GUN GRABBERS Scare the Women and Ruin the Hunting


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The Gun Grabbers are now trying to influence the uninformed(dumbed down) women who helped elect Obama. They already own the pin-headed Lib girleymen who have never shot a gun. The Food Stampers and the Welfare Ho's could care less as long as they get their stuff. I have a 1973 Gun Digest page photo, where the gun grabbers are asking why the necessity of a handgun, since you cannot use it to hunt deer, I have posted that article in the form of a photo, my point being that this has been going on for 50 years, and they ruined the hunting here in California with all their rules and regulations, one being that you cannot hunt on private land without DAILY written permission from the owners. I was hunting doves with my 10 year old Son in the south Lake Elsinore area on tumbleweed land that was not fenced, planted or under irrigation, and was not posted with "no hunting" signs. This was way back and the Highway Patrol and the CHP drove out to the middle of that field to tell us about the rule change in California and that they could confiscate our shotguns, but that they would let us go this time. By the way, my Son at the time was the youngest licensed hunter in the State of California at age 9, and he had passed the Hunter Safety Course. I had him in my Mendota California duck blind at the age of 6, and he could call honkers better than I. It was and is the pin-headed Lib girleymen in Sacramento, CA. who pass all these ani-gun hunting laws, that is their goal, by ruining the hunting, that will translate into ruining the gun manufacturers. Try to download the photo and blow it up to read, notice the date at the bottom right hand of the photo, I don't bullsheet. I have not banned anyone, so let's hear it.
The Gun Grabbers are now trying to influence the uninformed(dumbed down) women who helped elect Obama. They already own the pin-headed Lib girleymen who have never shot a gun. The Food Stampers and the Welfare Ho's could care less as long as they get their stuff. I have a 1973 Gun Digest page photo, where the gun grabbers are asking why the necessity of a handgun, since you cannot use it to hunt deer, I have posted that article in the form of a photo, my point being that this has been going on for 50 years, and they ruined the hunting here in California with all their rules and regulations, one being that you cannot hunt on private land without DAILY written permission from the owners. I was hunting doves with my 10 year old Son in the south Lake Elsinore area on tumbleweed land that was not fenced, planted or under irrigation, and was not posted with "no hunting" signs. This was way back and the Highway Patrol and the CHP drove out to the middle of that field to tell us about the rule change in California and that they could confiscate our shotguns, but that they would let us go this time. By the way, my Son at the time was the youngest licensed hunter in the State of California at age 9, and he had passed the Hunter Safety Course. I had him in my Mendota California duck blind at the age of 6, and he could call honkers better than I. It was and is the pin-headed Lib girleymen in Sacramento, CA. who pass all these ani-gun hunting laws, that is their goal, by ruining the hunting, that will translate into ruining the gun manufacturers. Try to download the photo and blow it up to read, notice the date at the bottom right hand of the photo, I don't bullsheet. I have not banned anyone, so let's hear it.
I honestly believe that this time around, those pin headed gun grabbers have "bit" off more than they can chew, so let's see if we can make them regurgitate all the BS that is coming from their mouths, if you know what I mean.
The Gun Grabbers are now trying to influence the uninformed(dumbed down) women who helped elect Obama. They already own the pin-headed Lib girleymen who have never shot a gun. The Food Stampers and the Welfare Ho's could care less as long as they get their stuff. I have a 1973 Gun Digest page photo, where the gun grabbers are asking why the necessity of a handgun, since you cannot use it to hunt deer, I have posted that article in the form of a photo, my point being that this has been going on for 50 years, and they ruined the hunting here in California with all their rules and regulations, one being that you cannot hunt on private land without DAILY written permission from the owners. I was hunting doves with my 10 year old Son in the south Lake Elsinore area on tumbleweed land that was not fenced, planted or under irrigation, and was not posted with "no hunting" signs. This was way back and the Highway Patrol and the CHP drove out to the middle of that field to tell us about the rule change in California and that they could confiscate our shotguns, but that they would let us go this time. By the way, my Son at the time was the youngest licensed hunter in the State of California at age 9, and he had passed the Hunter Safety Course. I had him in my Mendota California duck blind at the age of 6, and he could call honkers better than I. It was and is the pin-headed Lib girleymen in Sacramento, CA. who pass all these ani-gun hunting laws, that is their goal, by ruining the hunting, that will translate into ruining the gun manufacturers. Try to download the photo and blow it up to read, notice the date at the bottom right hand of the photo, I don't bullsheet. I have not banned anyone, so let's hear it.
This articale above out of that 1973 Gun Digest just proves that the gun grabbers were trying to take our handguns away back then, and they are stilling trying to take them away now. NY State Governor Mario Cuemo's ban on over 7 round magazines is rediculous, because just about every semi-auto hand gun that I know about has a ten round magazine. This is a gun grab attempt and it will be challemged all the way to the Supreme Court, forget apout it.
Amusing that all but 2 posts including mine have been made by you in this one thread, Backing up your own argument's by your self huh?

