Gun Nuts: Why the double standard?

Well duhh, all the gun nuts know that blacks are not supposed to have guns. Blacks are why many of the gun nuts have guns in the first place.

Rough, but largely true.
Well duhh, all the gun nuts know that blacks are not supposed to have guns. Blacks are why many of the gun nuts have guns in the first place.

Rough, but largely true.

Of course that's true because we all know white people don't commit crimes and it is 100% black people in our country's prisons so we all to have to look out for blacks only.
Of course that's true because we all know white people don't commit crimes and it is 100% black people in our country's prisons so we all to have to look out for blacks only.

I was being partly sarcastic, but not too sarcastic when talking about most gun nutz.

I think I am about the only white male around here not an NRA member.

Heck to admit I am not an NRA member is about as bad a telling people I am an atheist :shock:

John White (Who's ironically Black) defends his home and his property with a gun after being threatened by a mob of drunken racist mafia wannabe's and he gets sentenced to 2 years in prison. Whatever happened to "the right bear arms"?

Darla, this was in your neck of the woods were you following this case at all?

Yes. I could go on for pages about this case.
I haven’t yet met a white person, (other than my bf) who has any idea of the historical context of a carload of white guys emptying out on a black person’s lawn, after having told the young black son they were going to “kill him”, because a white girl claimed he had made a sexually inappropriate remark to her. I mean, that’s a classic Southern lynching.

And white people are up in arms over his “light” sentence, when I personally think a white guy who shot a drunken black guy who had approached his home with a gang of other black guys and then tried to take his gun from his hand, would get zero jail time. But, they all say “oh can you imagine if it had been the other way around? Al sharpton would have been marching out here. As if, black people are known to always be getting off scot-free for committing crimes against white people.

I mean, this is such a lost cause to even discuss this with whites on Long Island Tiana. It might be different outside of LI.
Yes. I could go on for pages about this case.
I haven’t yet met a white person, (other than my bf) who has any idea of the historical context of a carload of white guys emptying out on a black person’s lawn, after having told the young black son they were going to “kill him”, because a white girl claimed he had made a sexually inappropriate remark to her. I mean, that’s a classic Southern lynching.

And white people are up in arms over his “light” sentence, when I personally think a white guy who shot a drunken black guy who had approached his home with a gang of other black guys and then tried to take his gun from his hand, would get zero jail time. But, they all say “oh can you imagine if it had been the other way around? Al sharpton would have been marching out here. As if, black people are known to always be getting off scot-free for committing crimes against white people.

I mean, this is such a lost cause to even discuss this with whites on Long Island Tiana. It might be different outside of LI.

We watched a pretty bad 20/20 expose on it (I've never seen such bad reporting in a while actually) and at first I thought, well, I guess the guy could have called the police and the gun was unregistered, but then when the facts started coming out, it was pretty clear that those thugs meant to do damage, they were explicit with their threats and given the violent nature of his father, I have little doubt that they meant to harm him.

Either you have a right to protect yourself with a gun or you don't. Surely drunken holligans racially terrorizing you and your family on your property would qualify. If not, what the hell does then? Are you supposed to wait for them to kill a family member first?
btw my boyfriends white and he called it from the start. I was the giving them the benefit of the doubt, like, "well, they found the blood toward the end of the drive,", "he didn't call the police", but the more I read about the case, Mr.White did nothing wrong. Especially according to gun nuts.
We watched a pretty bad 20/20 expose on it (I've never seen such bad reporting in a while actually) and at first I thought, well, I guess the guy could have called the police and the gun was unregistered, but then when the facts started coming out, it was pretty clear that those thugs meant to do damage, they were explicit with their threats and given the violent nature of his father, I have little doubt that they meant to harm him.

Either you have a right to protect yourself with a gun or you don't. Surely drunken holligans racially terrorizing you and your family on your property would qualify. If not, what the hell does then? Are you supposed to wait for them to kill a family member first?

No I know. The whole thing is really revealing just how segregated and backwards LI is.

If ever there were a time to defend you and yours with a firearm, it’s when a carload of drunken, threatening, violent thugs show up to do harm to your child. I would have refused to give him jail time.
The guy actually tried to take the gun from the father's hand? Seriously, if the guy hadn't shot, they probably would have ended up dead.

