Gun monkey double standards


Shaken, not stirred!
Here we go again,

So an 83 yr. old Korean War vet shoots and kills a 31 yr. old guy who was road raging against the vet's elderly neighbor ... he pulled into the parking lot where the woman lived and got out of his car to rail against her as she was going to her apartment.

Witnesses say the vet TWICE warned the man that he was armed, and for the road rage man to get back in his car and drive away. Road rage guy (according to witnesses) rails all types of racial insults, whips of his shirt like he's ready to go for broke. His reward for his aggressiveness was getting killed.

The vet was arrested (standard in such cases) but given an outrageous bail in the millions.

My question is; where is all the public outrage from gun monkey's about the 2nd amendment, about stand your ground? Where's the public support for the vet?

Reminds me of what happened to John White 17 years ago on Long Island, NY

No NRA outrage then either. Gee, I wonder why (he said heavy on the sarcasm)? :|
Can’t believe that I’m engaging Taich again but if what I have read on this is accurate then I am in complete support of Mr. Strickland. The moment a 31 year old takes his shirt off and approaches this 83 year old man, “fear for one’s life” becomes the issue and deadly force is both warranted and justified, IMO. Hoping he gets released.
He messed up,

He had plenty of time to call the cops

While the guy was on serious road rage at his elderly neighbor...a rage fueled guy who followed her into her apt. parking lot, got out of his car to get in her face and rail? Naah-unh son, that was imminent threat...ESPECIALLY when a the damned fool continued AFTER being confronted by an armed man WHO GAVE HIM TWO CHANCES TO GET BACK IN HIS CAR AND LEAVE.

Looks like a clear case of "stand your ground" there.

But folk like you talk the same nonsense that was talked in the White case I cited. Seems every time a black American exercises the very rights NRA flunkies AND gun monkeys rail about, suddenly they are at fault and use bad judgement.

But to you, Zimmerman was justified even after being told by the cops he was no longer needed to pursue Martin. Where was Martin's "imminent threat, stand your ground" after being tailed by some stranger in a car FOR JUST WALKING HOME FROM HIS AUNT'S HOUSE.

Can’t believe that I’m engaging Taich again but if what I have read on this is accurate then I am in complete support of Mr. Strickland. The moment a 31 year old takes his shirt off and approaches this 83 year old man, “fear for one’s life” becomes the issue and deadly force is both warranted and justified, IMO. Hoping he gets released.

Yes, but the question remains ... where's all the NRA officials and pundits public outcry? At least you are being fair here.
Here we go again,

So an 83 yr. old Korean War vet shoots and kills a 31 yr. old guy who was road raging against the vet's elderly neighbor ... he pulled into the parking lot where the woman lived and got out of his car to rail against her as she was going to her apartment.

Witnesses say the vet TWICE warned the man that he was armed, and for the road rage man to get back in his car and drive away. Road rage guy (according to witnesses) rails all types of racial insults, whips of his shirt like he's ready to go for broke. His reward for his aggressiveness was getting killed.

The vet was arrested (standard in such cases) but given an outrageous bail in the millions.

My question is; where is all the public outrage from gun monkey's about the 2nd amendment, about stand your ground? Where's the public support for the vet?

Reminds me of what happened to John White 17 years ago on Long Island, NY

No NRA outrage then either. Gee, I wonder why (he said heavy on the sarcasm)? :|

There doesnt seem to be much to discuss here. A road rage asshole got what he deserved after being warned TWICE to stand down. The vet should get a medal but of course there will be imbeciles that will think this is horrible.
I'm trying to remember the various octogenarians that I violently approached when I was in my early thirties.

Maybe it's because I'm within a very few years of being one myself now
that I can't remember any.

Rev is 100% right. The man needs to be released immediately.
What the hell is going on in this country?
I'm trying to remember the various octogenarians that I violently approached when I was in my early thirties.

Maybe it's because I'm within a very few years of being one myself now
that I can't remember any.

Rev is 100% right. The man needs to be released immediately.
What the hell is going on in this country?

Actually, this nonsense has always been there for black folk...lurking in the shadows, acting out with a subconscious sense of impunity. Modern technology just brings it out in the open more.
There doesnt seem to be much to discuss here. A road rage asshole got what he deserved after being warned TWICE to stand down. The vet should get a medal but of course there will be imbeciles that will think this is horrible.

Yes, but the question (s) still stands. Where are all the on-line pundits, the NRA folk? Where is the application of all the hubris they wail about regarding gun rights, stand your ground, etc. TWO highly publicized incidents within 20 years ... zippo from aforementioned peanut galleries. Could it be the coincidence that in both cases involved black men as the heroes?
My question is; where is all the public outrage
Why do you need outrage? Why are you disappointed that rational people don't become irrationally triggered at every dog-whistle, as undereducated leftists do before cowering into their safe spaces?

from gun monkey's
From gun monkey's what? ... and who is gun monkey anyway?

... about the 2nd amendment, about stand your ground?
In what way should gun monkey's thing have been triggered to rage about "stand your ground"?

Where's the public support for the [suspect]?
Why did you not anticipate rational people waiting to get all the facts of the case before forming an opinion? Are you implying that the public is supposed to think and act impulsively as you do?

Maybe you could start over and think it all through before you begin to write.
But to you, Zimmerman was justified
Zimmerman was totally justified.

...even after being told by the cops he was no longer needed to pursue Martin.
The cops never told Zimmerman that. It would appear that you are operating under egregious misconceptions of what transpired.

Where was Martin's "imminent threat,
Martin was raining down blows upon Zimmerman's head from the full mount position, after slamming the back of Zimmerman's head into the concrete several times. Zimmerman was screaming for help. Martin was clearly going to kill Zimmerman.

Zimmerman did the world a favor by ridding the world of a murderous, criminal thug who had never demonstrated any redeeming potential for positive contribution to society.

... after being tailed by some stranger in a car FOR JUST WALKING HOME FROM HIS AUNT'S HOUSE.
Incorrect. Zimmerman observed Martin staking out a house that was neither his own house nor one of any family member. Martin did not belong in that neighborhood, and any rational adult could deduce that Martin was casing the house in order to rob it. Zimmerman notified the police and followed Martin so that he (Zimmerman) could point out Martin to the cops when they arrived, instead of saying "the black dude in a hoody." Martin, fearing arrest, doubled back on Zimmerman and attempted to pummel him to death before any police arrived. Fortunately for all of us, Zimmerman was packing heat and took a definite "no good" off the playing field.