Gun Morality


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I wonder if the Democrat Party’s all-out effort to disarm women is connected to this?


"Slave Market" by Jean-Léon Gérôme (Public Domain)

Maybe it is connected to this, too?

“As a mother, I have a child and eventually she's going to go to college. And I want my child to feel safe,” she said. “Laws need to change and conversations about domestic violence need to be taken more seriously.”

25 years after cutting off husband's penis, Lorena Bobbitt is championing victims of domestic violence: 'There's no joke about domestic violence.'
By allie yang
Feb 12, 2019, 1:50 PM ET

Lorena lopped off John’s pecker with a knife, but if Democrats are so concerned about women they would give every woman carry permits instead of disarming them. The ladies legally packing ol’ John Roscoe would do wonders for their safety.

I can see women like Lorena whipping out their heaters and shooting off a man’s cock who makes the mistake of abusing their daughters.

Parenthetically, Democrat gun-grabbers worked long and hard to convince free people that guns are about criminals rather than the reason for the Second Amendment. Okay, lets play their game.

Average men with guns in this country was the first time in history they could protect their loved ones and defend themselves. The result made guns infinitely more moral than the Bible, the Qur’an, and all of the novels ever written about the hereafter. So it is time to give women the same tools.

And lets not forget what guns did in settling the West.

Bottom line: Give guns to women in ever foreign country where they are abused the most and watch how fast the ladies get equality.

Hillary Clinton made a lot of noise about improving the lives of women in foreign countries in an effort to sew up women voters for Obama in 2012. The Chicago sewer rat did more in his first term to accommodate those Muslim countries that brutalize women. QUESTION: Why did any American woman vote for Obama on Hillary’s word? The answer is still beyond my understanding.

Women are individuals; some good some not so good. It has always been that way, yet whenever Hillary Clinton speaks about women she is speaking for her kind. The fact is that most American women are more feminine than Clinton’s feminazi sisters —— hellbent on establishing an emasculating matriarchy. Unfortunately, Muslim women believe that all western women are like Hillary Clinton. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Incidentally, young men should read Philip Wylie’s 1942 book Generation of Vipers. That is where the term “Momism” originated. It is an eyeopener about feminazi mothers. I just cannot see much difference between certain WWII mothers defined by Wylie, and today’s handful of mothers who cannot wait to hand their sons to any Socialist freak that comes along.

These excerpts from Wylie’s book rattle around in my head whenever I think about feminazies and matriarchies. Americans a lot younger than I may not know about Gold Star mothers, but I remember seeing them hanging in many widows in the old neighborhood during WWII.


Wylie shed a different light on those stars:

Mom also has patriotism. If a war comes, this may even turn into a genuine feeling and the departure of her son may be her means to grace in old age. Often, however, the going of her son is only an occasion for more show. She has, in that case, no deep respect for him. What he has permitted her to do to him has rendered him unworthy of consideration--and she has shown him none since puberty. She does not miss him--only his varletry--but over that she can weep interminably. I have seen the unmistakable evidence in a blue star mom of envy of a gold star mom: and I have a firsthand account by a woman of unimpeachable integrity, of the doings of a shipload of these super-moms-of-the-gold-star, en route at government expense to France to visit the graves of their sons, which I forbear to set down here, because it is a document of such naked awfulness that, by publishing it, I would be inciting to riot, and the printed thing might even rouse the dead soldiers and set them tramping like Dunsany's idol all the way from Flanders to hunt and haunt their archenemy progenitrices--who loved them--to death.



She is Cinderella, the creature I discussed earlier, the shining-haired, the starry-eyed, the ruby-lipped virgo aeternis, of which there is presumably one, and only one, or a one-and-only for each male, whose dream is fixed upon her deflowerment and subsequent perpetual possession. This act is a sacrament in all churches and a civil affair in our society. The collective aspects of marriage are thus largely compressed into the rituals and social perquisites of one day. Unless some element of mayhem or intention of divorce subsequently obtrudes, a sort of privacy engulfs the union and all further developments are deemed to be the business of each separate pair, including the transition of Cinderella into mom, which, if it occasions any shock, only adds to the huge, invisible burthen every man carries with him into eternity. It is the weight of this bundle which, incidentally, squeezes out of him the wish for death, his last positive biological resource.

Mom is an American creation.