Doesnt matter if this has been going on for 50 years or 100 years, Some times change takes time.. Looking at woman's rights.. That started long before the 'gun grabbers' and it is still going to an extent today, You saying that that is a pointless joke too?
Amusing that all but 2 posts including mine have been made by you in this one thread, Backing up your own argument's by your self huh?

Doesnt matter if this has been going on for 50 years or 100 years, Some times change takes time.. Looking at woman's rights.. That started long before the 'gun grabbers' and it is still going to an extent today, You saying that that is a pointless joke too?
My point being that studying the past history with the gun grabbers tells US something about what will happen in the future. When the gun-grabbers try to tell US that they do not want to take our guns away, like Prez Obama, and Senators Shumer, and Lautenberg have, they are all lying. There is no end to the continuous attempts to keep chipping away at the Second Amendment and at the same time brainwashing mainly women to hate guns, so eventually they can do exactly what was inferred in my photo post from that 1973 Gun Digest, that they will never stop trying until they get all the guns, they did it in the past, they are doing it now and they will do it in the future. The buck needs to stop here and now, not one more gun Law should get passed, no matter what happens next. That Sandy Hook shooting was terrible, but there are hundreds of millions of pro-gun law abiding citizens who do not want change. You know that I am RIGHT.
The OP is right to some extent. There are people out there that want to take all guns from citizens. But his primitive brain probably doesn't know the difference between a Modified Assault Rifle with 100 round drum mag and a hammer. He probably even shared "Hammers killed more people than rifles" on facebook.

I wouldn't think it is past common sense, but today it is due to NRAZI's. Give a person a hammer in a shoulder to shoulder crowd and see how many people they can kill. Give a person two Glock's with 100 round drum mags in a shoulder to shoulder crowd and see how many they can kill. It doesn't take "Deadliest Warrior" to make an episode on it to know the outcome...........(note I have been "corrected" on that statement by NRAZIS)

When defining a line on what gun owners should be allowed to carry there are a lot of things to consider. But since we have so many NRAZI's out there we can't even talk about what to consider because they think citizens should be allowed to own a tank and can't see the possible deadly outcome of that. This has been happening ever since the 80's when the NRA re-defined the 2nd Amendment making it something it's not. The only way the 2nd Amendment makes sense is to read it for what it says. It says nothing about weapon equallity between military and citizens. It says we must regulate gun ownership to prevent carnage because if guns cause carnage it could jepardize our rights to own them.
The OP is right to some extent. There are people out there that want to take all guns from citizens. But his primitive brain probably doesn't know the difference between a Modified Assault Rifle with 100 round drum mag and a hammer. He probably even shared "Hammers killed more people than rifles" on facebook.

I wouldn't think it is past common sense, but today it is due to NRAZI's. Give a person a hammer in a shoulder to shoulder crowd and see how many people they can kill. Give a person two Glock's with 100 round drum mags in a shoulder to shoulder crowd and see how many they can kill. It doesn't take "Deadliest Warrior" to make an episode on it to know the outcome...........(note I have been "corrected" on that statement by NRAZIS)

