to the US Constitution - specifically the second and fourteenth amendments - as it applies to all citizens.

Richard Fitzpatrick
President/CEO - Founder
Magpul Industries
Now if we can just get the government banned from buying ammo... maybe the costs could go back down a bit :)
Oh ammo makers already bitch slapped the government a year or two ago. The ATF banned all used military brass from being put back on the market. So ammo makers said they wouldn't sell ammo to the federal government. The ban lasted 3 days.