She smokes thirty cigarettes a day, chews gum, and consumes tons of bonbons and petits fours. The shortening in the latter, stripped from pigs, sheep and cattle, shortens mom. She plays bridge with the stupid voracity of a hammerhead shark, which cannot see what it is trying to gobble but never stops snapping its jaws and roiling the waves with its tail. She drinks moderately, which is to say, two or three cocktails before dinner every night and a brandy and a couple of highballs afterward. She doesn't count the two cocktails she takes before lunch when she lunches out, which is every day she can. On Saturday nights, at the club or in the juke joint, she loses count of her drinks and is liable to get a little tiddly, which is to say, shot or blind. But it is her man who worries about where to acquire the money while she worries only about how to spend it, so he has the ulcers and colitis and she has the guts of a bear; she can get pretty stiff before she topples. Her sports are all spectator sports.


Mom also has patriotism. If a war comes, this may even turn into a genuine feeling and the departure of her son may be her means to grace in old age. Often, however, the going of her son is only an occasion for more show. She has, in that case, no deep respect for him. What he has permitted her to do to him has rendered him unworthy of consideration--and she has shown him none since puberty. She does not miss him--only his varletry--but over that she can weep interminably. I have seen the unmistakable evidence in a blue star mom of envy of a gold star mom: and I have a firsthand account by a woman of unimpeachable integrity, of the doings of a shipload of these super-moms-of-the-gold-star, en route at government expense to France to visit the graves of their sons, which I forbear to set down here, because it is a document of such naked awfulness that, by publishing it, I would be inciting to riot, and the printed thing might even rouse the dead soldiers and set them tramping like Dunsany's idol all the way from Flanders to hunt and haunt their archenemy progenitrices--who loved them--to death.

Year after year Hillary Clinton is touted as the most admired woman in the world. Polls imply that she speaks for women everywhere. Frankly, I do not believe the polls taken to establish her magnificence. Back in 2001 one lady, General Suhaila Siddiq, practically told then-Senator Clinton to mind her own goddamned business:

She cannot defend her own rights against her husband. How can she defend the rights of my country?

Obviously, none of Hillary’s puff polls are taken in Afghanistan:

When the Times asked female medical students to name the woman they most admired in the world, they replied unanimously, General Siddiq, General Siddiq.

Female Afghan General Blasts Hillary Over Monicagate
Posted on 11/28/2001, 4:30:57 PM

I will wager that General Siddiq and her admirers will be the first ones in the line handing out guns.
Average men with guns in this country was the first time in history they could protect their loved ones and defend themselves.

This article gave me an idea:

President Trump called Monday night for a sweeping overhaul to an asylum system he has long said is rife with fraud -- including a new fee to process asylum applicants, and the capacity to rapidly adjudicate applicants' claims while also barring them from working in the U.S. in the meantime.

In a presidential memorandum, Trump specifically told Attorney General William Barr and acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan that the move was necessary to address a "crisis" at the border. In an article published earlier this month, The New York Times acknowledged that the humanitarian crisis of illegal immigration has hit a "breaking point."

Trump orders asylum overhaul, including new fee for applicants and faster adjudications, amid 'severe' border crisis
By Gregg Re


Give all of those adult immigrants claiming political asylum a gun because they fear for their lives in their homelands. Hand out the guns with 500 hundred rounds of ammunition just before they cross the border on their way out of this country. Include a little humanitarian farewell advice. Defend yourself against the people threatening you and your children instead of coming to the U.S. looking for free stuff.

p.s. Gals of every age never miss:

"Morality" is a highly-subjective social construct, IMO.

To Legion: Indeed it is in the hands of Socialists trying to govern with their morality rather than govern with the rule of law. No priesthood in the history of governments ever got as far as today’s Democrats:

If you’ve been paying attention to the rhetoric coming from elected Democrats and progressive activists in recent weeks, you’ve probably noticed a calculated effort to frame issues in the vein of morality.

Naturally, everything Democrats object to is immoral.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared to reporters that building a border wall would be an “immorality.” Abortion activist Amelia Bonow told children in a viral video that aborting her baby was “part of God’s plan.” Even social media superstar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez -- who apparently works part-time as a Member of Congress -- clumsily invoked morality to excuse her aversion to the truth, telling Anderson Cooper that it’s more important to be “morally right” than factually accurate.

All of this is, of course, a deliberate messaging tactic. In 2016, the Democrats were absolutely walloped by Republicans at the polls. Eighty-one percent of Evangelicals voted for Trump, and even Catholics, a constituency that Obama won twice, voted 52 percent to 45 percent in favor of Trump. In light of those lopsided numbers, some progressives are opportunistically trying to win back a share of the Christian voters they’ve lost by claiming the mantle of morality for themselves, however contrived and unbiblical a moral framework it may be.

Conservatives must forcefully reject this claim from the Left. The notion that the Democratic Party -- an immoral, extreme, anti-Christian party with a centuries-long history of bigotry -- has any sort of monopoly on morality is ridiculous and, frankly, offensive. Let’s not forget: this is the party that supported slavery and segregation, opposed women’s suffrage, and justified putting Asian-Americans in concentration camps.