When defining a line on what gun owners should be allowed to carry there are a lot of things to consider. But since we have so many NRAZI's out there we can't even talk about what to consider because they think citizens should be allowed to own a tank and can't see the possible deadly outcome of that. This has been happening ever since the 80's when the NRA re-defined the 2nd Amendment making it something it's not. The only way the 2nd Amendment makes sense is to read it for what it says. It says nothing about weapon equallity between military and citizens. It says we must regulate gun ownership to prevent carnage because if guns cause carnage it could jepardize our rights to own them.
You got your talking point about Pro-gunners owning a tank right from the gun grabbing lipstick lips of Limey Purse Moregun on CNN.....LoL....You think you won the battle butt we know that you are losing the war, there will not be one new gun law passed by Congress. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Meanwhile 17,000 murders
Mostly family members shooting each others hillbilly asses
Mostly street gang members shooting each other, you need to read the news, Fool. There were over 500 gun deaths in Chicago alone, with the vast majority being Gangstas offing other Gangstas. I really need to retrain you, are you a Feminazi?
You got your talking point about Pro-gunners owning a tank right from the gun grabbing lipstick lips of Limey Purse Moregun on CNN.....LoL....You think you won the battle butt we know that you are losing the war, there will not be one new gun law passed by Congress. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Nope, I won't and don't watch Moregun. (if someone shoots him he will have one ironic name ^^)

I got my information from Libertarians. They say the 2nd Amendment gives citizens the rights to carry the exact same weapons as the military. Yep, you are on their team.
Mostly street gang members shooting each other, you need to read the news, Fool. There were over 500 gun deaths in Chicago alone, with the vast majority being Gangstas offing other Gangstas. I really need to retrain you, are you a Feminazi?
You should watch Id Channel, hillbilly conservatards are convicted daily of family murder
The 2nd Amendment either says;

A) Regulation is needed for gun ownership to provide a free state (one without major gun violence), with this our rights to bear arms are guaranteed.


B)Armed American citizens should be regulated equally as the military. Any regulation on the citizens has to be done for the military as well to ensure we are safe from a corrupt government. (What Libertarians believe)

I believe the definition is A. Because in the time the 2nd Amendment was written they were struggling with anarchy. The president was a Federalist and he was jailing people for not paying taxes. It was and always has been a regulation nation to ensure things run proper and smooth.
Note that "regulation" does not mean gun grabbing. It means regulate what arms are available to the public. Regulate the conditions people need to meet to get certain arms all being different. And if certain arms get into the public and jepardize the free state, end legal production and grandfather them out.

I don't believe in gun grabbing. I believe in gun regulation.
Note that "regulation" does not mean gun grabbing. It means regulate what arms are available to the public. Regulate the conditions people need to meet to get certain arms all being different. And if certain arms get into the public and jepardize the free state, end legal production and grandfather them out.

I don't believe in gun grabbing. I believe in gun regulation.
You say that but in that 1973 Gun Digest article, the Senate was trying to take away our handguns. There were no mass shootings back there in 1973, so I have to not believe you, sorry about that. The article shows US that you Libs have been after our guns for more than 50 years, ever since the John and Robert Kennedy assasinations, why don 't you just admit it, the truth will set you free?
You say that but in that 1973 Gun Digest article, the Senate was trying to take away our handguns. There were no mass shootings back there in 1973, so I have to not believe you, sorry about that. The article shows US that you Libs have been after our guns for more than 50 years, ever since the John and Robert Kennedy assasinations, why don 't you just admit it, the truth will set you free?
:palm::palm::palm::palm::(:(:(:(:(:mad::mad::mad:: mad::rolleyes::rolleyes::awesome::whoa::whoa:

I'm not a Lib. No one understands me. I'm my own breed.

I know Liberals want or will eventually want to take our guns. I don't agree with that and I WILL fight to keep my guns. But today's debate isn't about all guns. It's about weapon technology advancements. Libs aren't starting to attack guns, guns are advancing in technology (huge difference). Today, I focus on magazine size. Because TODAY's guns can't do too much more damage, though we will get there in the future. It's the magazine size. Kids are taught to throw books at a gunman. Give our kids a chance to interrupt the reload so the armed guard can shoot him (if you follow my theories schools have a lightly armed guard and a metal detector) Today's debate isn't about taking your rifle. It's about these

I don't agree with New York or Chicago. I agree with the Assault Rifle ban but since manufacturers have been making morphs there will be nearly no way to determine which rifles are Modified Assault Rifles. Assault Rifles can't do nearly as much damage with a 10-30 round mag (I favor 30, small changes)

The Glock Mag in the video is new. Wait until thousands of Americans have them. What will happen when a gunman has 2 Glocks with 100 round well greased drum mags in a shoulder to shoulder standing crowd. 400 bullets in 2 seconds.