Gun control working in Chicago


[h=1]3 dead, 17 wounded in shootings across Chicago overnight[/h]
At least three people were killed and 17 wounded in shootings across Chicago overnight as the city saw its warmest weather in seven months.

In one of the fatal shootings, three men were shot in a parking lot across the street from the headquarters of the UIC Police Department, police said. The shooting happened around 10:40 p.m. in the 1000 block of West Maxwell Street, Police News Affairs Officer Amina Greer said.,0,4341847.story

Hmm...I just read the homicide rate in Chicago is down 40% from last year.

I wonder if the new gun tax did that?
Hmm...I just read the homicide rate in Chicago is down 40% from last year.

I wonder if the new gun tax did that?

If x amount of guns were available last year to kill x amount of people last year....

why would a tax on NEW GUN SALES have any effect on the total killed ?......why are so stupid ? You reason like a Democrat.
[h=1]3 dead, 17 wounded in shootings across Chicago overnight[/h]
At least three people were killed and 17 wounded in shootings across Chicago overnight as the city saw its warmest weather in seven months.

In one of the fatal shootings, three men were shot in a parking lot across the street from the headquarters of the UIC Police Department, police said. The shooting happened around 10:40 p.m. in the 1000 block of West Maxwell Street, Police News Affairs Officer Amina Greer said.,0,4341847.story


Every law is broken. I could scream, "people still murder" or "people still drive drunk". But the fact remains that REGULATION and laws on murder and drunk driving have proven to lower statistical numbers in times of need.

I make dozens of posts why "someone got are those anti-murder laws going" or "someone was driving drunk.....they killed an innocent are those laws working out"
Every law is broken. I could scream, "people still murder" or "people still drive drunk". But the fact remains that REGULATION and laws on murder and drunk driving have proven to lower statistical numbers in times of need.

I make dozens of posts why "someone got are those anti-murder laws going" or "someone was driving drunk.....they killed an innocent are those laws working out"

Using your logic we should regulate abortions, queers and Muslimes.
[h=1]3 dead, 17 wounded in shootings across Chicago overnight[/h]
At least three people were killed and 17 wounded in shootings across Chicago overnight as the city saw its warmest weather in seven months.

In one of the fatal shootings, three men were shot in a parking lot across the street from the headquarters of the UIC Police Department, police said. The shooting happened around 10:40 p.m. in the 1000 block of West Maxwell Street, Police News Affairs Officer Amina Greer said.,0,4341847.story


Want to get Howey a plane ticket to Chicago?
It's working in farce and England. Those non rednecks have 75 percent less murders.
Fucking uneducated NRAZI boys!
Chicago gun laws do not apply to democrats....

[h=1]State Sen. Trotter pleads guilty to misdemeanor[/h]
State Sen. Donne Trotter pleaded guilty today to misdemeanor reckless conduct for trying to board a flight with a handgun in his carry-on luggage in December.

In a plea deal worked out with Cook County prosecutors, Judge Charles Burns sentenced Trotter, 63, to a year of court supervision and 60 hours of community service. In exchange for the plea, prosecutors dropped the original felony charge of bringing a gun onto an airplane. A felony conviction could have resulted in up to three years in prison.

Trotter was arrested after Transportation Security Administration officials at O’Hare International Airport spotted a .25-caliber Beretta zipped inside a side pocket of his carry-on bag. He told police he got off work as a security guard and forgot that he had a gun and a magazine with six live rounds in the bag.

His arrest sparked wide news media interest because at the time he was considered a front-runner to succeed outgoing U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. A few weeks after his arrest, Trotter dropped his bid to fill Jackson’s seat.

Trotter worked for Allpoints Security and Detective Inc., a company that provides private security for commercial and residential buildings as well as individuals. No one at the company's Southeast Side offices returned calls seeking comment Wednesday.

Prosecutors said the South Side lawmaker had a valid firearm owner's identification card and was licensed by the state to carry the gun while traveling to and from the security job. The weapon was not registered in the city of Chicago as required by law.

The Illinois state Constitution says that anyone found guilty of a felony cannot hold public office on the state level. Durkin said Trotter will be allowed to keep his post since the charges were reduced to a misdemeanor.,0,1789537.story

Does anybody else find it odd, why is a state senator with a law degree is working as a building security guard at night?
It's working in farce and England. Those non rednecks have 75 percent less murders.
Fucking uneducated NRAZI boys!

data out from the UK, where guns are banned, shows gun crime has soared by 35 percent.

The Government's latest crime figures were condemned as "truly terrible" by the Tories today as it emerged that gun crime in England and Wales soared by 35% last year.

Criminals used handguns in 46% more offences, Home Office statistics revealed.

Firearms were used in 9,974 recorded crimes in the 12 months to last April, up from 7,362.

It was the fourth consecutive year to see a rise and there were more than 2,200 more gun crimes last year than the previous peak in 1993.

Figures showed the number of crimes involving handguns had more than doubled since the post-Dunblane massacre ban on the weapons, from 2,636 in 1997-1998 to 5,871.

Unadjusted figures showed overall recorded crime in the 12 months to last September rose 9.3%
It's working in farce and England. Those non rednecks have 75 percent less murders.
Fucking uneducated NRAZI boys!

The UK gun crime rate more than doubled since 1998, when gun bans were enacted.

If the us criterea for gun crime were applied to the UK that growth would be four or five fold.

Gun crime in the USA.

Any crime in which a gun was used.
For example, a rapist with a knife drags a woman down an ally, she draws her gun, shoots and injures the rapist, then escapes.
That would be listed as a gun crime by the Feds.

data out from the UK, where guns are banned, shows gun crime has soared by 35 percent.

Gun crime statistics in the UK are innacurate in comparison to those in the USA.

Gun crime UK;- when a criminal uses a gun to commit a crime AND the gun is discharged.

Illegal possesion won't be included in Home Office stats, nor armed robbery where the gun is not fired.

The USA, illegal possesion, a gun crime.
Use of a gun to commit crime, a gun crime.
Having a gun nearby whilst committing a crime, a gun crime.
Using a knife to commit a crime and being stopped by a gun, a gun crime.
It's simple, the USA fudge the numbers upwards.
The UK fudge the numbers downward.
Facts you uneducated don't like them
I'm educated, fool.
According to the home office there were 3 murders in Huddersfield last year but the local newspaper, the Huddersfield examiner reported 17.
Facts are not facts when they are adjusted.
Kind of like dept of state reports about Benghazi.