Moreover, this is the party that still -- despite the overwhelming testimony of both science and personal experience -- supports killing unborn babies up to the moment of birth, on the basis that they are not fully human persons. Thanks to Democrat obstinance, the United States is one of just seven countries in the world that allows abortion after 20 weeks, putting us in the company of serial human rights abusers like North Korea.

This is the party that believes parents have a right to abort babies with a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome, shamefully portraying children with Down syndrome as some sort of burden to society when they are anything but.

This is the party that puts the vast majority of Planned Parenthood clinics in urban areas where they abort predominantly minority children and hail this as some sort of victory for racial justice.

This is the party that believes health care workers should be legally required to perform abortions even if the taking of an innocent life violates their conscience.

This is the party that is actively attempting to sneak radical pro-abortion language into any bill that reopens the government, language that would allow for taxpayer funding for abortion both domestically and abroad, while hundreds of thousands of pro-life Americans attend the March for Life in Washington, D.C.

This is the party that thinks abortion is about the “right to privacy” but that women have no right to privacy when it comes to sharing showers and locker rooms with biological men.

This is the party that wants to discriminate against and ultimately shut down Christian adoption and foster care providers, while stripping birth mothers of their right to place their child in a home that shares their faith.

This is the party that argues for placing a religious test on public servants and preventing them from serving their country.

This is the party that applauded as the government went to war against an order of nuns in an effort to try and save face on Obamacare.

This is the party that parades ten-year-old children on national TV in sexualized clothing of the opposite sex and calls it empowerment instead of what it is: child abuse.

The Democrats certainly believe in some sort of a morality, but it is a bizarro version that is anything but moral. Republicans must hold them accountable to that. Any Democrats lecturing on morality in 2020 and beyond should be made to explain the parameters of their newfound ‘morality’ and how it justifies the evil policies they actively support.

The Democrats Want to Talk About Morality. Here’s Why They Can’t.
Jon Schweppe
Posted: Jan 17, 2019 1:20 PM
To Legion: Indeed it is in the hands of Socialists trying to govern with their morality rather than govern with the rule of law. No priesthood in the history of governments ever got as far as today’s Democrats:

If you’ve been paying attention to the rhetoric coming from elected Democrats and progressive activists in recent weeks, you’ve probably noticed a calculated effort to frame issues in the vein of morality.

Naturally, everything Democrats object to is immoral.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared to reporters that building a border wall would be an “immorality.” Abortion activist Amelia Bonow told children in a viral video that aborting her baby was “part of God’s plan.” Even social media superstar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez -- who apparently works part-time as a Member of Congress -- clumsily invoked morality to excuse her aversion to the truth, telling Anderson Cooper that it’s more important to be “morally right” than factually accurate.

All of this is, of course, a deliberate messaging tactic. In 2016, the Democrats were absolutely walloped by Republicans at the polls. Eighty-one percent of Evangelicals voted for Trump, and even Catholics, a constituency that Obama won twice, voted 52 percent to 45 percent in favor of Trump. In light of those lopsided numbers, some progressives are opportunistically trying to win back a share of the Christian voters they’ve lost by claiming the mantle of morality for themselves, however contrived and unbiblical a moral framework it may be.

Conservatives must forcefully reject this claim from the Left. The notion that the Democratic Party -- an immoral, extreme, anti-Christian party with a centuries-long history of bigotry -- has any sort of monopoly on morality is ridiculous and, frankly, offensive. Let’s not forget: this is the party that supported slavery and segregation, opposed women’s suffrage, and justified putting Asian-Americans in concentration camps.

Moreover, this is the party that still -- despite the overwhelming testimony of both science and personal experience -- supports killing unborn babies up to the moment of birth, on the basis that they are not fully human persons. Thanks to Democrat obstinance, the United States is one of just seven countries in the world that allows abortion after 20 weeks, putting us in the company of serial human rights abusers like North Korea.

This is the party that believes parents have a right to abort babies with a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome, shamefully portraying children with Down syndrome as some sort of burden to society when they are anything but.

This is the party that puts the vast majority of Planned Parenthood clinics in urban areas where they abort predominantly minority children and hail this as some sort of victory for racial justice.

This is the party that believes health care workers should be legally required to perform abortions even if the taking of an innocent life violates their conscience.

This is the party that is actively attempting to sneak radical pro-abortion language into any bill that reopens the government, language that would allow for taxpayer funding for abortion both domestically and abroad, while hundreds of thousands of pro-life Americans attend the March for Life in Washington, D.C.

This is the party that thinks abortion is about the “right to privacy” but that women have no right to privacy when it comes to sharing showers and locker rooms with biological men.