I saw an interview w/ the father of the guy who was shot; he portrayed it completely differently, and I had the impression that the father just shot while the group was still at the end of his driveway & there was a distance between them. I can't blame a father for feeling the way he does about the situation, but it's kind of crazy that this guy got jail if they were trying to take the gun from him.
I support the right of the homeowner or occupant to shot the men threatening to kill him regardless of his color. Self defense should be a right everyone gets behind. I find it funny though that most of you would not be decrying this as one more reason why guns should be illegal. And my bet is had the guy been white and the assailants black some of you would be. When a gang comes to your house and piles out into your property and threatens to kill someone in your family or you you should have the right to deter that threat with deadly force. If you are black white or silver. I am glad you brought this to our attention LadyT. This is also A LOT of what motivates the DC gun ban. The politicians in DC don't like the idea of lots of black people with guns in their house and so they have banned them. Even though that since the ban has done ZERO to reduce the firearm crime rate.
I agree with LadyT and Darla here. I don't think the man should have been given a sentence at all from what I have read. Yes, I am what most folks would call a "gun nut" and I do think the right to keep and bear arms and defend yourself extends to all lawful citizens, black, white, brown or red.......or any other color you can think of.

John White (Who's ironically Black) defends his home and his property with a gun after being threatened by a mob of drunken racist mafia wannabe's and he gets sentenced to 2 years in prison. Whatever happened to "the right bear arms"?

As far as I'm concerned, based on what I know of the case through news reports, I'd have to say that Mr. White feared for his safwty and the safetyy of his family. I would not have been able to vote guilty were I on the jury.

I think I am about the only white male around here not an NRA member.

Heck to admit I am not an NRA member is about as bad a telling people I am an atheist :shock:

I am not a member of the NRA, but I am a gun owner. I am also an Atheist. Now, try being both of those things while being a registered Republican.
The guy actually tried to take the gun from the father's hand? Seriously, if the guy hadn't shot, they probably would have ended up dead.

I saw an interview w/ the father of the guy who was shot; he portrayed it completely differently, and I had the impression that the father just shot while the group was still at the end of his driveway & there was a distance between them. I can't blame a father for feeling the way he does about the situation, but it's kind of crazy that this guy got jail if they were trying to take the gun from him.

The father is a thug since high school, and sadly, apparently also raised one. And yes, he did try and grab the gun from White. I’m not glad the kid is dead, (the whole thing is tragic) but if his father wants someone to blame, he should look in the mirror, in my opinion.
I was being partly sarcastic, but not too sarcastic when talking about most gun nutz.

I think I am about the only white male around here not an NRA member.

Heck to admit I am not an NRA member is about as bad a telling people I am an atheist :shock:

nope..... I have never been a member of the NRA either. Though I am a gun owner.
I support the right of the homeowner or occupant to shot the men threatening to kill him regardless of his color. Self defense should be a right everyone gets behind. I find it funny though that most of you would not be decrying this as one more reason why guns should be illegal. And my bet is had the guy been white and the assailants black some of you would be. When a gang comes to your house and piles out into your property and threatens to kill someone in your family or you you should have the right to deter that threat with deadly force. If you are black white or silver. I am glad you brought this to our attention LadyT. This is also A LOT of what motivates the DC gun ban. The politicians in DC don't like the idea of lots of black people with guns in their house and so they have banned them. Even though that since the ban has done ZERO to reduce the firearm crime rate.

Oh, I do think guns should be illegal. This kid would be alive otherwise.

But if you're going to have a standard, it should be applied to everyone equally. And if gun nuts are going to proclaim the second amendment as a reason to 'bear arms' and that they are needed for protection, this would have the poster child for such an argument.
btw my boyfriends white and he called it from the start. I was the giving them the benefit of the doubt, like, "well, they found the blood toward the end of the drive,", "he didn't call the police", but the more I read about the case, Mr.White did nothing wrong. Especially according to gun nuts.

I would agree that he did nothing wrong. If a group of thugs, regardless of race, piled onto my lawn in a situation like that they would get a warning shot at most.... then they would get shot. I would try to avoid a lethal shot, but if they die.... their bad.
Oh, I do think guns should be illegal. This kid would be alive otherwise.

But if you're going to have a standard, it should be applied to everyone equally. And if gun nuts are going to proclaim the second amendment as a reason to 'bear arms' and that they are needed for protection, this would have the poster child for such an argument.

The problem with making guns illegal is the same as making drugs illegal. People who want them will find a way to get them.