This is the party that wants to discriminate against and ultimately shut down Christian adoption and foster care providers, while stripping birth mothers of their right to place their child in a home that shares their faith.

This is the party that argues for placing a religious test on public servants and preventing them from serving their country.

This is the party that applauded as the government went to war against an order of nuns in an effort to try and save face on Obamacare.

This is the party that parades ten-year-old children on national TV in sexualized clothing of the opposite sex and calls it empowerment instead of what it is: child abuse.

The Democrats certainly believe in some sort of a morality, but it is a bizarro version that is anything but moral. Republicans must hold them accountable to that. Any Democrats lecturing on morality in 2020 and beyond should be made to explain the parameters of their newfound ‘morality’ and how it justifies the evil policies they actively support.

The Democrats Want to Talk About Morality. Here’s Why They Can’t.
Jon Schweppe
Posted: Jan 17, 2019 1:20 PM
The Party of Trump has no business lecturing anybody about morality. He's probably the least moral President in our history.

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The Party of Trump has no business lecturing anybody about morality. He's probably the least moral President in our history.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

You got a point there, plus you saved me from having to read the gibberish articles posted above
Gun morality is quite simple. You have an individual right to life. Therefore you necessarily have the right to defend that life. Therefore you have the right to the tools necessary to defend that life. Denying you those tools denies you your right to life.

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The fact is that most American women are more feminine than Clinton’s feminazi sisters —— hellbent on establishing an emasculating matriarchy.

I did not know that Democrats had a debate last night until I learned it this morning. The only thing new was a major victory for feminazies in the war:

All-female panel of moderators makes an impact

The debate, hosted by MSNBC, was the first of this cycle to have an all-female panel of moderators: Mitchell, MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow, NBC News White House correspondent Kristen Welker and The Washington Post’s Ashley Parker.

The panel clearly had an impact, foregrounding issues such as paid family leave, domestic violence and reproductive rights in a way that had not been the case with previous debates.

Gender politics also arose in other ways, such as when Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) asserted that women are “held to a higher standard, and that’s a fact.”

Klobuchar was making her point in relation to Buttigieg, having previously suggested that a woman with his level of experience would not be granted the prominence and positive media coverage the South Bend mayor has enjoyed.

Five takeaways from the Democratic debate
By Niall Stanage
11/21/19 01:05 AM EST
Dozens of articles on social media reporting the number of Americans shot every day tell me that gun-grabbers are going full bore trying:

. . . to convince free people that guns are about criminals rather than the reason for the Second Amendment.

Whenever you see one of those articles (some are written by so-called conservatives) remember two things:

The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. Thomas Jefferson

2. China Joe Biden beat out the Chicago sewer rat for:

QUESTION: How about blaming the murder rate on the Philadelphia police and the courts?

In June, Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney blamed the city’s murder rate on how easy it was for people to get guns and the fact it had also been a banner year for legal gun sales, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported.

Kenney called on the federal government to solve the problem by enacting stronger gun-safety measures.

Philadelphia Now Has Highest Murder Rate In The Country Among Large Cities
Sandy Malone
July 24, 2021

Answer to my opening question:

Disarm the police is a Madison Avenue swindle at the same time media mouths are reporting the number of Americans that get shot every week. The swindle is that police forces in every state will need trillions of federal tax dollars to upgrade their ability to combat criminals after Americans lose their Second Amendment Rights.

Naturally, nobody is supposed to point out that police forces and courts cannot protect Americans from criminals now —— but they can do it after everybody else is disarmed, nor is anybody supposed to say that police forces will take their orders from the scum in the federal government once they have unlimited authority to crush every private sector American.

Bottom line: Fear of armed rebellion is the only thing holding Democrat gun-grabbers in check now. Nothing will stand in their way when ‘institutional courage’ replaces fear.

A word to the wise. Think it thru before you give Democrat police forces the unlimited power they have been seeking for decades.

Year after year Hillary Clinton is touted as the most admired woman in the world. Polls imply that she speaks for women everywhere. Frankly, I do not believe the polls taken to establish her magnificence. Back in 2001 one lady, General Suhaila Siddiq, practically told then-Senator Clinton to mind her own goddamned business:

She cannot defend her own rights against her husband. How can she defend the rights of my country?

Obviously, none of Hillary’s puff polls are taken in Afghanistan:

When the Times asked female medical students to name the woman they most admired in the world, they replied unanimously, General Siddiq, General Siddiq.

Female Afghan General Blasts Hillary Over Monicagate
Posted on 11/28/2001, 4:30:57 PM

I will wager that General Siddiq and her admirers will be the first ones in the line handing out guns.

Please do not send Hillary Clinton again:

The truth about Afghan women
BY Cheryl Benard
September 17, 2021